JD Vance’s relatives are risking the life of daughter, 12, because of logically inconsistent religious views
By Curt_Anderson February 14, 2025 2:38 pm Category: Religion (0.0 from 0 votes)
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The family holds the position that a pin prick vaccine is some sort of sin or affront to their god, but a heart transplant is okey-dokey. There are conditions that prospective organ transplant patients must meet: lung transplant patients have to give up smoking first; liver transplants patients cannot drink alcohol. The family now wants the VP to intervene on their behalf.
JD Vance’s relative, 12, refused heart transplant over vaccine status
Adaline Deal’s mom says she decided her daughter wouldn’t need a Covid-19 and flu jab because ‘the Holy Spirit put it on our hearts’.
The facility requires that heart transplant patients receive vaccinations for Covid-19 and flu as recipients are at much higher risk of infection – something the Deals aren’t willing to allow for their daughter.
Deal and her husband Brayton, who are both members of a non-denominational Christian church, said that the vaccines conflict with their religious and medical beliefs and that they would not be willing to inoculate their daughter.
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