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White House accidentally texted reporter its secret plans for strikes on Houthis in Yemen Military by Curt_Anderson March 24, 2025 12:41 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: oldedude (6 comments) [95 views]
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My prediction and a question about Usha Vance's visit to Greenland. International by Curt_Anderson March 24, 2025 9:06 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: meagain (7 comments) [86 views]
Government selectors, pages, etc.
Oh by the way...
By Ponderer
February 22, 2025 9:28 am
Category: Government
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I got my very first credible death threat this morning. Guy really hates trans folk. In all the years and all my meme's and posts on Facebook critical of the Orange Emperor, I had never gotten one before now.
Things are a little different now though. The Mump Reich is in full swing. Things are gonna be taken up notch by notch, day after day as his hold progresses in coming weeks. I would think that the Brown Shirt phase is about to commence.
The views and claims expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views and beliefs of Not every statement made here can be assumed to be a fact.
Comments on "Oh by the way...":
by Indy! on February 22, 2025 10:04 am
You spelled shorts wrong. 🤔
by oldedude on February 22, 2025 10:10 am As well as you know with your nose and tongue in the skid marks so much.
by Indy! on February 22, 2025 11:32 am
Says the guy who actually posted this on the board:
Odorous - "My job was to do deep dives of assholes for my teams."
You are SO outmatched in every respect, queenie. You can't even get out of your own way. If you weren't a pedophile cop killer - I might even feel a little sorry for the way I kick your ass all over this board everyday.
by HatetheSwamp on February 22, 2025 11:40 am
If you've seen po's Facebook page, you might be wondering how po's still around.
by Navy2711 on February 22, 2025 11:56 am Ponderer, why do you say "credible"? How likely do you think it is that this person would take action?
by oldedude on February 22, 2025 12:16 pm First, there's no excuse for doing death threats.
Second, THIS is a sign of the times. Instead of people supporting their side, it has continued a downhill spiral into visceral hatred. Even people in the dim hierarchy have warned about this and have told their own people to STFU. And it keeps coming with stupid people on both sides. Some people, like princess, just don't have any social skills at all, and can't relate to any human being on any real level. These are the folks that tear the wings off of birds just to watch them. Again. ZERO social skills.
Then you have people that believe their view is correct and they have the "right" to say this. I'm not on Facebook, X or any other social media. I've never been thrown off, or anything like that. I chose NOT to be a part of that.
Just like on this site, there have been remarks supporting the murder of people. Is that a threat? I'd say in the way they were articulated, not really in a legal sense. AND could another person take it as a threat? Maybe.
And then there is the goading of people. Narcissists use that because they need to be recognized. It's one of their "social skills."
My view is that if you're putting half the information on Facebook as you put here, someone's going to tire of it pretty fast. If you've wished the President would get murdered, you might want to throw a governor on that puppy. If you won't, and you keep going (speaking in general) expect the return. If you don't like it, you might want to reconsider posting.
by HatetheSwamp on February 22, 2025 12:22 pm
Just curious, po, what was the threat?
by Indy! on February 22, 2025 12:28 pm
The GOP is always the party that goes right to violence for retaliation because they don't have the intellectual capacity to argue the facts. The fact the facts are always against them - like OD only "helping" people when he gets PAID FOR IT - doesn't help them either. Bunch of selfish bastards hogging their generators while their neighbors starve because their refrigerators don't have electricity in the wake of a hurricane. Unbelievable. And then there's the sick extracurricular activities like this actual quote from OD...
My job was to do deep dives of assholes for my teams.
I'm guessing that was for his "teams" of pedophiles.
by Ponderer on February 22, 2025 12:45 pm
"Ponderer, why do you say "credible"? How likely do you think it is that this person would take action?" -Navy
It was the rhetoric that he used. He didn't seem to know where I was, as he said threateningly that he was "in Long Beach". So he might have bought an old target list with outdated info. And his fake bullshit Facebook page says he lives in Idaho. So more than likely, he was just a flaming bigot MAGA Hat transphobe who just wanted to scare one of them there trannies . I'm just glad that he hasn't researched enough to know where I live. I reported his post as a threat of violence and blocked him. It was pretty much a disposable Facebook page anyway.
Wow. Certainly things I never expected to have to worry about in my retirement.
And we likely ain't seen nothing yet.
by meagain on February 22, 2025 12:54 pm Some politicians routinely get death threats now. Thanks to social media. A few Canadian ones are not standing for reelection because of it. It often is accompanied by threats to their families.
by oldedude on February 22, 2025 1:25 pm meagain- I agree with your statement. Especially since the active shooting incidents, and the support of those by the left.
Along with trumpsters attempts twice, another guy shot up a softball practice and almost killed Steve Scalise. Another guy tried to get in to the house of John Roberts (SCOTUS), so there's a lot of folks out there that want to murder conservatives.
by meagain on February 22, 2025 1:50 pm "The violent extremist groups on both the left and the right in the United States have both similarities and significant differences in their ideologies, goals, tactics, membership, recruitment techniques, and involvement in violent criminal activity.
The left-wing groups arose during the late 1960's, whereas right-wing groups have been a problem throughout much of the Nation's history. Left-wing groups emphasize class struggle and support for people in the Third World, whereas right-wing groups often believe in-white supremacy, extremes of Christianity and patriotism, and involvement in the survivalist movement. Both extremes are antidemocratic, see their mission as bringing about the revolution, and blame all the Nation's problems on a particular group. Leftists usually have urban backgrounds, are highly educated, and include blacks. Extreme right-wing groups consist entirely of white Christians and are often blue-collar and poorly educated. Both types of groups exploit legitimate political issues to attract members. They both also recruit from the military and prison populations. Their criminal offenses are similar and include bombings, murder of law enforcement officers, and attacks on government installations. Both types of groups pose a danger to the United States and need to be monitored. However, right-wing groups have greater potential for mounting a significant effort because they espouse traditional American values."
A snippet from another site.
"Across both datasets, we find that radical acts perpetrated by individuals associated with left-wing causes are less likely to be violent"
From the Journal of Democracy.
"Starting in the late 1970s, political violence shifted rightward with the rise of white supremacist, anti-abortion, and militia groups. "
"Two subgroups appear most prone to violence. The January 2021 American Perspectives Survey found that white Christian evangelical Republicans were outsized supporters of both political violence and the Q-Anon conspiracy, which claims that Democratic politicians and Hollywood elites are pedophiles who (aided by mask mandates that hinder identification) traffic children and harvest their blood; separate polls by evangelical political scientists found that in October 2020 approximately 47 percent of white evangelical Christians believed in the tenets of Q-Anon, as did 59 percent of Republicans.5 Many evangelical pastors are working to turn their flocks away from this heresy. The details appear outlandish, but stripped to its core, the broad appeal becomes clearer: Democrats and cultural elites are often portrayed as Satanic forces arrayed against Christianity and seeking to harm Christian children."
by oldedude on February 22, 2025 6:01 pm Post 1964, the dims have been responsible for the vast majority of riots, burning, and looting of US cities. This is in addition to the assassination attempts of GOP politicians and SCOTUS judges since 2020. If you want to add, oh 40-50 years to that, you'd have the Kennedy's (JFK and RFK), Wallace (1972) Reagan (1975), Ford (x2 1975). These are in addition to Scalise, and SCOTUS
There is a general consensus which I agree with, that the right would be much more efficient at rioting, so many of the "reports" cite the right as being a lower probability, but if it actually happened on the scale of the 2020 riots (550 cities across the US), the costs would be much larger than 2020.
And the FACT in the US is the dims (per se) have called for violence in the streets. In 2020, George Floyd Riots Caused Record-Setting $2 Billion in Damage (insurance estimations alone), New Report Says. Here’s Why the True Cost Is Even Higher. The left created the CHOP sector in Seattle, the left refused to allow Emergency Medical Services through the burning rubble to render aid. This was their own people. A 19-year-old black man was killed, and another black man was critically wounded in a shooting incident on a Saturday evening. The following day another person was wounded as a result of gunfire within the CHOP area. Seattle police said officers who responded to the former incident faced a “violent crowd” that denied them safe access to the crime scene to investigate the crime, or to remove the victims. These actions almost guarantee that the perpetrators of the murder and aggravated assaults will go unpunished.
Of the 8,700 protest events reported by MCCA members, 3,692 involved unlawful acts of civil disobedience. Five hundred of these occurred in a single city. Eight of the reporting cities—Columbus, Denver, Detroit, Memphis, Portland, Sacramento, San Diego, and Tucson—said that every protest during the May 25 to July 31 period involved unlawful but non-violent acts. Some of these protests may have also involved violence. MCCA reports that 574 of the protests it studied involved violence. One city accounted for 100 of these riots.
Vice President Kamala Harris’ newly minted running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, “failed to act” during May 2020 riots in Minneapolis that burned over 1,000 businesses and a police station to the ground, a scathing state Senate report showed.
Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s wife, Gwen, said she left her windows open to “smell the burning tires” during the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots because she felt it was a “touchstone” moment.
An interview clip with Gwen Walz discussing the 2020 riots and her reaction to them resurfaced online Tuesday after Vice President Kamala Harris announced she would be choosing the Minnesota governor as her running mate for the 2024 election.
by Indy! on February 23, 2025 1:02 am
The violence in the George Floyd riots that originated in Minnesota was caused by an agent provocateur (google the big words, Old Dud) - an off duty cop from a nearby city. He broke into the Autozone store from the back and touched off the violence that ended up with the police HQ getting burned down. There’s video of it floating around the internet. There is also video of pallets of bricks being mysteriously placed in the streets where protests were planned so they would be conveniently available for troublemakers. It’s comical that you rhink you know whatks happening in the world when you’re a naive babe in the woods with absolutely no clue how things happen in this country - much less around the world.
by Indy! on February 23, 2025 1:12 am
Here’s the video of the cop breaking windows at the autozone - dresses in black, carrying an umbrella to block cameras and a gas mask to hide his face. Not a single violent act had taken place before this guy came along and started trouble. He was later identified as an off duty cop with ties to white supremacists - in other words - MAGAt like Cop Killer and Brown Shorts.
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by Indy! on February 23, 2025 1:18 am Here’s a video where Joe Rogan talks about the btick piles tgat were strategically placed in the streets of cities where protests were planned. There was no construction going on in the area - no reason for a pallet of bricks to mysteriously appear in the middle of the road.
But Cop Killer Bambi here thinks it was the peaceful protesters who started things. Like that fat POS kid who’s mom drove him to another state so he could murder protesters with his AK. OD probably couldn’t sleep that night realizing he missed an opportunity to blow away some lefties and get off scot-free like the punk pussy mama’s boy.
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by oldedude on February 23, 2025 7:03 am What's funny is that you "know" all about the piles of bricks in an "otherwise peaceful protest"
And honestly, you're such a weak human being that you are always blaming others, then it's no wonder why you would be less than a human being. I can hear you now, "but mommy (getting out from under daddy's dress) that man made me do that." I'm actually thinking less and less of you as a person, which is saying something. A worm has more backbone than you.
by Indy! on February 23, 2025 9:51 am
Boom! There it is. You have no answer when faced with reality except more of the same old twisted sexualized fantasies of a pedophile. Proof that one of us understands how the world REALLY works and your brainwashed ass buying whatever Fox and your superiors at your (alleged) "three jobs" tell you to do. You're a child in a man's world - just like I've always said. Without any supervision - you have no idea what's going on or what to do with yourself. The very definition of a child.
by oldedude on February 23, 2025 1:46 pm You can't prove that it was anything but antifa.
and it was you defending pedophiles THREE TIMES to goad me in. Nice try princess. Give me a call when you can get a real job instead of the one you can't do. As a human being.
by oldedude on February 23, 2025 1:48 pm Po- et al. Sorry for the side bar again it can't get it that there are other people on this site. AND I think there were some good questions you weren't allowed to really answered.
by Indy! on February 23, 2025 2:38 pm
Antifa. Fox's favorite straw man. I made a point - backed it up with sources and all you got is the latest fairy tale from the Fox Fairy Tale Factory. You're nice and comfy in your ignorance, so I wouldn't dare offer any more evidence to upset you - especially since no more is necessary. 😎
by oldedude on February 23, 2025 6:17 pm Ephialtes, Since you don't know jack or shit about any terrorist organization and you only read about them from your comic books, I'm shocked you know who they are. No, they're not as organized as your friends in the cartels where you get your victims from, and they did help create a few billion dollars in damages, mostly to uninsured small businesses, so I'd just say they're like you. Assholes without a real cause. Hanging on to (hopefully one day be consider one of the following; 1. a real human being. not that "thing" put in the corner. 2. then you can work your way up to maybe being an adult (doubtful, but you can swing for the fence), and 3, actually be appreciated and trusted by another real human being. So far, Ephialtes, you're batting zero. You really want to become "Something" in this life, but just can't.
by oldedude on February 23, 2025 6:23 pm Oh, and you haven't caught up Ephialtes. They actually claimed being an "organization," so you're about two years behind the rest of the world. I guess that's what you get when you get your news from the "illustrated novel" you claim put together. Of course you can't sell them except to NAMBLA, so I guess that's why I don't have a clue they exist.
It would help though if you did actually read reliable sources of news. You have
ZERO credibility right now, and it keeps going down.
by Indy! on February 23, 2025 8:00 pm
Do you even know what the name "antifa" means? I'm betting you're googling it right now. 😂
by meagain on February 24, 2025 10:04 am If you are not Antifa, OD, then you confirm that you are a Fascist.
by oldedude on February 24, 2025 1:41 pm If you are not Antifa, OD, then you confirm that you are a Fascist.
So the first thing is; Who the fuck invited you to waste pondy's thread? Same goes for petrina. if she can figure it out.
Get your lazy asses on a thread that isn't used for real thought.
by Indy! on February 24, 2025 1:53 pm
He doesn't even know what it means. Talking out his ass as usual. 😂
by oldedude on February 24, 2025 2:03 pm Lead- Remember for everyone else on this site, any conservative party right of the Venezuelan Socialists and the FSB ("ФСБ") is consider fascist. just sayin. Of course, they have no idea what "ФСБ" is, so there's that.
by Indy! on February 24, 2025 4:12 pm
Yes, definitely change the subject. Hey, try a post on your penis gun next. That'll clear the room REAL quick.
by HatetheSwamp on February 24, 2025 4:18 pm
How did you get SS to print ФСБ?
by oldedude on February 24, 2025 11:59 pm I have a Russin translator. It helps me/us with the kids. Sometimes they're so used to saying something common (to them) we have to get a translator. Peanut butter was tough. "Orange" would have been but we got prewarned (anglicized= aplshene) that's what is sounds like. Once we got it, we're good. The one thing we want to do is to speak enough Russian to know they're accepted.
FLIP SIDE: they still have to know and understand their words in English. Their School doesn't under "apashene" as an "orange." as grandparents, we have to make sure they're good in both languages. The oldest one is in speech "therapy." The issue is that he speaks englis words in Russian. I mean it's kinda cute, and we understand it, but we now speak to the two year old in complete (english) sentences. The two year old girl, is unbelievable! She acutally is caught up with the 4 year old, and "understands" Russian (well) and doesn't speak Russian. All of this is cool. Think. Being able to be in the middle of your grandchildren's lives. Every day, I'm psyched! Yet another day! Yeah. You need to speak Russian.
by oldedude on February 25, 2025 12:12 am It's a cut and paste, ФСБ sorry. Long explanation. Translate it ФСБ copy. paste.
Πετρίνα, είθε να ζήσειςФСБγια πάντα. something princess hasn't figured out yet.
Also, ФСБ. If you know russian, you'd know the acronyms. But those are fewФСБ and far between. I've known ФСБ since the 1970's, so I'd teach the lower enlisted ФСБ how to look quickly for specific words first.
so my question is; how many of this character (ФСБ) do you see? We're going to get different answers.
by meagain on February 25, 2025 8:54 am "So the first thing is; Who the fuck invited you to waste pondy's thread? Same goes for petrina. if she can figure it out.
Get your lazy asses on a thread that isn't used for real thought."
Everyone is invited to all threads. That is what a public forum does.
And, real thought is a foreign country to you. You introduced antifa, btw. You are a Fascist, by definition if you oppose Antifa.
by oldedude on February 25, 2025 10:36 am What I oppose is the billions of dollars of damage they willfully cause whenever they feel like it. The point is that if a right-wing group did the same thing, you would be up in arms, and make it your excuse to discard our constitution for generations.
So what I'm wanting is respect for the law of the land and not burn down cities so asshole left wing politicians can open up their windows to "smell the tires burning in celebration" that was a "touchstone moment" for her (Walz's wife). Or folks on this site that fully support murdering the president and burning down police stations, or someone's small business they completely lost because assholes burned it to the ground.
You're caught in the prison of two ideas. There is ZERO moderation in your thinking. YOU are "always" right (even when you're proven wrong) and anyone who disagrees with you is always wrong (even when they're proven correct). So your concept on this is dumb and uneducated. I hate to say it like that, but it's no better than some moron, KKK member (different side, same coin) that goes for your "buttie," Ephialtes also (et al).
The prison of two ideas (when both side refuse to budge, can result in civil wars. Ours is a good example. Our Revolution (along with India's and Ireland's are good examples. Neither side was willing to negotiate anything.
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