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White House accidentally texted reporter its secret plans for strikes on Houthis in Yemen
Military by Curt_Anderson     March 24, 2025 12:41 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: oldedude (6 comments) [91 views]

Social Security does some "cleanup"
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Trump's tariffs are already working: South Korea's Hyundai announces $21 billion U.S. investment
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One group is finally accountable for damages- Antifa next?
Crime by oldedude     March 19, 2025 9:19 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: oldedude (22 comments) [293 views]

Is love thy neighbor and WWJD passé among Republican Christians?
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Ahhhh ma chérie, even your dreams can come true!
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Around 23,000 Tucsonans Show Up for Bernie and AOC's FIGHT OLIGARCHY Tour
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Surrendering to Authoritarianism
Education by Donna     March 24, 2025 4:39 pm (Rating: 5.0) Last comment by: Curt_Anderson (2 comments) [20 views]

My prediction and a question about Usha Vance's visit to Greenland.
International by Curt_Anderson     March 24, 2025 9:06 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: meagain (7 comments) [86 views]

Politics selectors, pages, etc.
😁 Another Trump voter realizes too late that they screwed themselves
By Curt_Anderson
February 27, 2025 11:07 am
Category: Politics

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BALDWIN, Mich. — Ryleigh Cooper exhaled as she slid onto the couch after nine hours of work for the U.S. Forest Service, still covered in the blue paint she used to mark trees for local loggers. Then she got the text.

“I hate to be the bearer of bad news,” her union leader wrote.

It was the second Thursday in February, and a historic White House purge aimed at federal workers like Cooper was sweeping the country.

Cooper, 24, and her husband were trying to get pregnant, but the doctor said that IVF might be their best chance. Trump had promised to make it free. That is what she thought about in the voting booth.

Four days after Trump fired her, Cooper was in bed with her husband. She picked up her phone and saw the news.

There was a new executive order to expand access to IVF. She read the White House fact sheet, which talked about Trump’s request for policy recommendations to reduce costs of the service.

But it still wasn’t free, and she was out of a job and out of a plan.

“Delivering on promises for American families,” read the White House’s announcement.

“That’s bulls---”, she recalled thinking, and put down her phone.

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Comments on "😁 Another Trump voter realizes too late that they screwed themselves":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on February 27, 2025 11:19 am

    Do you wish yet that you wouldn't have enabled this by lockstepping on the attempted foisting of the Dingbat on American voters?

  2. by Curt_Anderson on February 27, 2025 11:33 am
    You've asked that about ten times and it is inane now as it was the first time you asked it.

  3. by oldedude on February 27, 2025 11:38 am
    They have no shame in putting UAW, oil, electronic workers out of jobs just because they're "just them darkies!" Kind of like the thousands of kids they REFUSE to protect from the cartels. "Theys juss them darkies, and that young girl, she can't work on my lawn anyway, so fuck her. and her sister there... Oh MY! innunt she just the cutist thing evea! She be back behind the bar in no time! Yesiree! And if she looks at me like that in the baar, I'm gonna give her what for! Yesiree.

    Welcome to the dims...

  4. by Indy! on February 27, 2025 11:39 am

    He's so hot for Kamala it's embarrassing. 😂

  5. by oldedude on February 27, 2025 12:03 pm
    The most disgusting thing is that I've have friends that I've been checking up on and seeing how they're doing.

    I'm very aware that princess can't think of two things at once, nor can it differentiate between fantasy and reality, nor can it actually tell the truth. It's a lot like putin in that way. Psychotic and narcissistic. So much so it can't see another person's view or NOT LIE about them. I guess that's what you get when you're a useless, unemployed "graphic novel" artist that can't get hired by anyone and pulls their "knowledge" of the world from an old guy that can't tell the difference between "crime graphic novels" and reality.

  6. by Indy! on February 27, 2025 1:26 pm

    Says the guy who then goes on to lie about me like he's been doing ever since the first day we met. I give what I get - so when you lie about me, queenie - you open the door for me to lie about you. And when you pretend that I "support" something because I didn't bother to answer to every little dumbass idea that floats thru that tiny brain of yours - you open the door for me to do the same to you. So if you have a problem it's not with ME - it's with yourself and your own lack of self control and respect for others.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on February 27, 2025 1:36 pm

    You've asked that about ten times and it is inane now as it was the first time you asked it."

    Answer it.

    My point after 016 is that Trump was a horrible candidate and could only have won the election by the Dems foisting Hillary worse candidate on voters.

    In 024, the story's even more pathetic. There's no way Trump could have won the General Election against any decent candidate. And, the ridiculous process that elevated the Dingbat!!!!!? Oy freakin friggin EFFINvey, bubba!

    The question is that, today, Trump's merely doing what he pledged to do... and, you lot are complaining!!!!!? Don't you accept responsibility? Don't you feel you let us down?

  8. by Indy! on February 27, 2025 1:54 pm

    And what would you have the Ds do? Start primaries in August? Odds are Kamala would have won anyway. The real issue here is you can't go a day without bringing up your sweetheart ex-veep.

  9. by Curt_Anderson on February 27, 2025 1:58 pm
    I have no regrets in voting for Kamala Harris.

    Unfortunately for America and world, Trump had a somewhat broader appeal than Harris. He appealed to the approximately 50% of voters with below average IQs. He appealed to the gullible regardless of intelligence. He appealed to racists, misogynists, nativists and other varieties of bigots. Combined, that's enough to win an election.

    Incidentally, OD is attempting to counter the job losses under Trump/Musk with supposed job losses under Biden, in particular the energy sector. Of course OD is parroting unfounded claims by the American Petroleum Institute.

    There is a good way to see which president is a job creator and which is a job destroyer. The national unemployment reports come out on the first week of the month. The unemployment rate decreased by 2.6 percentage points from 6.7% to 4.1% during Biden’s presidency.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on February 27, 2025 2:05 pm

    He appealed to the approximately 50% of voters with below average IQs.

    Of the people, by the people and for the people," baby!

  11. by oldedude on February 27, 2025 3:30 pm
    I find it interesting (well maybe not) that you took the bait, hook, line and sinker. The "jobs numbers" were mostly part-time jobs that have no medical, or paid leave to them and are generally hourly. I've brought this up numerous times, and of course you can't respond to that. It's kind of repulsive actually, that you would choose to lie about something like that. And it's NOT just about keystone who lost (temporary jobs🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣) which is true because pedojoe just wanted to stop the pipeline "temporarily." So how gullible are you? I know you don't give two shits about any other person's job since you're a rich whiteboy that feels good about himself by "hiring" the "lessor-human beings" to mow and garden for you.

    I also know that all the wells in northern CO, many small private companies went bankrupt because simply, when the wells shut down, there's no work for those working on them, which mean the local economies start closing down. The good news about it is that most of the roughnecks have to move where the work is. Which was non-existent (temporarily🤣) for four years. So again, these are good Union jobs. Health care, sick time off. Bennies for your families. You know, "THE AMERICAN DREAM" which didn't exist under pedojoe.

    Trumpstr has opened 625 MILLION Acres for offshore drilling, and requests for land drilling has soared. All of those are jobs that weren't here during pedojoe.

  12. by oldedude on February 27, 2025 3:40 pm
    curt- this is really part two of the DOGE thing. Had you actually read my posts, I have been critical of how they've been going at the DOGE issue. There are a lot of things I disagree with.

    FIRST is there's no plan. As a military person, plans are critical to mission success😱. This is the discussion donna and I had. There needs to be an actual human being that can spell OPM. Tulsi was pretty clear AND she can cite the OPM rules. She doesn't look like a fool firing 100 people. Are the people DOGE hired trained in what the civil servant expected to know and understand? They're not buying a clue about these agencies. That's wrong. Flat out. They need to go in and actually "see" what the agency actually does. Are they fulfilling their mission? Yes/No. Can the system be improved? THAT would increase efficiency, NOT this haphazard "way" they're doing it.

    Obviously, if there is Fraud, corruption, political abuse, all that stuff (that may be generations old BTW)? That's already in the OPM standards. Fire them. And they need to KNOW how to handle classified information. No "accidental" classified leaks from DOGE. I am NOT in favor of dragging the terminations out (it can take as long as YEARS to fire an employee that doesn't have a clearance which makes no sense to me). They're going to have some "boys clubs of smut? same. We already KNOW that is illegal in the vast majority of private sector and all government sector computers. That is nothing but common sense. Are they being "fired" because their "desk" drew a short straw so they're gone? That's bullshit. Are they resigning because they have to be in the office? Oh well. Good riddance.

    Many of you libs are whining about the lack of bazillions of bucks not being found right now. This money was carefully placed into specific transfer operations. Seriously, Forensic Financial Crime takes a long time to build a case. Will we see some big names? That's my guess. Precursor was Menendez. I think he should have been charged with treason. And it wasn't my call.

    If this is done right, we won't see any savings this fiscal year. Trumpster planned it that way. The people who resign get covered until 9/30. It will be the NEXT year we'll see savings. It also means those who want to work for the government have a chance to stay or at least put their name in the hat. There may be some savings from those fired having sex in front of others in the office (the VA was found to have an orgy in one of their clinics). They get fired immediately.

    Again, I'm on pins and needles for people that I've worked with and that I care about. Not some magical name of something I don't know. These are real folks I worked with for 10-11 years.

  13. by Curt_Anderson on February 27, 2025 3:59 pm
    Maybe you heard it from Trump, FOX News or some other questionable source, but there is no reason to believe that there were a disproportionate percent of part time workers lowering the unemployment rate during the Biden presidency. If you have any reliable source that contradicts me and the statistics I provide here, do share them.

    Here is a graph showing the Unemployment Rate Part-Time Workers. Even ignoring the Covid spike in 2020 during Trump's first presidency, the unemployment rate of part time workers was lower while Biden was president than Trump. By Autumn of Biden's first year, part-time unemployment was below five percent.

    The last two links show Number of part-time employees in the United States from 1990 to 2023, and Number of full-time employees in the United States from 1990 to 2023. Both graphs closely correlate.

  14. by Indy! on February 27, 2025 6:40 pm

    The only kind of jobs corporate America creates these days are part time, low wage, no benefit jobs. And as soon as it's possible - all the jobs will be replaced by robots.

  15. by oldedude on February 27, 2025 6:49 pm
    That's bullshit. It has the capability to produce manufacturing jobs, Oil industry jobs (here mostly). other energy jobs. Steel, vehicles, etc are also included in those. Who builds those? elves in the north pole? Why doesn't the government make it a better climate to have industry flourish in their country? How about housing construction? Roads? Infrastructure? You're refusing to actually see what's possible, and dwelling on what the dims are "giving" you. That's on you BTW if you want to dwell on it.

    I'm "fairly" sure one of my three retirements may come through. I dunno. I've been contacted by my Credit Union. I've been contacted by the state, and the VA along with OPM regarding some "we have no idea what's going on! Stand by to stand by! Okay. Lots of people need it as much or more than I do. We'll see.

  16. by Indy! on February 27, 2025 6:52 pm

    You're living in another era.

  17. by oldedude on February 27, 2025 6:57 pm
    So you're saying that we can't manufacture anything we need, or farm what we need? You're saying that we need to just sit and whine about our pitiful lives that you have no control over? Yeah, that sound like you. And it doesn't sound like most of the immigrants I see that actually want jobs. or are actually willing to work for a living. I guess that's the difference. Spoon-fed victim of their life vs person willing to work.

  18. by Indy! on February 27, 2025 7:13 pm

    No, I'm saying those jobs have been disappearing for decades. Where have you been? Oh that's right - far away from America and the diminishing manufacturing sector corporate America has been transferring to China and Mexico - marveling at some old market in Oman, "earning" those welfare checks you get now.

  19. by Curt_Anderson on February 27, 2025 7:31 pm
    I worked in the manufacturing sector. Our customers were other manufacturers. I used to go to several manufacturing trade shows every year. There is a lot being made in the US.

  20. by oldedude on February 27, 2025 9:45 pm
    curt- we agree. The big "we" have the capability to actually do this.

    indy is a product of the defeatist social agenda of the left-- The group that says "we're too stupid to manufacture anything for ourselves." He is right about one thing. "there are too many that are too lazy, that believe the government "owes" them. These are not really human beings, but defeatists that are victims in their own lives. Everyone owes them their medical benefits, their college, their food, everything! So there it is.

    My goal is to teach grandkids that no one owes them shit. The government doesn't owe them, their neighbor doesn't owe them. The schools don't owe them. You need to be smarter than that. If it's "free" it's worth nothing. If you work for it, you understand what it's worth to you. If you don't, it's worth nothing. Socialism has taught us that since 1920's.

    curt- I was a little surprised at your response.

    Indy- what walking through that time I spent in Oman, is that if you're too stupid and lazy to make your life worthwile, you deserve the crappy, useless life you are experiencing now. I have zero pity on you. You made it, deal with it. I will be with actual human beings I can trust. Those that are willing to actually work. The guy that fixed our solar yesterday was interesting. Nicaraguan (I think, the accent is really close to Colombian). He's a subcontractor with the group that finished the solar up. He offered to clean our solar panels. He'll do this about three times per year (that's between the pollen and salt from the storms). My wife offered that honestly Saturdays were best. He kinda grinned and said that was perfect and set up a time to do that, and to check the system so it doesn't break down.

    This is the direct opposite of you. You won't "work" on weekends. The world "owes" you for that. This guy is working his butt off making a life for his family. I welcome him into the country I was born in. Not so much you, but he'll actually work for his "right" to claim citizenship here. You have no redeeming value as a worker here, or as a human being.

  21. by meagain on February 28, 2025 6:57 am
    "My goal is to teach grandkids that no one owes them shit. The government doesn't owe them, their neighbor doesn't owe them. The schools don't owe them. You need to be smarter than that. If it's "free," it's worth nothing. If you work for it, you understand what it's worth to you. If you don't, it's worth nothing. Socialism has taught us that since 1920's."

    You supercilipus twit! Of course. government and sc=hools 'owe them.' That is what being a member of a society means. Your grandkids are 'owec.' Why else do you pay taxes? It is not free, either. Nothing is, except the air we breathe. It is paid for by membership of society and participation in it. Everybody works for it. Your 'dog-eat-dog' creed is revolting.

    You also need to learn something about Socialism. It has taught you nothing because you have never experienced it - not one of the half-dozen varieties of Socialism.

  22. by Indy! on February 28, 2025 10:15 am

    by Curt_Anderson on February 27, 2025 7:31 pm
    I worked in the manufacturing sector. Our customers were other manufacturers. I used to go to several manufacturing trade shows every year. There is a lot being made in the US.

    I never said - or implied - there are NO manufacturing jobs in America. The fact both you and OD jumped to that same conclusion without anything to back it up says a lot about your inability to address the facts as they are presented.

  23. by oldedude on February 28, 2025 12:32 pm
    meagain- firstly. I'm not sure if your hands were in the wrong places to type on your computer or what. I have no clue what you were trying to say, other than I think it was supposed to be yet another "history" that isn't relevant to anyone.

    And WTF did all of that come from? It sounds like you're nothing but a leach on society and someone that is a continual victim of their own life. Here, we have school choice. We're not victims of our own lives. We actually believe we have a choice how we live. You're just bending over and just taking it. Over and over and over and over again.

  24. by Curt_Anderson on February 28, 2025 2:31 pm
    China is the world's number one manufacturing nation at 28.4% of global manufacturing. US is #2 at 16.6%.
    China has a population of 1.411 billion people vs US's 340.1 million.

  25. by Indy! on February 28, 2025 2:34 pm

    Yes, and who do you think MADE China #1? We did. I used to think you were purposely gaslighting to bring traffic to your board - now I know you're just another Republican with really bad ideas. The only separating you from OD is you're not a racist.

  26. by Curt_Anderson on February 28, 2025 2:47 pm
    It is not a bad thing that China is a major manufacturing nation. The fact that China is making stuff and selling stuff is good. Countries that are trading partners tend not start wars against each other.

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