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pb's Legal Goober #1 announces he's leaving the Dem Party
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Politics selectors, pages, etc.
Tulsi tells truth on Kammy
By HatetheSwamp
July 25, 2024 3:52 am
Category: Politics

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Kammy's been, uh, I guess you'd say, clever. Focused, at least.

Since Sunday afternoon, she's been playing the progressive who can out-Bernie Bernie, ostensibly to secure the Dem base. Donna and po and Curt... h€ck, even Indy, it seems... are entranced.

I assume that when the base is captivated she veer toward the center and focus on winning the election.


But, what's happening on the right... and even among those who defy category, like Tulsi... is that a case is being made...


pb never was a fan of George Bush I for that very reason. He wanted nuthin but to achieve power and status. And, gang. That's Kammy...

... as Tulsi made clear in July of 020.

While Kammy's playing at being the sort of anti-semite that po and Donna and Indy will vote for, GOPs are making the case that, in her heart, she doesn't actually believe a d@ng thing.

Sure. GOPs will... ARE... skewering her on the Green New Deal and Defund the Police and the cover-up of Joe's dementia.

But, that Tulsi clip from 020 will always be there.

Indy!, Shame on you for your ill-disguised crush on Kammy!

Just watch the first threeish minutes of the video. What a PILF, eh, Curt!!!!!?

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Comments on "Tulsi tells truth on Kammy ":

  1. by oldedude on July 25, 2024 4:35 am
    There is one thing I have never, cannot, and will not believe is anything but stupid and evil. And that is withholding evidence in a trial. Especially the prosecution. If the state has evidence, and does not turn that over, there should be a trial with those charges. If found guilty, everyone involved should be disbarred and imprisoned. Especially in these cases (capital crimes). And I do believe in the death penalty, but not in some kangaroo third world shithole court. That's what Iran does.

    Way to start my day Lead... Capital crimes and due process! It'll be pay back one of these days😁

  2. by HatetheSwamp on July 25, 2024 5:42 am

    Two thoughts.

    1. Think po on SS. Progressives despise due process... and hate the Bill of Rights.
    2. The GOPs anticipated Kammy's, I'm a prosecutor, Trump's a perpetrator line. GOPs are shooting it to pieces.

  3. by oldedude on July 25, 2024 6:19 am
    indy, don't read this, it'll only piss you off.

    I think when I first got assigned to a task force. I was so gung ho about putting bad guys in jail. My agents were excellent and walked me through the whole process. After a couple of years of working on it day in and day out, I started really understanding the nuances of forcing prosecution to 1. TELL THE TRUTH and 2. DUE PROCESS OF THAT TRUTH. If you break either one of those laws, shame on you. It's your fault and you should know better as an officer/agent/analyst. THAT'S your profession. Lawyers have no excuse whatsoever.

    I guess what bothers me the most is that I'm not making excuses for people, nor am I overly harsh because of the side they're on. This issue is very finite. You've either followed the law or not, and falls under the "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness" line. My point has always been working for the "single tiered justice system." If there are some nuances that if they crop up in a case, you shouldn't have done that. Just to keep safe.

  4. by Ponderer on July 25, 2024 7:36 am

    But od, there's following the law and then there's misinterpreting the law and pretending that's the law. There's when one lone judge comes out and declares something completely at odds towards the massive consensus of practically all other judges... and that's the interpretation that your party's leaders go with as the "original" interpretation or some such malarkey because it serves their purposes. Justice and the truth can go fuckitself as far as you Trump Cultists give ashit if it gets your job done. If you can find an outlandishly ludicrous loophole to get your criminals set free, then that's justice to you.

    You're party is pretty busy these days. They have a Constitution to denude, eviscerate and make serve them. You've got clocks and calendars to turn back decades and even centuries. You've got civil rights to take away and horde only for those you deem Worthy. You've got uteruses to control and lord over with "the law" that you've used your weaponized, theocratic, authoritarian Supreme Court justices to utterly rewrite however they want to. You've got already constructed concentration camps to fill. A megalomaniacal messiah to place in power.

    I digress. But JesusFuckingChrist.

    The abject, shameless, infantile projection of you two MAGA Hats and your whole MAGA Republican Party is phenomenally flabbergasting.

  5. by oldedude on July 25, 2024 7:45 am
    I forgot you clerked for SCOTUS. Sorry.

    Trump still lives in your head. in your head. in your head.
    View Video

  6. by Ponderer on July 25, 2024 7:57 am

    Sorry, od. I forgot that you were the only one in here who's qualified and allowed to give long, rambling, pontification on the Law of the Land and how it is to be interpreted. My sincerest apologies for wantonly treading so impudently on the sacred marble floors of your sole domain.

    See? Again with the projection and the boundless hypocrisy. You guys never quit. I'll give you that.

  7. by oldedude on July 25, 2024 9:17 am
    I'll be honest. I have tried every way to actually get you to understand. I've tried to switch learning styles, show you that "in this case" examples and a plethora of other things to calmly work with you. I'm tired of you simply not listening. You have it set in your mind. Of course your TDS in your head inyourheadinyourhead...zombie zombie zombie zombie This isn't "Again with the projection and the boundless hypocrisy." It's me tired of your bullshit.

    You only look at the first level of the court system. Nothing after that. You flatly refuse to believe that any decision can be changed. Each appellate court has a specific thing they look at. It's the way our system works. The question should be: "What is the final decision when the courts are done?" And you can't do that. You get so wrapped up in stupid shit that the case doesn't exist any more.

    So forgive me if I'm a tad short with you. I've wasted years of my time with this and it's stupid for me to continue.

  8. by Curt_Anderson on July 25, 2024 10:27 am
    Here is a long fact check on Tulsi Gabbert claims about Kamala Harris. Tulsi Gabbard’s allegations range from untrue, unproven to misleading.

    By the way, the so-called “innocent man” that Tulsi Gabbard mentioned is still in prison on murder charges. Kevin Cooper had previously been convicted of burglary and rape. See second link.

  9. by HatetheSwamp on July 25, 2024 10:41 am

    Justice and the truth can go fuckitself as far as you Trump Cultists give ashit if it gets your job done.

    If po had a sense of humor, this'd be freakin friggin EFFINhilarious.

    But, it's sad... tragic, even.

  10. by oldedude on July 25, 2024 11:22 am
    Curt- So I kinda scanned around. Most of the issues had a gray area ranging from light to almost black. That said. I stand behind what I said about prosecutors lying in a case. I will never change that. They deserve the lowest form of hell imaginable.

    I couldn't really find "much" on kammie. Yes, there are some questions, and cloudiness. Although I couldn't find a nail in the case. I'm going to believe her, and I think both parties used the grayness in the case for their own purposes. I'm just chalking this up to politics. If you expect anyone to tell the truth, you're in the wrong business. It doesn't happen. And everything is said publicly for specific reasons. There's always a reason. I know you think TASS is a bad rumor mill. I think it's just below the standard in global "news."

  11. by Indy! on July 25, 2024 11:50 am

    We all saw Tulsi take on Kamala in the debate FOUR YEARS AGO. I guess this is all new to PB and OD - the two least up to date posters on the board.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on July 25, 2024 11:56 am

    No, Indy.

    What surprised me, though, watching it four years later, is that it still holds up very, very well.

    Obviously, you are over your Tulsi crush. Kammy's won your heart. Fine. But take care.

    She's a heart breaker.

  13. by Indy! on July 25, 2024 11:59 am

    Show me where I said I supported Kamala in any way OUTSIDE of the possibility that I could reboot Li'l Kamala if she gets elected. Your Trump love is confusing you again, pb. Don't worry about me - worry about you. If I were to vote for Kamala I might be voting for someone who is slightly - very slightly - "progressive". But you? You're about to vote for a convicted felon and rapist.

  14. by Curt_Anderson on July 25, 2024 12:03 pm
    There is no truth to implied allegation that Harris (or any of her underlings) hid exculpatory evidence during Cooper's murder trial. What Gabbard is suggesting that Harris didn't chase down every suggested lead no matter how far-fetched and bit of alternative possibility evidence that Cooper's attorneys suggested the state look at.

  15. by Indy! on July 25, 2024 12:07 pm

    Tulsi was fighting for her political life at that point and needed to make a splash - so she took on the (then) current leader of the race. Just politics. PB and OD think everything is a game changer. I can say without any hesitation at all that something that went down in 2020 is not going to affect the current race one iota. BUT it will make a big splash with the Fox crowd because Fox will pretend like it's a game changer and harp on it 24/7 for the next week or so until they come up with some other inconsequential Kamala sound bite to feed their hangry watchers like PB and OD.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on July 25, 2024 12:26 pm

    Stuff that happened four years ago normally doesn't matter.

    Here's why it will this time around: The people who pb calls moderate and independent common sense voters are Donna's "low information voters."

    A good sized chunk of them don't even know the name of the Veep. For them, all information they receive about Kammy is new. AND, Tulsi is attractive and charming. Moderate and independent common sense voters will be inclined to trust Tulsi and believe her.

    I think Kammy's in trouble. Dead? Certainly not. But,

    What's clear to ole pb is that right-wing media saw this Kammy thing coming. That gang was loaded for bear. And, it's on fire!

    Kammy's given them, as po'd say, an EFFINton of ammunition.

  17. by Indy! on July 25, 2024 12:36 pm

    Got news for you, PB - and I think all of us understand why you don't understand this... Tulsi is invisible outside of Fox. She is basically a full time Fox contributor now (hope they're paying her, btw). Outside of my Fox time at Dad's house - I haven't seen her since her term in Congress ended and I doubt others on the board have either.

  18. by HatetheSwamp on July 25, 2024 12:46 pm


    That video I posted is from former NBC News personality, Megyn Kelly.

    I'll splain what I think will happen as far as moderate and independent common sense voters are concerned:

    The data upon which they base their decisions as voters is what leaks into their consciousness when they watch Kelly Clarkson and the 6:00 News and... maybe... the network nightly news,... if they watch it.

    That Dave McCormick ad? It's running on network TV in Pennsylvania even as we speak. It's already leaking into the consciousness of voters who will decide the election. People are finding out about Kammy.

  19. by Indy! on July 25, 2024 1:28 pm

    2yrs at NBC (really one, because they knew it was a mistake to hire her after year 1 so they cut back on her air time). after 14 years at Fox. She's currently serving time in the Sirius XM media prison if anybody is looking for - and can't find - her.

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