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Bakari Sellers: Dems trying to get Joe to withdraw commit "political malpractice at best "
By HatetheSwamp
July 21, 2024 3:58 am
Category: Media

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1. Joe Biden earned the nomination. He campaigned for it. Dems voted for him. 14,000,000 of them.
2. Joe wants to continue in the race. And,



The will of the people, baby! Up until the debate, our SS progressives... and the progressive Swampcult intelligentsia groaned on and on about defending democracy, suggesting that Trump is an existential threat to democracy.

What hypocrites!

At the first sign that moderate and independent voters are turning away from Joe, they are dropping him like a hot potato.

You are hypocrites and liars.

Bakari Sellers is right. To drop Joe would be political malpractice. It would rape democracy... in a way that the Republic may never recover from.

I'm stunned to observe how flippantly people like Donna and po are willing to support the overturning of the clear results of an entire primary election season.

I understand the reasoning. But, something very important is at stake here, i.e., the notion that people's votes matter.

I would not have voted for Joe Biden in the primary. But, 87% of Dem voters did.

Who's the existential threat to democracy now!!!!!?

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Comments on "Bakari Sellers: Dems trying to get Joe to withdraw commit "political malpractice at best "":

  1. by oldedude on July 21, 2024 6:00 am
    This is a threat to the dims they created in their own image. I don't think of the dims as harshly as Sellers though. It politics. Hardcore to be sure. But they set themselves up for this now.

    They kept the issue under wraps where they should have worked their way through it. This is what happens in despot nations and governments. Eventually they get caught up in their own wrongs.

    They would have had Kamala much earlier and could have worked with that better. On the flip side, I'm not sure Kamala could have worked the lawfare and attacks on trumpster as effectively. Little nancy and chuckie maybe could have handled it. Or drjill and the crackhead are fully capable as they seem to lack any integrity either. Joe's been doing this for decades which accounts for him still being around.

    So them whining about it now I think is pretty funny. Especially the "leadership." joe came back and slapped them around like he owns them.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on July 21, 2024 6:34 am


    Just a quick note: Pennsylvania delegate to the Dem National Convention, and Joe Biden supporter, Lindy Li appeared on Fox News Sunday during the Dem portion of the show.

    Interestingly, she repeated the Bakari Sellers line, "political malpractice." To ole pb says that the Biden team is organizing a counter offensive against the "elites," Nancy, Chuck, Hakeem and The ONE. GO JOE! GO JOE! GO JOE!

    14,000,000 votes. "Of the people, by the people and for the people," baby!

    Word is that Joe is looking forward to meeting with Bibi Netanyahu in DC this Wednesday. If that goes well for the Doddering Old Fool, don't hold your breath on a change at the top of the Dem ticket.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on July 21, 2024 6:40 am

    From that gay Guy Curt never heard of:

    "Former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have privately been supportive of President Biden's decision to stay in the race and have been actively encouraging donors to stay with him, according to two people familiar with the Clintons' thinking."


    This is freakin friggin EFFIN-DEMOCRACY!!!!!

    I'm no longer a member of the Dem Party but I am a small d democrat.


  4. by HatetheSwamp on July 21, 2024 7:56 am

    From Josh Kraushaar (associate of that gay Guy Curt never heard of):

    "NEW ABC/Ipsos poll:

    Trump fav: 40/51

    Trump fav on June 2; 31/56."

    -25 to -11"

    Have you checked out the Doddering Old Fool's approval?

  5. by Curt_Anderson on July 21, 2024 8:26 am
    I don't buy that "will of the people" baloney. I have long opined here that primaries are not very democratic. Paradoxically, the old open conventions with their "smoke-filled" rooms are more democratic and in keeping with our representative democracy principles.

    Unless you live in Iowa, New Hampshire or some early primary state, chances are that you won't have choice or say as to who will be your party's nominee. I would rather vote for delegates in the Spring and let them hash it out with other state delegates at the convention in the Summer. In that way, there is no early state advantage.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on July 21, 2024 8:43 am

    I mostly agree with you. However, about 16,000,000 votes were cast. Nearly all for Joe Biden and, like it or not, according to the rules the Party set.

    Those votes were cast in good faith.

    Let's face it. You know your history well enough, Curt, to be aware of the fact that, from the days of Tammany Hall on, for nearly 200 years, the Dem Party has serially raped democracy.

    It'll be nothing new if they do it again.

    But, it will be a shame.


  7. by Curt_Anderson on July 21, 2024 9:00 am
    You are often complaining about Tammany Hall--an entity that has not been relevant or even existed in the last several decades. But contested conventions have nothing to do with that.

    People voted in good faith for RFK in 1968. But his being killed didn't mean that those voters didn't want some say (albeit indirectly through their delegates) at the convention. Whenever a candidate by choice or circumstances is not available and a potentially winning presidential candidate, reasonable voters want an informed option.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on July 21, 2024 9:51 am

    Fine. As Eliza Doolittle would say, "Do Joe in."

  9. by Indy! on July 21, 2024 10:27 am

    In regards to Kamala - the Ds DID float that balloon to see what how the public would respond to Kamala and she blew it. If PB and OD watched something other than Fox, they would already know that. This is why it's such a conundrum for the Ds - they have TWO losing candidates on their hands.

  10. by oldedude on July 21, 2024 10:40 am
    Regardless of how anyone "feels" about what "should" happen, it's the rules that will take precedence. It sounds like both sides are getting ready for a court fight. And if that happens, all bets are off. It wouldn't be right to postpone the election because of the dims "rules" either they or joe don't follow. It sounds like nancy is trying to move fast to get it settled before this happens.

  11. by HatetheSwamp on July 21, 2024 10:54 am

    In regards to Kamala - the Ds DID float that balloon to see what how the public would respond to Kamala and she blew it.

    Indeed. But it ain't over.

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