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Yes, Kamala is a cop. This time, it could help her win an election.
By Curt_Anderson
July 23, 2024 11:41 am
Category: Politics

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By Catherine Rampell, WaPo (excerpted)
July 23, 2024 at 7:15 a.m. EDT

Vice President Harris is a “cop.” That’s how the progressive left attacked her the last time she ran for president. It’s also what might help her win this time around...

The “Kamala is a cop” meme helped tank her short-lived presidential campaign [in 2020].

But what was a liability then is now an asset. “Crime and safety” are among voters’ most important issues. And when asked which party handles a series of issues better, voters say Democrats are furthest behind on “crime,” a recent YouGov poll found.

This is despite the fact that the country has had large declines in violent crime in recent years and might see its largest annual decline in murder on record this year, under the Biden-Harris administration. If trends continue, the annual murder rate is also on track to be at or below what it was throughout Trump’s presidency...

Meanwhile, the GOP standard-bearer has 34 felony convictions to his name, among his other legal entanglements (including a jury’s determination that he committed sexual abuse).

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Comments on "Yes, Kamala is a cop. This time, it could help her win an election.":

  1. by Ponderer on July 23, 2024 12:17 pm

    I agree with you, Curt.

    It has such a beautiful poetry to it. The idea of a prosecutor... a cop... going up against the biggest criminal in America for the fate of the country and what it will either continue to be or will be turned into. A place of law and order and a working Constitution, or a veritable Port Royal pirates' den of wanton billionaire criminality.

    Shakespearean even.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on July 23, 2024 12:41 pm

    Wait for Trump to drop her defund the police videos that you devotées of Curt's Holy Trinity and po's metaphorical are ignernt of.

    Ahhhhhhhhhhh. To be intentionally misinformed. Baha ha, ahhhhhhhhhhh.

  3. by Curt_Anderson on July 23, 2024 12:55 pm
    Trump and Republicans tried to falsely connect Kamala Harris to the defund the police movement. It didn’t work in 2020 why do you think it will work in 2024?

  4. by Indy! on July 23, 2024 1:22 pm

    Crime is not an issue - it's a Fox talking point. And like all Fox talking points - it's a lie. This is one of the safest times in the history of America crimw-wise. For cops - it IS the safest time in American history to be a cop. These are the facts - the propaganda is the only thing muddying up that issue.

    So far as Kamala? Being a cop was ONE of the things the left didn't like. They also didn't like her ideas for law and order when she was AG (see graphic below). But this is a good time for a cop to be running since there is a convicted felon on the other side of the stage.

  5. by Donna on July 23, 2024 1:25 pm

    The "left" is going to voting for Jill, Marianne, Cornel or RFKjr anyhow, right?

  6. by HatetheSwamp on July 23, 2024 1:27 pm

    Trump and Republicans tried to falsely connect Kamala Harris to the defund the police movement. It didn’t work in 2020 why do you think it will work in 2024?

    Did it not work?

    Don't be so confident about 024.

    In 020, Joe headed the ticket. He kept his hands clean. This time, Kammy is the show.

    Six months ago, for you, lawfare was your ace in the hole. So far?, nada.

    The propaganda of your Holy Trinity and po's metaphorical Rachel notwithstanding, now presidential candidate Kamala Harris has serious baggage.

    At this very moment, I'm listening as that gay Guy you never heard of is detailing it.

  7. by Indy! on July 23, 2024 1:30 pm

    The "left" is going to voting for Jill, Marianne, Cornel or RFKjr anyhow, right?

    I think Kamala has a chance to pull some of them back to the Ds just like Joe did... because she is not Trump. But she should not be killing herself for the progressives. Get the party to the polls and try to bring in whatever she can off the left and the Trumpers (wives of Trumpers for instance). But that is not the focus - no.

  8. by Donna on July 23, 2024 1:30 pm

    I don't see any serious baggage, but it's possible that my view is being obstructed by the gargantuan mountain of baggage Dumb Donald has.

  9. by Donna on July 23, 2024 1:32 pm

    Spot on, Indy.

  10. by Indy! on July 23, 2024 1:33 pm

    Trust me - it's the Trump baggage. The best news for Kamala is she's been invisible the last 4 years. People forget - especially when they're happy they have a new choice.

  11. by Indy! on July 23, 2024 1:34 pm
    Thanks, Donna. 👍

  12. by Ponderer on July 23, 2024 5:56 pm

    Indy!, it's nice to agree with you for a change.

  13. by Curt_Anderson on July 23, 2024 6:18 pm
    Get the party to the polls and try to bring in whatever she can off the left and the Trumpers (wives of Trumpers for instance). ---Indy!

    I have long suspected that pollsters miss recording the opinions of wives of Trumpers. But Trumper wives express their real opinions (which they don't share with their husbands) within their secret ballot.

    I can imagine a pollster calling Olde Dude's house: Hey honey, it's some polling outfit. He wants your opinion. You won't be voting for Pedojoe or Kackling Kamala, right?

  14. by Indy! on July 23, 2024 7:39 pm

    I have to believe Trump has lost votes since 2020.

  15. by oldedude on July 24, 2024 10:49 am
    I found this article from "The Marshall Project" that appears to show some pluses and minuses of kammie being a former prosecutor (never to be considered a "cop." Agreed, they are "part" of the Criminal Justice system, as are judges, social service workers, intelligence analysts, etc, and they're not cops.

    Now, Harris’ record on criminal justice — as a former prosecutor, senator and 2020 presidential candidate, as well as vice president — will face new scrutiny. In recent years, the country has witnessed protests following the murder of George Floyd, pandemic-related fluctuations in crime rates, as well as heated rhetoric over immigration and crime. Where does Harris stand on these and other criminal justice issues?

    The Biden-Harris Administration has a mixed record on criminal justice reform.
    Over the last three and half years, the administration has promoted some criminal justice reforms — but its track record has come under criticism from advocates.Following two mass shootings — one at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, and another at a grocery store in Buffalo, New York — Biden signed into law the Safer Communities Act in 2022. The legislation marked the first substantial package of gun safety laws in nearly 30 years, included a new law on gun trafficking, and expanded an existing law preventing people convicted of domestic abuse from owning a gun.But efforts on many issues that Biden campaigned on — like ending the federal death penalty and pledging to undo former President Donald Trump’s immigration policies — have not materialized.

    Harris’ early missteps on immigration could be used against her.
    One of Harris’ first assignments as vice president in 2021 was a diplomatic role at the U.S. Southern border, but the rollout was fairly disorganized. News headlines described Harris as the “point person on immigration” — but the vice president doesn’t oversee the border; the U.S. Department of Homeland Security does.This, combined with verbal slip-ups in press interviews, including a viral clip from a speech in Guatemala — in which she told people who were considering making the “dangerous trek” to the U.S.: “Do not come. Do not come.” — bruised her image.

    Republicans have seized on Harris’ earlier flubs on immigration and for years have referred to her as the “border czar” — a jab that also came up again during the Republican National Convention.

    Harris has billed herself as a “progressive prosecutor” — but her record is complicated.
    Before joining the U.S. Senate in 2017, Harris spent years as a prosecutor in California, including as the San Francisco District Attorney and the state attorney general. It’s difficult to fit her time in those roles into a clear box as a “reformer,” a “progressive” or as a “tough-on-crime” campaigner, in large part because those definitions have changed substantially since her prosecutorial career began decades ago.According to Jamilah King, writing for Mother Jones in 2018, “Harris has long tried to bridge the tricky divide between social progressivism and the work required as a prosecutor — sometimes more successfully than others.” One characteristic example: As San Francisco district attorney, Harris vowed not to seek the death penalty, but as California attorney general, her office argued it should stand.

    In 2020, Harris ran to the left of Biden on key issues regarding incarceration and policing.

    During the 2020 presidential primary, Harris worked to shed some of her tough-on-crime image and ran to the left of Biden on most criminal justice issues, including solitary confinement, federal mandatory minimum sentences and decriminalizing border crossings.

    Candidates Harris and Biden also split on clemency. It’s one of the few criminal justice realms where the president has the power to make sweeping unilateral changes by releasing people from federal prisons. Harris proposed creating a federal sentencing review unit that would consider early release for people who have served at least 10 years of sentences of 20 years or more. So far the Biden administration has been comparably restrained on clemency, approving a smaller share of petitions than any president in recent history.

    After nearly four years as vice president, some of Harris’ positions may have changed.

    The national criminal justice landscape has changed dramatically since Harris’ 2020 presidential bid and her time as a prosecutor in California. The murder of George Floyd, increased crime rates amid the COVID-19 pandemic, and record crossings at the southern border are just a few of the events that have reshaped the political landscape over the last five years.

    Those events have pushed some voters and politicians toward endorsing “tough on crime” policies, and have fueled ideological conflicts in a Democratic Party that — as recently as 2020 — largely backed reforms to a system they saw as overly punitive. That means it’s less obvious which approach Harris would take as the party’s standard-bearer.

    Harris has also spent the past year rehabbing her image following the missteps earlier in her term, with people in her close circle observing a more confident vice president. Harris has made more than 60 trips so far this year, speaking on issues related to race, abortion rights, and the war in Gaza.

    I will say that her turn as a prosecutor means very little to me. AND I found this very interesting if she really chooses to use this as part of her material.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on July 24, 2024 10:53 am

    I have to believe Trump has lost votes since 2020.


    I thought the GOP Convention was a four day worship service.

  17. by oldedude on July 24, 2024 11:14 am
    I can imagine a pollster calling Olde Dude's house: Hey honey, it's some polling outfit. He wants your opinion. You won't be voting for Pedojoe or Kackling Kamala, right?
    interesting. We don't have a home phone. All we use is IP cells.

  18. by oldedude on July 24, 2024 11:16 am
    That's what happens when you don't keep up on trends. Like the black and Hispanic vote going over to the GOP. And jews starting to leave the Dims because dims now sound like brownshirts and hate the jews.

  19. by Indy! on July 24, 2024 12:49 pm

    I thought the GOP Convention was a four day worship service.

    Yes, but you forgot to factor in that there is a world outside the Fox bubble you and OD live in.

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