"I monitor right-wing media regularly. I'm picking up nuthin..."
By Ponderer February 25, 2025 8:10 am Category: Fact Check (0.0 from 0 votes)
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So declares our forum's biggest MAGA Hat. Like it's supposed to mean something. Like we should be surprised and maybe have a second thought about what we are hearing from all other media sources.
He might as well be saying, "I monitor a lot of Flat Earth websites, and none of them are saying anything about the world being globular...!".
He is shocked, shocked to find that Fox and other MAGA Media outlets aren't reporting on the heinous and unconstitutional atrocities Trump is trying to foist on America. In Hate's mind, If Fox doesn't report on something, then it didn't happen. Much like he won't believe that anything that his Omnipotent Orange Oracle declares to his willfully gullible face could possibly NOT be the Truth.
He is so stupid that he doesn't realize how stupid and worthless this ridiculous defense he tries to use is.
As if any of the MAGA Media that willingly hide his criminality and distract from what he is doing are going to bring any of his failures or criminality to the forefront for his cult members to see. That is not their purpose. That is absolutely antithetical to their mission. It would be a dumb thing for these MAGA propaganda sites to do.
MAGA Madia aren't going to highlight his enemies making any inroads anywhere. They aren't going to put his failings in the forefront. They aren't going to comment on his asinine, incompetent attempts to circumvent if not destroy the Constitution.
Hate's apparent "logic" that we must be wrong because Fox doesn't back up any of what we are reporting is as stupid as he and the rest of MAGAdom are.
Stupid is as stupid does, says, thinks, acts... etc. etc. etc....
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