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JD's speech
By HatetheSwamp
July 18, 2024 8:31 am
Category: Politics

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He's a brilliant man... and, a bland speaker.

Two observations:
1. That's, by far, as articulate a description of the MAGA Creed as I've ever encountered. Brilliant.
2. Several times as Vance spoke, I thought, "This is precisely what American elitism ain't!" It amuses me that our woke white electric limousine lovin SS progressives are elitist wannabes. I've always thought that. That's the scent they give off. And, about 35 years ago, that's, precisely, what I became determined never to become.

Long live the political philosophy of JD Vance!

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Comments on "JD's speech ":

  1. by Donna on July 18, 2024 8:46 am

    Vance is an extremist. He supports abortion bans with no exceptions for rape or incest. In fact, he has called pregnancies resulting from rape and incest simply "inconvenient" and said that forcing pregnant people to give birth should be seen as an "opportunity."

  2. by HatetheSwamp on July 18, 2024 9:20 am

    Clearly, you didn't watch any of the speech.

    Are you suggesting, Donna, that Vance opposes the Dobbs decision?

  3. by oldedude on July 18, 2024 10:09 am
    Donna, My big question to you; knowing that he is Catholic and follows those laws, what is he going to do about Dobbs or any other abortion law?

  4. by Indy! on July 18, 2024 11:00 am

    Horrible speech. Sounded like he used AI to write it for him - all generalities and kneejerk USA platitudes. He tripped over his own words or repeated them multiple times. The man is not a public speaker.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on July 18, 2024 11:19 am

    It was not a well delivered speech, but, then, there's that "dithering and diminished" "feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap," eh!!!!!?

  6. by Indy! on July 18, 2024 12:12 pm

    He (read: Jill) is writing his resignation speech.

  7. by Donna on July 18, 2024 1:06 pm

    Well you're right, pb; I didn't watch any of his speech. If he contradicted what he said before, that wouldn't be surprising because they're VERY unpopular views even among most MAGAs.

    I don't know, od.

  8. by Ponderer on July 18, 2024 1:06 pm

    "That's, by far, as articulate a description of the MAGA Creed as I've ever encountered. Brilliant. -Hate

    Well you certainly are the one to say so. As much of an expert on MAGA as you are.

    But just for clarity's sake, are you saying that his articulately descriptive speech was brilliant...? Should we conclude that you're saying that it was a brilliant speech, it was just about a creed that you disagree with and are no part of? You've insisted to an excruciating degree that you aren't a MAGA.

    Like if someone siad that a speech of Hitler's was "brilliant", but they don't necessarily agree with anything in it that he said, because they aren't a Nazi?

    Bill, you aren't saying that anything about the "MAGA Creed" is brilliant or even good... right? Because you aren't a MAGA... Right...?

    If you're a MAGA now, you can tell us. We won't hold it against you. All the hip and with it Republicans are becoming MAGA now. We could understand how you don't want to get left behind by the herd.

  9. by Ponderer on July 18, 2024 1:09 pm

  10. by HatetheSwamp on July 18, 2024 2:17 pm


    The speech, as delivered, was a bit of a snoozer.

    Usha's introduction of him was poignant, sweet even. Their devotion to each other was apparent.

    If you can thaw your "cold, cold heart," YouTube the speech and jump forward to his acknowledgement of his mother. I read the book. Everyone who has was moved, I'm certain.

    A read of the text, not a watch of its delivery might be worth it for you. You'll learn something. When I think ELITIST WANNABE, I think of you. Vance, otoh, came from an impoverished, white trash family. He oozes compassion for people who are suffering because of the actions of Wall Street billionaires. That's not a bad thing.

    Go ahead. Hate all those people. That's so you.

    View Video

  11. by HatetheSwamp on July 18, 2024 2:37 pm


    Vance didn't get close to mentioning abortion. I don't know what his views are. And, if what you know comes from Curt's Holy Trinity and po's metaphorical Rachel, I doubt you do either.

  12. by Indy! on July 18, 2024 2:50 pm

    He genuflected to his Appalachian kinfolk many times. But how often do we hear the GOP pretending to care about poor folks or minorities until the vote is counted? I'll give you an easy formula for figuring it out...

    1) Take the number of times the GOP has pretended to care about poor folks and minorities and...

    2) That's the correct answer.

  13. by HatetheSwamp on July 18, 2024 3:03 pm


    The GOP is the home of openness and inclusion, acceptance, diversity, tolerance and freethinking.

  14. by Indy! on July 18, 2024 3:19 pm

    They abandoned that home after Lincoln tried to take in a show at Ford's Theatre.

  15. by Donna on July 18, 2024 4:05 pm

    "The GOP is the home of openness and inclusion, acceptance, diversity, tolerance and freethinking."

    Do you keep repeating that to get a laugh?

    The GOP is dead. You still haven't noticed that it was taken over by the MAGA cult? I actually don't think you're that dumb. Or maybe you're still in the denial stage of death.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on July 18, 2024 4:38 pm


    ...because you are only State 3 TDS. No. You're wrong. Let me splain, briefly.

    Social conservatives in the GOP are royally pi$$ed that Trump refuses to support Federal limits or an effin ban on abortion... and a harsh anti-LGBTQ agenda.

    MAGA ain't The Heritage Foundation and go ahead, skim through that dastardly Project 2025. Almost none of it's in the GOP platform... because Trump is a populist, not a conservative.

    Trump really isn't a Forever Wars Nikki Haley. She stayed in the race as long as she did because a very powerful, wealthy wing of the GOP wants war. Ukraine forever. That's why her speech on Wednesday was such a big deal.

    And, Trump ain't a libertarian, as pb tends toward.

    Those are the major GOP factions. There are others.

    But, there's significant unity today because the GOP is the home of openness and inclusion, acceptance, diversity, tolerance and freethinking.

    What, if you have serious TDS, can legitimately scare you is that my sense is that JD Vance won more than a few GOP candidates to MAGA last night. MAGA is now stronger in the GOP.

    But, as I have tried to splain to po, Trump was the most moderate 024 GOP candidate as far as LGBTQ issues are concerned... and MAGA is pretty mellow, too. Why you go out of your way to focus hate on Trump and MAGA baffles me. It's deranged, and disconnected from reality.

    But, go for it.

  17. by oldedude on July 18, 2024 5:10 pm
    Lead- Another thing that JD, the devout Catholic did. They actually had a wedding (catholic) and a Hindi Blessing ceremony. I think that says a lot about the kind of human being he is.

    I also find it funny the amount of vitriol hatred that's being spewed. I expect it from indy. He doesn't have the capacity to say anything kind or neutral to anyone or anything. po is po is also absolutely filled with unbelievable hatred towards anything that isn't her. Even if it's a position of a minor difference. curt hopped on the homer bandwagon. donna I'm shocked about.

    indy talks about " often do we hear the GOP pretending to care about poor folks or minorities until the vote is counted?" please cite. interesting now since black, asian, and hispanic males are leaving the dims in droves[1]. They're tired of the dims lying to them and treating them like second class citizens[2]. They've been promised a hand job from the dims since 1867, and never gotten anything at all. Well I guess they were "allowed" to truck farm for their old dim masters, then the dogs cut loose and fire hoses got turned on them in selma and other places in the south. Don't forget about being hung by the dims.

    So now, the GOP is giving minorities a platform to be an equal. You could see this when trumpster was doing stops in NYC, just to talk to folks. Just to talk about jobs they don't have, crime in the streets, the homeless issues that threaten their children. One thing that has been repeated many times, it is the black, brown, and blue-collar workers that need to join the party. Everyone that would like full-time work, safety and security. Since the limousine liberals are taken care of, they can't imagine that anyone is actually worried about money for food and good water. They can't imagine that parents are scared to allow their kids out to play.

    The default for liberalism is hatred and narcissism. Parents don't need to know what goes on in their children's schools because the sheep say so. And since they say it, it must be so🤣.

  18. by HatetheSwamp on July 18, 2024 6:28 pm


    When we were young, the Dem Party was the home of openness and inclusion, acceptance, diversity, tolerance and especially, freethinking.

    Today,... and you see it here daily, it's anger, hate, judgment and sanctimony.

    In HILLBILLY ELEGY, Vance describes the love story between Usha and himself. How sweet. And, it was obvious seeing them together at the Convention. They are real, authentic, good people.

    Apparently, that sort of person no longer can find a home among the, uh, "dims."

  19. by Indy! on July 18, 2024 7:20 pm

    Addressing a couple things... obviously I have more important things to do than address every one of your Fox fairy tales that have no basis in reality...

    Juat because a few conservatives are pissed they didn't get all the toys on their Christmas list does not mean the other wingnuts are not still extremists with extremist ideas. And so far as this?

    But, there's significant unity today because the GOP is the home of openness and inclusion, acceptance, diversity, tolerance and freethinking.

    Nope. There's unity today just like there has ALWAYS been unity - because you guys are lemmings. In fact, I think this might be one of the few elections where a couple percentage points of GOPers find their balls and DON'T vote R because they see the real Trump (unlike you and Odie here).

    Old Dud...
    I also find it funny the amount of vitriol hatred that's being spewed. I expect it from indy. He doesn't have the capacity to say anything kind or neutral to anyone or anything.

    Please. I was the one who offered to play nice and agreed to it TWICE after you couldn't contain yourself the first time. After your second unwarranted attack on me? You're getting what you wanted imho.

    indy talks about " often do we hear the GOP pretending to care about poor folks or minorities until the vote is counted?" please cite.

    Sure... You can find it in post #12 in this thread.

    interesting now since black, asian, and hispanic males are leaving the dims in droves

    That might even be true - I don't know. What I do know is other than the one black dude Trump paid to stand next to him at the convention? It sure looked like the same number of minorities were in attendance as there were at any and every other GOP convention of the past... ZERO.

    This one is a riot...

    You could see this when trumpster was doing stops in NYC, just to talk to folks... yada, yada...

    Odorous... you think he did that any of the time he WASN'T running for president? He's famous for kicking black folks out of his bldgs. Get real. 😂

  20. by oldedude on July 18, 2024 7:48 pm
    indy. I really don't care what you say and didn't read any of your post. Go hide behind your daddy's skirts and apron strings You just fucking delusional. There are zero facts in anything you say. If you don't cite, you're A BALD-FACED LIAR. Your "opinions" are worth ZERO. Have someone that wasn't born a crack baby with Fetal Drug syndrome support your opinion.

  21. by oldedude on July 18, 2024 7:54 pm
    indy talks about " often do we hear the GOP pretending to care about poor folks or minorities until the vote is counted?" please cite.

    Sure... You can find it in post #12 in this thread.

    That's not a citation you stupid fuck. It's the delusional little voice you get from your pimp and all the dope that was taken while you should have been aborted in estrus.

  22. by Indy! on July 19, 2024 1:10 am

    Relax, Odorous. It’s just the internet. 🙂

  23. by HatetheSwamp on July 19, 2024 3:41 am


    On and MAGA and the GOP as the home of openness and inclusion, acceptance, diversity, tolerance and freethinking. I was bang on:

    Mostly absent on GOP convention stage: Abortion, gun rights and Reagan

    Not that fact ever matters to you...

  24. by oldedude on July 19, 2024 6:25 am
    Lead and I agree on some things, disagree on others. But that's what the last week was all about. I absolutely agree with Nikki on some things, trumpster on others. I had to warm up to JD.

    Social conservatives in the GOP are royally pi$$ed that Trump refuses to support Federal limits or an effin ban on abortion... and a harsh anti-LGBTQ agenda.
    Abortion, 2A, LGBTQ+ issues; The idea that abortion rights sit exactly where they constitutionally should in the US is the compromise from Roe. Trumpster has repeated himself many times that SCOTUS ruled abortion is to be argued in the states. The harsh pro and anti- LGBTQ+ agendas are now being gone through in the courts. As is IIA. These are things trumpster allows the system to work first.

    MAGA ain't The Heritage Foundation and go ahead, skim through that dastardly Project 2025. Almost none of it's in the GOP platform... because Trump is a populist, not a conservative.
    Agreed. And there are many things pedojoe has already put into play the libs are whining about. Like Civil Servants filling out "Political Standing" forms to get hired. If it weren't mandatory for everyone, I think both sides should call this highly irregular. Just don't get your panties in a wad. It was pedojoe that put it into play.

    Trump really isn't a Forever Wars Nikki Haley. She stayed in the race as long as she did because a very powerful, wealthy wing of the GOP wants war. Ukraine forever. That's why her speech on Wednesday was such a big deal.
    Again, this is part of that inclusion, etc, as Nikki said. "You don't have to agree with everything". (Basically, the GOP is getting away from the little german theory of lock stepping and leaving that to the dims).

    And, Trump ain't a libertarian, as pb tends toward.
    I think he has more libertarian than some realize. The first statement from Lead. Trumpster has said "We're going to let these work their way through the courts. It will take awhile." This does frustrate nearly everyone. Especially immediate gratifiers. And that's the way our system works. I would say that almost all states have their own view of what these problems should look like. Some states are going overboard on 2A (and getting shut down), some on abortion (the same). Again, this is a process, not a single decision that is made at the drop of a hat.

    I thought trumpster and JD might resonate with some dems. Neither are going to randomly drop 100,000 troops into any potentially endless war. The flip side is that things are handled on a case-by-case basis. Like joe's handling of Ukraine and Israel, do I agree? eh. It's "an" answer. Not completely right or wrong in my view. I think you'll see much more accountability with Ukraine (that's a good thing considering we found our munitions on the global market after being sold by commanders. AND you'll won't see the hold up of assistance to Israel. Some agree with that, some don't.

    And that's why trumpster, Pompeo, are on the Iranian hit list for Suleimani. My thought is to not vaporize valuable intel. The flip side is when you do that, you get the target with no US personnel at risk. AND it depends if you actually need proof of the target. With Suleimani, the Iranians confirmed so that was okay.

  25. by HatetheSwamp on July 19, 2024 6:46 am

    I'm not surprised, OD, that you get the GOP. And, it's not that po and Donna and t'other white wokesters aren't smart enough to understand. It's that they hate too blindly.

    But, what the GOP is, is something that Donna's "low information voters," my moderate and independent common sense voters, are emotionally stable enough to understand...

    ...and, in 024, it may just be that what the GOP is, is just fine with them.

  26. by Donna on July 19, 2024 7:08 am

    LOK! We all knew that you guys would fall in line and vote for Trump again.

  27. by HatetheSwamp on July 19, 2024 7:19 am


    Who said anything about voting for Trump!!!!?

  28. by Donna on July 19, 2024 7:31 am


  29. by HatetheSwamp on July 19, 2024 8:27 am


    I guess po's right after all. I must be stoopid.

    So, humor me. On two points.

    1. What did OD or pb say that indicates that either of them are voting for Trump.
    2. What's so funny? I can understand that you'd react to this is any number of ways, but to guffaw? Really?

  30. by oldedude on July 19, 2024 9:19 am
    As usual, I review what I saw and give you my view of it, which is different than Lead's view. And that's alright. I honestly don't expect much more than accusations from you (both). Again, you vitriol hatred lives in your head. I have no control over that, nor do I want to. It's enough just to put up with you.

    Looking the dim(wit) field, there's no one that I would vote for. At all. The dim party has put us into chaos in three years. They have continually lied to the American public and brought the bought and paid for MSM along with them. From the Russian hoax, to crackhead's computer, to lawfare. And things right now are not looking well for FBI/DOJ, and for Secret Service and their secretary (and of course her boss DHS security Mayorkas). This all speaks to the rampant desire to become a third world shithole. The one's going to nazism and dictatorships? pedojoe and the left. A complete unconstitutional takeover of the federal government.

    pedojoe got involved with two wars because our adversarys' watched joe leave Afghan the same way we left Vietnam. And against the protocols of the expertise of both the Pentagon, and the state department. Although at this point, we can't confirm it was actually pedojoe that made that call. Maybe it was drjoe and crackhead hunter, as much as they know about this. Or maybe mayor pete or Brinton. You never know who's pulling the strings. I'm actually hoping pedojoe doesn't get out. I want him (and his crackhead son, and drjoe) to leave in flames. I want him to go down as the least liked "president" in the history of the US.

  31. by oldedude on July 19, 2024 10:07 am
    "The GOP is the home of openness and inclusion, acceptance, diversity, tolerance and freethinking."

    I understand a steady diet of Rachael isn't going to do anything but make you hate others more. If you can get hold of Nikki's speech I think that is also a help.

    Again here's what I saw watching what I did of the convention. More Latinos, Asians, and Blacks than I have seen at any GOP convention previously (which has been cited several times. Several Conservative Jews, and Hindi's. The Jews in the US have been specifically targeted by the "progressives"(an oxymoron) and dimwits while providing terrorist supporters' safe haven. Regardless of what pedojoe says, he's not a "friend" of Israel. I realize the liberals on this site have a very different view of Israel. I understand that. I am extremely worried about Israel falling for several personal reasons. There were also many identifying as Catholics and getting applause for that.

    In Usha's speech, she snickered that a "good old boy from rural Ohio" learned to cook vegan Indian food for her family and especially her mother. I was impressed he would take the time to learn from "mom" where there's ONLY one way to cook. HER WAY! Again, JD wasn't my first choice. And he's growing on me. His mom was on stage and he introduced her and acknowledged her for 10 years sober. There were a lot of folks that understood what that fight meant. Several folks spoke about fentanyl, and it taking the lives of loved ones. In the past four years, fentanyl has taken more American lives than WWII. That's quite a bit.

  32. by Indy! on July 19, 2024 11:00 am
    1. What did OD or pb say that indicates that either of them are voting for Trump.

    Everything you say on the board. Look it up.

    2. What's so funny? I can understand that you'd react to this is any number of ways, but to guffaw?

    You know what's really funny? OD whining all the time that I haven't told him who I'm voting for when he's never said who he's voting for either.

  33. by oldedude on July 19, 2024 12:43 pm
    But you whine incessantly about everything you hate. Which is everything.

  34. by HatetheSwamp on July 19, 2024 12:58 pm

    I understand a steady diet of Rachael isn't going to do anything but make you hate others more. If you can get hold of Nikki's speech I think that is also a help.

    As I've noted many times in the past, I subscribe to CNN and MSNBC, NewsNation, The Hill, Newsmax and Fox News on YouTube.

    I watch quite a bit of MSNBC. They are all so pissed. All of them. All the time. I can't remember ever hearing laughter. Actually, I can't recall seeing a smile.

    That's po and Donna here for sure, especially po.

    Interestingly, early on I listened to Sean Hannity's radio program. Looooooooong ago, Hannity told his audience that, when Hannity and Colmes was launching on Fox, Rupert Murdock took him aside and told him, "You're doing okay. But you don't smile enough."

    Being upbeat, smiles, laughter. That's actually part of the business plan at Fox News. Think of The Five. I'm sure that is why Fox kills in the ratings...

    ...and why the people who watch MSNBC are who they are.

    po says that they don't watch Rachel. Maybe that's true. Maybe po's po without any help...

  35. by oldedude on July 19, 2024 2:47 pm
    You know what's really funny? OD whining all the time that I haven't told him who I'm voting for when he's never said who he's voting for either.

    I've been very clear from before the first debate. 1. I will not vote for any dim(wit). 2. My first choice was Nikki, then I left the pieces where they landed and chose from there. So you really need to actually read posts of the people you unsuccessfully attempt to insult. It would really help.

  36. by Indy! on July 20, 2024 12:23 pm

    So two posts on the subject and you still haven't told us who you're voting for. Somebody is a hypocriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite....

  37. by oldedude on July 20, 2024 11:48 pm
    nor have you princess.

  38. by Indy! on July 21, 2024 10:30 am

    I have told you. But like all wingnuts, you have trouble retaining facts.

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