Bernie Sanders calls on Americans to ‘fight back’ against Trump authoritarianism
By Ponderer February 24, 2025 5:05 pm Category: President (0.0 from 0 votes)
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‘Now is not the time for despair’: Bernie Sanders calls on Americans to ‘fight back’ against Trump authoritarianism in Iowa City
Half an hour before the doors opened at the Englert Theatre in downtown Iowa City on Saturday, the line of people hoping to get a seat at Sen. Bernie Sanders’ speech stretched a block-and-a-half down Washington Street, before turning the corner and continuing down Clinton Street for another block. Despite freezing cold temperatures and the dwindling chance of getting inside the theater, people continued to join the line.
Iowa City was the second stop on Sanders’ two-city “Fighting Oligarchy” speaking tour. The previous night in Omaha, organizers had to turn away 800 people because the venue was at capacity. On Saturday, they set up an overflow room nearby, where those who couldn’t get a seat at the Englert could watch a livestream of the event.
“Trumpism will not be defeated by politicians inside the D.C. beltway,” Sanders declared, setting the tone early in his speech.
The four-term senator from Vermont wasn’t lamenting the ineffective response to Trumpism that Democratic leaders in the House and Senate have so far offered, or the sycophantic behavior of Republicans. He was calling on the people listening to him to action.
“It will only be defeated by millions of Americans in Iowa, in Vermont, in Nebraska, in every state in the country, who come together in a strong grassroots movement, and say no to oligarchy, no to authoritarianism, no to kleptocracy,” he continued. “No to massive cuts in programs that low-income and working Americans desperately need. No to huge tax breaks for the wealthiest people in this country.”
According to Sanders, “under Trump our nation is facing a series of crises unprecedented in our modern history. And what we do now, in the coming days, in coming weeks and in coming months will impact not only our lives, but the lives of kids, the lives of our grandkids, and in fact, the very wellbeing of the planet in terms of climate.”
“So, if there has ever been a time in the modern history of our country to stand up and fight back, now is that time.”
I've been watching the videos. One I watched live. Sweet Baby JESUS he's still got it! God bless this man.
He's doing this in red states that went for Biden in '20 but voted for Trump in '24. We expect he'll do Phoenix when he does the southwestern portion. We have already decided that we'll be there if he does.
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