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Final Fantasy selectors, pages, etc.
For all of you that still want three people murdered, be careful what you wish for.
By oldedude
July 15, 2024 11:32 am
Category: Final Fantasy

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My view of the assassination attempt. Then we'll get to Jones.
Half the country is joyous over trumpster getting wounded in the assassination attempt. He twitched. Asshole missed. So what would happen if he didn't twitch?
After the shock, half the country, regardless of any facts, or other reason, would have a true "call to arms." It wouldn't matter who the shooter was. It would always be someone from the opposing party. Then the killing starts. First of political figures, relatively contained assassinations much in the scale of Bader/Meinhof or the IRA. These can be local politicians, religious figures, whatever. Both the DNC and the RNC convention would get cancelled because the opposing party would be murdering people in the streets.

REGARDLESS OF THE TRUTH: Conservatives would know the dims drew "first blood" by murdering their leader and are then justified in "protecting themselves" against the fascist liberals (meaning everyone that doesn't agree with them) and protecting their constitution against the attacks by the liberals that have been going on for years.

REGARDLESS OF THE TRUTH: Liberals would know the conservatives drew first blood because of the response to the assassination and those killed. They are justified in "protecting themselves" against the fascist MAGAs (meaning everyone that doesn't agree with them) and protecting their constitution against the attacks by the conservatives that have been going on for years.

End results? Mostly urban warfare and wholesale murdering of anyone that doesn't agree with you. This type of warfare doesn't have the same "rules" of warfare. It will look much more like Bosnia/Herzegovina with people taken in busses, shot, and not covered in the ditch where they died. There will always be catch-up of atrocities. One side murders women, the other side then feels it's okay to slit the bellies of pregnant women, so the first side does the next step until there are zero moral values left. The most evil group wins that piece.

Citation #1 is the video.

I'm so glad that Donald Trump is alive, I'm so glad, I'm so glad he's alive, I'm so glad his family is not having to bury a father and a grandfather. And this is a moment that I think people who want to defeat him, remind ourselves, you can defeat him with ballots. You don't need bullets.

You don't need vitriol. You don't need any of this stuff. This is a time where we can get off of this train.

I've been hearing from people who are scared tonight. They're scared that this is the beginning of some new tit for tat violence, that we're spiraling away from each other, that we're spiraling away from each other. And I think it's time for us to listen.

You know, Gabby Giffords was shot in 2011, a Democratic Congresswoman. Steve Scalise got shot in 2017. We kept rationing it up.

Gretchen Whitmer was almost kidnapped in 2020, kept rationing it up. She's a Democrat. Paul Pelosi attacked with a hammer, 2022.

More violence, more violence, and we keep rationing it up. And now Donald Trump, almost assassinated, comes within a quarter of an inch of being assassinated in 2024. This is not the way.

This is not the way. If you have somebody in your life who you've been mad at, who votes different from you, or prays different, or loves different, or looks different, text them tonight. Text them tonight. Call them. This should be a wake-up call for everybody. We've got to put our arms around each other. We can vote against each other. We don't have to hate each other.

And if you don't understand tonight that we could have lost a leader who's important to half the country, who's beloved by half this country, and you would have had half this country maybe feeling the need to shoot back, and where would we be? Where would we be? So this is the moment for everybody to look in the mirror.

I am so glad that Donald Trump is alive tonight.

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Comments on "For all of you that still want three people murdered, be careful what you wish for.":

  1. by Indy! on July 15, 2024 11:40 am

    The only haters are the "two" parties faithful - the ones paying attention and dumb enough to believe the kabuki theater known as Fox, MSNBC and CNN. Independents - who actually compose the majority of Americans right now - are not going to be shooting anyone over an orange monkey being shot.

  2. by oldedude on July 15, 2024 2:29 pm
    History has proven you wrong, very often. Stick with your comic "art."

  3. by Indy! on July 15, 2024 6:03 pm
    Give us one example of an Independent voter shooting a presidential candidate in America, OD.

    Everybody say goodnight to Odorous - he won't be around for awhile.

  4. by oldedude on July 15, 2024 8:13 pm
    You're off your 'script yet again tonight. Your acid is shit tonight. You got fentanyl and don't even know the difference. You're peyote was Shitake. You can't get high off of those, amateur.

  5. by oldedude on July 15, 2024 8:15 pm
    And how did that turn to an "independent" voter murdering the "president?" you're too far off left field. quit smoking your own shit (literally) trying to get you dope back.

  6. by Indy! on July 15, 2024 9:20 pm

    Hey - I can't help it if you can't make a clear point to save your life. You said "history has proven me wrong" when we're talking about someone taking a shot at Trump. Try to spell it out (in less than 10,000 words this time).

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