There, there... I understand. You don't have to be afraid...
By Ponderer February 21, 2025 5:24 pm Category: Religion (5.0 from 1 vote)
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So, you hitched your wagon to that fat orange behemoth years ago. You've followed him all the way, supported him all the way, defended him all the way, voted for him all the way. Never a mind to anything that anyone else ever has to say negatively about him, regardless of any undeniable proof. Nothing is ever his fault. He is infallible. All his wrongdoings are inconsequential to you. He is allowed any action. Forgiven any crime. He is your lord and master. He is your Glorious Golden God. And you went obediently along with any ridiculously asinine thing he has ever done or told you to do.
But now... or perhaps for some time... you are beginning to realize just how big of a fool you've been. The obvious signs and abundant evidence to all the heinous things that he had in mind if he got into the Oval Office again, the words out of his own mouth, and the facts that you would never listen to anyone about... are finally appearing before your orange-colored glasses like they were never there before. He is absolutely personifying all the things you had been warned about regarding him to more and more of a degree every single unbelievable day.
The fudging, the fidgeting, the squirming you are having to do and the flaming bullshit you swallow now to continue to support this brain-damaged megalomaniac is becoming mentally intolerable. It must be! You are finally realizing that you are looking like a bigger and bigger fool as the days go by.
But you press on and you stick to your darned guns. You double-down on him in the face of your now-conscious enlightenment. Because the conundrum is finally sinking into you between just how big of a fool you have been and how an even bigger fool you fear you will look like if you abandon him now calling attention to it. After all this. After your near decade of servitude in his service...
...That inconvenient shred of realization you have been trying to pretend doesn't exist for so long would just never go away. Would it. Like a brain worm that would never die.
Well, there is Good News for you sorry souls! You don't have to fear looking like a stupid, stupid fool if you abandon Trump now. Millions of his former followers and voters are doing it more and more every day now. In greater and in ever increasing numbers. They have torn the orange veil from their blinkered eyes and are finally seeing the real world for themselves that Trump is trying to create and will or already is hurting them. The man they may have even voted for three times is the emperor with no clothes. It's so obvious. They can't believe that it finally took it affecting them personally to see the light.
Please... brothers and sisters of America... We, on the side of sanity, caring, empathy, democracy, unity, the Constitution, the rule of law, basic humanity, and America making it past its 250th birthday are here to accept you. We will welcome you with open arms and with full forgiveness for any past mistakes. Let's not look to the past. The true important job is before us.
I mean, after all, we are all in this together.
We will not see you as looking like a stupid fool any longer if you join us. Nobody outside of ever-decreasing MAGAdom will. What counts is what you do now. You can be on the side of those who want to preserve America as it has stood for a quarter of a millennium. You can join us in a true victory of the people, for the people, and by The PEOPLE of America.
Or... you can staple that MAGA Hat to your forehead, stick your tongue out at the rest of the country, and be seen as the biggest, stupidest, most anti-American fools ever to breath on God's Green Earth.
The choice... is up to YOU...
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