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Curt's insight into the Dave McCormick ad
By HatetheSwamp
July 25, 2024 6:21 am
Category: Politics

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Watch the video. Clearly, Curt did in my Holy $#!t thread. Then read Curt's observation below.

"The spot starts with her advocating for the elimination of the filibuster and fracking...horrors! She said that more police officers isn't the only way to address crime...she's not wrong.

Are you sure this wasn't ad FOR Kamala Harris?"

I imagine Curt is right. This same ad could be run in electric blue Oregon by a Dem candidate for Senate. Or, Kammy herself.

But, here, in purple Pennsylvania? It is bad news for Dem Bob Casey Jr..

Casey will probably win. His dad was a Saint in Pennsylvania. Dad's among my political heroes. He was beloved by Dems and GOPs.

Casey Jr. is so popular that he rarely even runs campaign ads. But, not in 024.

So. Check out the video. Is Curt right? Could this be a Dem ad in another setting?

If so, what does that say about America?

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Comments on "Curt's insight into the Dave McCormick ad":

  1. by oldedude on July 25, 2024 7:41 am
    That's what I was talking about earlier. The further she goes left, the more agreement we'll get on SS. Of course, the moderates aren't buying a penny's worth out of it. They keep insisting "crime is down," yet in several big cities (SF/NYC) there are people trying to criminalize behavior the prosecutors have decriminalized. For me, I live in a criminalized zone. You sling dope. Get arrested. You kill someone, you get arrested. Bail is high, and people have a legal right to protect themselves. And I can still empathize with the old Jewish lady that was cold cocked on the steps of the Synagogue.

    Does it take more than cops? YES. It takes a prosecutor with a couple of nads that will charge a-holes appropriately according to the VICTIM. The ahole is NOT the victim. The store where they steal hundreds of dollars from is the victim. The old lady is the victim. The person that gets thrown in front of the train is the victim. Here's where people are diametrically opposed. Sheep want the perps coddled and "understood." If someone tortures, rapes, murders, then rapes the corpse is not a victim. So these ads are going to be interesting. One side is going to say "oh, this is for this side" when the other side is given reason NOT to vote for them. There "used" to be a clear right and wrong. Now there isn't.

  2. by Indy! on July 25, 2024 11:57 am

    You're such a simple-minded, linear thinker.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on July 25, 2024 12:00 pm

    Da@ng it, Indy, we know. We're too stoopid to be progressive.

  4. by Indy! on July 25, 2024 12:02 pm

    Good, PB... the first step is admitting you have a problem.

  5. by Curt_Anderson on July 25, 2024 12:59 pm
    I have written and directed quite a few political ads, mostly for Oregon state senators and representatives. That ad makes no sense to me.

    What was in that ad that would convince a voter to vote for Dave McCormick? I guess all the people who love the idea filibusters et cetera are supposed to mad at Kamala Harris and by extension Senator Casey.

    I suspect that McCormick is running that ad which seemingly attacks Harris as a way to curry favor with Donald Trump, his lord and master. You already know that McCormick is long shot to win the election, and that ad isn't helping.

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