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White House accidentally texted reporter its secret plans for strikes on Houthis in Yemen
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Trump's tariffs are already working: South Korea's Hyundai announces $21 billion U.S. investment
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Is love thy neighbor and WWJD passé among Republican Christians?
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Around 23,000 Tucsonans Show Up for Bernie and AOC's FIGHT OLIGARCHY Tour
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Surrendering to Authoritarianism
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My prediction and a question about Usha Vance's visit to Greenland.
International by Curt_Anderson     March 24, 2025 9:06 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: meagain (7 comments) [86 views]

Politics selectors, pages, etc.
March 6, 2025 11:59 am
Category: Politics

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Anybody notice the price of eggs going down?

Yeah, me neither.

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Comments on "Trumpflation":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on March 6, 2025 12:03 pm

    Me neither.

    I'm guessing that GOPs won't suffer with voters over this in the way inflation killed "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap."

  2. by oldedude on March 6, 2025 12:31 pm
    Yeah, I even supported pedojoe in this one. We have friends in the Carolinas. They had families that lost a huge number of chickens. So they killed the remaining, burned all the remains, cleaned the pens, got the pens, dirt, and the rest of the area tested. Bought new birds and it happened again. In fairness, this was when joe was in office, so that would be when people were talking crap about him. Turkeys were the same. I guess the turkeys are doing better, but the chickens still aren't doing well.

    So there were 20 million egg laying birds that died in this. AND it's moved over to cattle now. So that's going to be a problem, although cattle should be more resilient (maybe).

    The cite is a quick read and pretty informative.

  3. by Ponderer on March 7, 2025 6:36 am

    "I'm guessing that GOPs won't suffer with voters over this" -Hate

    Spoken like a true born fascist, Hate.

    Fascist governments never do suffer any guff from their citizens. All those noisy constituents. Complaining about how Trump lied his fuckingorange ass off to them. Why bother even presenting yourself to them if you're their representative? Why punish yourself?

    Spoken like a true born fascist, Hate.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on March 7, 2025 7:08 am


    Here's why I think Trump and GOPs won't suffer with voters like your "feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" did over inflation.

    I thought that the speech was brilliantly performed and, considering what its content was, very well written. The most brilliant sentence, for me, was Trump telling Americans that tariffs will probably create difficulties for them for a while.

    IMO, early on, when inflation was increasing your Doddering Old Fool put on his GET OFF MY LAWN voice and chided voters' concerns about rising prices, telling them inflation was transitory, and, when he did that he killed, ultimately, the Dingbat's chances to win on the economy... which was good by the election.

    Back in the day, when bubba Clinton was in charge of a bad economy, he declared, "I feel your pain," and voters believed him. And, he won on the economy.

    When Trump warned that there will be "difficulties" with tariffs, he was doing a bubba. He's not going to be your Former Truck Driver. My guess is that he'll do okay with voters.

    We'll see.

  5. by Ponderer on March 7, 2025 7:18 am

    I see. So Trump throwing out that there will be some "difficulties" will totally placate his MAGA Hat base. They will cavalierly slough-off all the horrors that are about to befall our economy by saying, "Well, he warned us that his tariffs would be doing all this to us."

    Is that seriously what you think?

  6. by meagain on March 7, 2025 7:22 am
    Your history is truly lacking, pb. You don't even remember what happened a couple of years ago. Biden's inflation was world inflation, and ther was nothing he could do about it while it was rising. It was entirely pandemic-driven.

    Biden did bring it down to pre-pandemic levels: to the levels it was the intent to keep in perpetuity. He was successful.

    Trump's policies will inevitably increase inflation, even ignoring the tariff-driven increase that is coming.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on March 7, 2025 7:32 am

    Hold on, po.

    I remember, back in the day, Rush going crazy that bubba was not being blamed for his mismanagement of the economy because people foolishly believed the, I feel your pain, line.

    Between CNN and CBS, 69-76% of people who saw the speech approved of it. pb guesses that something close to that will be patient with Trump on tariffs.


    This is exactly what pb means when he notes that all of us bring our preferences and prejudices to every moment of our lives, and that I attempt to check mine and you embrace yours. Trump's resonating with voters. Few people agree with you at the moment.

    You'll save yourself a lot of heartbreak if you set your narcissism aside.

  8. by oldedude on March 7, 2025 6:09 pm
    Again, the world forgets what happened on their side, just to blame yours. The world is in MORE chaos now than it was when pedojoe entered office. The Middle East is nitro in a shaky wagon. China want's Taiwan and will (literally) kill for it. That leaves AUS/ NZ as chinese pawns, and the Pacific in the same place we had on Dec 6, 1941.

    I do agree that inflation is "still" a problem. The libs gave pedojoe 4 years to clean it up. He couldn't do it. So cut us some frigging slack. Issues at hand. Chickens (already discussed). getting gas reserves up an running. Unfortunately there needs to be some major changes with the licensing, etc with that. That's going to take months before they're even give authorizations to start. THAT'S THE LAW. Next thing. Get stupid shit some states (and canada) have for truckers. The rules are stupid. That's why the truckers protested. They hold up the border between us for no reason. My view. Quit sending where you're not wanted. California (the worst in the US for truckers), and Canada. Why not. You don't want the stuff in you area, screw you. Unfortunately, the Chinese don't get their beef, the Malay and the Arabs doesn't get lamb etc. That could create a crisis bigger than the tariffs.

  9. by meagain on March 8, 2025 9:59 am
    I don't know whether it is ignorance and stupidity or blind ideological fanaticism, OD, but you certainly post an awful lot of idiotic nonsense and cram it into one not-too-long piece.

    It is Trump who has emboldened China to make an attempt at Taiwan likely.

    You don't know Australia if you think they will ever be Chinese pawns. They have inherited the spirit and culture of Britain as Canada has, and that is one that never gives up and never succumbs to tyranny. If you were old enough to have experienced a real war, you would know that.

    anada does not have "stupid shit" for truckers - whatever that is supposed to mean. However, if you want your trucks to enter a foreign country, you play by that country's rules. Your American arrogance is showing.

    I won't go into the Middle East except to note that Egypt and Saudi Arabia are working on their plan for Gaza and ignoring Trump.

  10. by oldedude on March 8, 2025 12:06 pm
    It is Trump who has emboldened China to make an attempt at Taiwan likely.

    I think the last thing you really remember about China was when you were fighting the Boxer Rebellion.

    Again, you should check your shit before you say really, really stupid things.
    China has been very open about taking Taiwan (and using their navy and airforce to harass Taiwan, the US, and AU since pedojoe got into office. The primary reason behind China’s construction of military bases in the South China Sea (SCS) is to assert and solidify its expansive territorial claims over the region. The military bases serve as a crucial component of this strategy, providing the necessary infrastructure to monitor, control, and potentially dominate the South China Sea.

    Secondly. I really enjoy working with the ozzies. They're a great bunch of people and I won't say anything bad about them. My point that you missed is the Chinese have the country out-gunned, out-manned, and actually have an air force with a great deal of air power. Not even the ozzies navy (which is pretty good) can't match the power of the Chinese, which outnumber them pretty much 10:1 in most departments.

    I didn't say your truckers were stupid (you stupid shit), I said the RULES that both California and Canada have for truckers are extremely detrimental to the movement of cargo. That's all. So you can fight as much as you want. I'm just going to answer you. WITH FACTS. Not the drunk crack addict on the corner screaming "The end is near!"

  11. by meagain on March 8, 2025 1:08 pm
    China has been talking about taking Taiwan for 100 years. Trump is providing them with a precedent to justify it by attempting to give Russia the most productive part of Ukraine.

    The US outnumbers Canada by 10:1 in those respects but, as you are finding out, Canada is not a US pawn. Australia will never be Chinese.

    Did you ever read the words of Wordswrth? "We must be free or die that speak the language Shakespeare spake." Australia is as English as England, and they would fight to the last man. As would Canada.

    I never said that you said that truckers were stupid.

    Is dmenetia that far advanced that you can't take in what is right in front of you?

  12. by oldedude on March 8, 2025 1:45 pm
    Trump is providing them with a precedent to justify it by attempting to give Russia the most productive part of Ukraine.
    They have the means now. Which is something new from the "rebellion" you took part in. That is my point. The Ukraine issue is really small considering the mining they are doing in Africa.

    No sane American wants to take over Canada. It's your country and we respect that. It used to be a friendly rivalry in hockey, a great place to vacation and ski.

    The Chinese on the other hand, have stated they need to take ozland for their bases (like I said just above). How the ozzies respond to that is up to them. I do know the Chinese are not beneath enslaving groups of people or committing genocide. They've done it before.

    It's not about the will of the people. It's about how many in a relatively unarmed nation will die before they go into slavery. The Chinese only want the land. and with that they'll demand subservience. I'm not really fond of that either, but once the Chinese murder a few thousand ozzies, somebody's going to get the idea of how the Chinese operate. They've got an entire religion (Falun Gong) they kidnap and murder to use for organ transplants.

    So whatever the ozzies want is immaterial to the Chinese.

  13. by meagain on March 8, 2025 2:18 pm
    Rebellion I took part in? Have you lost it altogether?

    The Ukraine issue is not small. It is the most important since WWII.

    Mining in Africa? Russia and Ukraine? The connection.

    Australia! It is about the will of the people. You may have forgotten that Britain is a nuclear power and would certainly defend Australia.

    It is not that you are "wet behind the ears," OD. You are just wet all over.

  14. by oldedude on March 8, 2025 2:52 pm
    holymotheroffuckingGod🙄, are you really THAT stupid? They're already getting the minerals (and have for a couple of decades) out of Africa🤣.

    Again, you're dementia is far closer than you think...

  15. by meagain on March 8, 2025 6:57 pm
    So! Why are they desperate to get them from Ukraine and Canada?

    In fact, OD, the USA gets little rare earth minerals from Africa, which is not a major source. It gets most of them from China: some from Australia. Ukraine has some undeveloped - not a huge amount so far, but enough to reduce US dependence on China. Canada has a lot: most undeveloped but enough to remove any need for China could be developed.

    That is one of the reasons the crazed man wants to annex Canada, He hasn't the brains to understand that he could get them by investing in Canada and trading.

    You don't seem very well informed about anything outside your guns.

  16. by oldedude on March 9, 2025 7:09 am
    Again, you need to actually read posts.

    It's CHINA that gets their raw minerals from Africa (for the THIRD TIME)🙄. You're annoying at best, only because you can't/won't read, or your comprehension is only what YOU want to think it is. It seems your hatred the US so bad it's really hard to have any sort of dialog because of that. And you only want to fight. It's even impossible to agree with you (so I've quit).

  17. by meagain on March 9, 2025 7:19 am
    You stupid man!

    Africa has not discovered any major sources of rare earths. China has the largest by far, though several countries like Bolivia, Canada, and I think, Chile are finding and beginning to develop major deposits.

    Do you really not know the difference?

  18. by HatetheSwamp on March 9, 2025 8:01 am

    You are so full of it, meagain. I'm losing patience with your lies.

  19. by oldedude on March 9, 2025 12:09 pm
    When you were in Africa, (after you got kicked out of the Boar War), you would be correct.

    Now your not. Period. You need to look up your stuff and cite.

  20. by meagain on March 9, 2025 12:44 pm
    "Can you not read, HtS. We know you can't think. Africa "May" i9f they find deposits. They have not been found yet. It is suspected that the Congo Republic will, since it has great mineral reserves - also under exploration. They, when found, will take years to develop.

    I gave you the situation as it is, not as it may be.

  21. by meagain on March 9, 2025 1:01 pm
    Kicked out of the Boer war, OD? You need to read your history. The Boer war was not a good chapter in British history but it is one they one comfortably.

  22. by oldedude on March 9, 2025 4:50 pm
    First, check your spelling and your english. That's number one. One and Won are two different things. I really hate to pull an indy here, but that's one that's pretty apparent.

    Second. The reference to the Boar War was a slight to you having dementia and being over 100 years old. Since you missed it, you might want to get checked out.

    I wasn't going to answer your "China in Africa" then honestly, It's just too good to pass up and prove you "Wrongagain." China has been in there for over 20 years without your knowledge. And 2003 the money going TO CHINA "significantly increased" so they had to be in there prior to 2003. This article is from USSD/ USCIA. So as we still say, "WRONGAGAIN."
    China is Africa’s biggest trading partner, with Sino-African trade topping $200 billion per year. Over 10,000 Chinese firms are currently operating throughout the African continent, and the value of Chinese business there since 2005 amounts to more than $2 trillion, with $300 billion in current investments. Chinese investment in Africa is diverse and includes natural resource extraction, finance, infrastructure, power generation, textiles, and home appliances. China is also making industrial investments all over the continent, running mining and oil firms. Since 2003, annual flows of Chinese foreign direct investment to Africa has risen significantly.

    Consider youself schooled (again).

  23. by meagain on March 10, 2025 10:16 am
    You are a cmplete twat! Being schooled by you is not possible. You are not only low information. You are low on cognition. You have no idea of the Boer war. I had one uncle who was in the British Army there, by the way.

    The long bafflegab about China does not obscure the fact that it is your way of disguising that you don't know about rare earths. Rare earths are a subset of minerals and are comprised of 17 specific ones. China has been for decades the main source and supplier. America is desperate to replace its dependency on China now that things are getting a little hairy.

    The sources that could supply America are as I wrote, and Canada is the logical choice. Except, that we may not be inclined to supply them while Trump is around.

  24. by meagain on March 10, 2025 10:43 am
    We could also expand that to critical minerals that are not rare earths. That would include Lithium, Copper, Nickel, Manganese: those are, I think, the most important. Canada is a major source of all those. The USA is not now.

  25. by oldedude on March 10, 2025 12:14 pm
    You didn't read the whole thing. So you're saying that you know more about the US State Department/ CIA. got it🤣. I'll let the CIA know so the RCMP can talk to you about your information sources. I'm sure the embassy in Djibouti would be interested.

    That's even funnier than you knowing more than Columbia School of Law!

    Again. I'm just tired of you being a pain in my ass. I'm batting at least 99% on proving you wrong. I know you consider yourself a shining example of a libtard, but it's exactly what you are doing that makes people hate liberals. You are completely unable to have a "discussion" or carry on a conversation. You're po without the "EFFEN" every third word. You continually fight even when there isn't one. I'll bet your family hates being around you. You're that old guy with a walker, bladder bag, and a cane that threatens the kids to "get off my lawn" even when they're nice and pick up a piece of trash off your lawn.

  26. by meagain on March 10, 2025 12:33 pm
    Garbage, OD. Your specialty. All to tryn to cover your ignorance of the disposition of mineral deposits. And, your lack of understanding of what critical minerals and rare earths are.

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