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Zelensky calls for European army because they can't count on the USA
By Indy!
February 15, 2025 10:05 am
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Comments on "Zelensky calls for European army because they can't count on the USA":
by Indy! on February 15, 2025 10:08 am
Don't know what happened to my headline thanks to this 1980s BBS software Curt uses, but it was supposed to say...
Zelensky calls for European army because they can't count on the USA
by Ponderer on February 15, 2025 1:37 pm
1. Open the post you want to edit.
2. Click on How To Post Here .
3. Click on Return to your member page
4. Click on Create & Edit Your Stuff .
5. Click on the thread title that you want to edit, probably at the bottom of the list and go to town.....
by Indy! on February 15, 2025 2:13 pm
Thanks for the info - I screen shot it and have it on my desktop for future use.
Now how do you make the videos show up in a post? I had it working when Curt had the instructions below, but since they've been gone I just get the link again - no video.
Thanks, Pondy! 🙂
by meagain on February 15, 2025 2:54 pm That is the danger in Trump's actions. If there is forced peace on Putin's terms, which is what Trump wants, then Putin will be emboldened to continue his dream of recreating the Soviet Union and Poland or one of the other neighbours will be attacked. Europe will not just defend. They will have to invade Russia and defeat it badly on the ground. That would almost certainly touch off WWIII and nuclear war since that is the only way Russia could resist.
It could also happen in the Pacific over Taiwan and China.
It should be NATO but I don't think Trump would allow that as it goes against what he has agreed with Putin.
He has already said that Putin should be allowed to keep what he has won because he fought for it and that is almost certainly what he will be trying to force on Zelensky.
by oldedude on February 15, 2025 9:03 pm Since there was nothing to go on in the thread, I looked it up (with a cite). In the italics is what I could find on it, considering there were two articles the Z-man was supporting trumpster until 8 hours ago. So we'll see what happens when he's on his meds again.
Peat and repeat, If you want the euros to step up and do what they should have been doing a couple of years ago, wish in one hand, poop in the other. See which one smells bad. They've been doing this since 1915. They see no reason to stop.
My view is that trumpster's tired of always bailing europe out of everything, and the EU expecting that. If the EU can/ would ever actually ensure Russia could be stopped. I think without the US, which has done the lion's share already is the big hammer. Germany is the only one with a military decent enough to make any other difference. Czech Republic isn't horrible, but they're really under equipped. France, as usual, is useless, as is Italy, Greece, Spain, etcetcetc. None of the brits feel they want to get involved (well, a couple are in Asia and have their own issues). My guess is that without the US, WWIII with China, DPRK, IR is assured. The Russians can't do it on their own as has been proven true in the past couple of years. The other countries are the leaders in the group. Putin is expendable to China as has been shown in the past.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called for the creation of an "armed forces of Europe" to guard against Russia, appearing to suggest that the United States may no longer come to the continent's aid.
Zelensky, speaking on the second day of the Munich Security Conference, said Ukraine's three-year fight against an invading Russian army has proved that a foundation exists for the creation of a European army that has long been discussed among some continental leaders.
"I really believe that time has come," he said. "The armed forces of Europe must be created."
In a speech at the conference on Friday, Vance warned that Europe needed to "step up in a big way" on defense, reiterating that Mr. Trump would like to see European allies in NATO contribute at least 5% of their gross domestic product to increased security spending.
"While the Trump administration is very concerned with European security, and believes that we can come to a reasonable settlement between Russia and Ukraine, we also believe that it's important in the coming years for Europe to step up in a big way to provide for its own defense," Vance said.
by Indy! on February 16, 2025 7:46 am
Hey, I'm all for letting the Euros settle this Ukraine thing, but when - exactly - did tRump ever bail out Europe? 🤔
by oldedude on February 16, 2025 8:37 am That's been what trumpster's been saying since he started campaigning. None of this would have happened if he were in office, and it's pedojoe's weakness to the Russians that lead to the invasion. If that's true is neither here nor there.
I thought you would like him more. His goal is to produce a peace that will last without Russia feeling the need to invade Ukraine again. So as much as the left bitches about the original offer, his goal is to not allow Putin the same stance Hitler had in the Sudetenland to take more and more land.
by Indy! on February 16, 2025 8:48 am
I do like what he's doing in regards to some of the military stuff. OTOH, he created an entire new branch of the military that is an even deeper black money hole than they other 4 branches put together - the Space Force. That tells me he's still bowing to the will of the MIC when the rubber hits the road.
But I do hope he settles the Ukraine thing - THEN he can crow about doing a better job there than Biden.
by meagain on February 16, 2025 3:06 pm It is interesting to see the comments but more interesting to see how it confirms the false views that Americans hold.
America does not defend Europe. There is not much American presence there now. It has been reducing since the end of the Cold War. Europe is not an entity, either. It is 27 sovereign nations, plus Britain in the sense of defence, that have no joint army and would have difficulty getting a combined force since a few countries actually are closer to Russia in their government form.
That degree of integration is a work in process.
Putin has invaded Ukraine out of a fear of Democracy on his doorstep as much as his dream of a reconstituted Soviet Union. And he will not stop at Ukraine. NATO is a paper tiger with nuclear-armed powers. It can only watch.
And that is why Trump's megalomania might bring about that war. It is imperative that America reengage and support Ukraine until Russia is economically exhausted and forced to pull out. Trump's ideas will give Russia a sizeable part of Ukraine amd complete control of the Black Sea. Also, the resource area and manufacturing centre of the country. More importantly, it will give time for Russia to recover and next time ti invade Ukraine with its fulll military potential instead of the much smaller force that it has available now.
It is as much in America's interest as it is in Britain's or the other major powers to support Ukraine until victory. It is democracy that is under attack, not Ukraine only. It is certain that China is watching with interest to see if the USA retreats back inti=o ts isolationist cocoon.
by Indy! on February 17, 2025 8:41 am
I love it when meagain thinks he's educating us about something that happened 30 years ago. 😂
by meagain on February 17, 2025 12:14 pm What hyappened 30 years ago? Or is it that you have speeded up time?
by oldedude on February 17, 2025 8:23 pmI do like what he's doing in regards to some of the military stuff. OTOH, he created an entire new branch of the military that is an even deeper black money hole than they other 4 branches put together - the Space Force. That tells me he's still bowing to the will of the MIC when the rubber hits the road.
I like when you talk about your butties and how you're a pass around pack from the cartels. Sent by mommy, and approved by daddy. Is that what you were doing at the "zoo?" Is that what you call it now? mommy and daddy letting you do the donkey show (as the receiver)?
by Ponderer on February 18, 2025 5:32 am
"Now how do you make the videos show up in a post?" -Indy!
Sorry. I haven't figured that one out yet.
by HatetheSwamp on February 18, 2025 5:37 am
Where does the video come from?
by Ponderer on February 18, 2025 5:45 am
"That's been what trumpster's been saying since he started campaigning. None of this would have happened if he were in office, and it's [Biden's] weakness to the Russians that lead to the invasion." -olde dude
Lemme get this straight. Donald Trump, who has demonstrated countless times that he will bend over backwards to give Putin anything that he wants and Trump can give him, would have been so much tougher on Putin than Biden was, to the point that Putin would have been too frightened of Trump to have ever invaded Ukraine in the first place...?
If Trump ever settles the Ukraine thing , as Indy! puts it, it will be by Trump giving Putin, somehow, what he wanted all along from Ukraine, if not more. The "deal" they work out will in no way be in Ukraine's interest. Trump will simply facilitate Putin in taking what he wants from Ukraine without all the extra military cost that has been incommoding Putin and Russia for the last couple years or so. Ukraine will be screwed up the ass, but they'll make it all sound like the greatest peace deal in all of history.
by meagain on February 18, 2025 7:32 am The negotiation process has now begun and only the US and Russia are partaking. It is a waste of time since Ukraine will not accept the resolution and neither will Europe. What Trump wants to give his idol is irrelevant.
by Indy! on February 18, 2025 11:20 amby meagain on February 16, 2025 3:06 pm
It is interesting to see the comments but more interesting to see how it confirms the false views that Americans hold.
America does not defend Europe. There is not much American presence there now. It has been reducing since the end of the Cold War. Europe is not an entity, either. It is 27 sovereign nations,
by Indy! on February 17, 2025 8:41 am
I love it when meagain thinks he's educating us about something that happened 30 years ago. 😂
by meagain on February 17, 2025 12:14 pm
What hyappened 30 years ago? Or is it that you have speeded up time?
Well meagain, I guess it's time for me to educate you again. As I always do...
by meagain on February 18, 2025 11:42 am What do you think you are saying? The EU is, as I said, 27, used to be 28 until Brexit, sovereign nations. It is a trade agreement with a Bill of rights that applies to all because it is part of the requirement for membership. Only democratic countries with strong civil rights can join. It is not ne natio and all the foreign and domestic policies other than those connected with the integrated economies are independent. An economic union.
I don't mind teaching you about the world, indy, but it does rather detract from more important affairs.
by HatetheSwamp on February 18, 2025 12:03 pm
"The negotiation process has now begun and only the US and Russia are partaking. It is a waste of time since Ukraine will not accept the resolution and neither will Europe. What Trump wants to give his idol is irrelevant."
We'll hold you to your prophecy.
by Indy! on February 18, 2025 12:31 pm
As always, the Canuck can't admit he's a fucking idiot.
by meagain on February 18, 2025 3:07 pm Wait and see. Europe is thoroughly teed off at Trump already. They will not allow that deranged buffoon to determine its future.
by oldedude on February 18, 2025 8:49 pm meagain- That's fine. I understand what you're saying. AND I don't think they can build any sort of "army" around that. Just like they did in WWI and WWII. A couple of countries have some good armour, but none of them have been in combat in the past 80+ years. Their death rate would be horrendous for the first three+ years. They're fighting someone that as present experience.
Honestly, they'll (the Russians with 3 years of combat experience) will eat their shit alive. Putin will win if that's the case. Even Germany knows this. Maybe better because they know what they will "give" and what they can't in both equipment and human lives. Everyone else is "living" on the same promise every "leader" gives their troops. "We'll be home by Christmas!" bullshit. Then they're stuck in Bastogne with the brits making tea in Nijmegen, taking their sweet ass time. You're asking for more than what every other country will give. Especially CA, GB, IT, ESP, FR, GR, AU, BO, BG, GG, etc. Even the Czechs have absolutely no means to support anything outside of their borders.
You may know "history" but to you, that's "future tense." It isn't. These are the realities of the present battlefield. Don't go back five years in "history." It's useless. This is NOW. Knowing all the facts of what will happen.
by meagain on February 19, 2025 7:43 am "There is something in what you say, OD, but you exagerate. France, Germany, and Britain together have as many under arms as Russia. More in fact. You as a military man should know the abilities and reputation of England at war. It has always been outmanned but always wins.
by HatetheSwamp on February 19, 2025 8:22 am
I think all of us deserve a link to support your under arms of Britain, Germany and France claim.
I often let your BS pass unchallenged. But, not this time.
by meagain on February 19, 2025 12:14 pm You won't find a link. I added the numbers for each country and if you disagree, look them yo and check whether your understanding is equal to the task of adding big numbers. German has 20,,000. France more. The UK has 86,000 plus 125,000 reservists.
That is just active Army personnel. Air forces and the navy add to that.
by meagain on February 19, 2025 12:17 pm Russia has a total of around two million and that is after mobilisation and callups during the war.
by meagain on February 19, 2025 2:36 pm Germany 200,000, not 20.
by oldedude on February 19, 2025 3:01 pm"There is something in what you say, OD, but you exagerate. France, Germany, and Britain together have as many under arms as Russia. More in fact. You as a military man should know the abilities and reputation of England at war. It has always been outmanned but always wins.
My statement is not about the number in their military, but everyone you mentioned hasn't been engaged in a full scale "war" since VietNam, and that was the "French," which I have no particular love for. The last time anyone fought in a full-scale war was WWII. Yes, there was a skirmish in the Falkland's, which the prime of the brit navy didn't do well. The Russians have battle hardened troops. Yes, they didn't do well. That said, they can live with the massive troop movements and all the other things the Russians are known for. They know their Law of Land Warfare, and their Order of Battle. THAT'S what they're good at. They've had to play this cat and mouse game with Ukraine. That won't hold true if NATO is involved. They have drones that can heat sense into jet intakes (mostly into slow movers such as transport aircraft, and cargo. So they could kill a couple of hundred troops before they get into country, or just after in one fail swoop. I think if they play their game, they'll win without the US to tip the scales just that little bit.
They also have technology from China and Iran. That is a HUGE factor.
That all said trumpster needs a cranial/rectal check regards to this.
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