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Joe Biden is going to have to stop twisting Trump's words into incendiary lies!
By HatetheSwamp
July 14, 2024 11:45 am
Category: Politics

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The problem is, it seems to me, that, in his brainfog, Joe tells these lies when he goes off script and riffs about Trump's evil.

The claim that Trump warned that he's going to direct a bloodbath if he loses,... is a lie.

The warning that Trump promises to become a dictator starting on Day One if he is elected,... is a lie.

Rob3rt seems to believe the bloodbath lie. I'm absolutely certain that po grooves on the dictator lie. But,... it's a lie.

The twisting of Trump's words to create the image of someone whom a reasonable person might just try to murder has to end.

Joe Biden goes there repeatedly. Now, someone has tried to kill Trump.

Should Trump tamp down his own rhetoric? Really, I think he already has.

The truth of this political season is that someone tried to kill Trump, not the "dithering and diminished" Doddering Old Fool. It's time for Joe to engage in civility... starting now!

It's already too late.

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Comments on "Joe Biden is going to have to stop twisting Trump's words into incendiary lies!":

  1. by Curt_Anderson on July 14, 2024 11:59 am
    You probably mean Joe Biden is going to have to stop quoting Trump's words. I don't know about you, but I don't want even a one-day dictator. Especially a guy bent on retribution.

    Fox News host Sean Hannity gave his longtime friend a chance to assure the American people that he wouldn’t abuse power or seek retribution if he wins a second term.

    But instead of offering a perfunctory answer brushing off the warnings, Trump stoked the fire.

    “Except for day one,” the GOP front-runner said Tuesday night before a live audience in Davenport, Iowa.

    During Day 3 of CPAC, former President Trump tells the crowd, "I am your justice...I am your retribution." He then vows to "totally obliterate" the so-called deep state.

  2. by Indy! on July 14, 2024 12:13 pm
    If Trump lives to get elected, he'll be doing the same thing the Ds have been doing - trying his best to prosecute the other party. That's all we get now - fake trials.

  3. by Donna on July 14, 2024 2:33 pm

    And then we have this lunatic from the Heritage Foundation which authored Project 2025 who's out there saying that their revolution will be bloodless, that is, unless the left gets in their way. Trump said he doesn't agree with everything in Project 2025, but we all know that Trump will agree to anything if it helps him politically.

  4. by Indy! on July 14, 2024 3:36 pm

    If we're being real, we know he probably doesn't even know what Project 2025 is.

  5. by oldedude on July 14, 2024 4:04 pm
    Curt- you're doing exactly what pedojoe is doing. I know you can't get out of pedojoe's playbook without permission from "Mistress (Frau) Blucher's approval. But unless there's context you only telling half a truth (selective lying). It's like how the economy is only up .4% since he's been in office (or something stupid like that), when the economy in since he's been in office is much more than that, and it's a LIE because you have to add the rate of inflation for the entire time. Not just last month. It's the context he's lying about. Bald-faced lying.

  6. by ROB3RT on July 14, 2024 4:11 pm


    Serious question. Are you an afternoon drinker?

  7. by Curt_Anderson on July 14, 2024 5:02 pm
    He's on the east coast. It's 8pm there now.

  8. by Curt_Anderson on July 14, 2024 5:11 pm
    No, HtS, Trump's rhetoric has been and will be incendiary. It wasn't too long ago that Trump called for the execution of Gen. Milley. Joe Biden is always "crooked Joe" when Trump speaks. All it takes is another nut like the guy who attacked Paul Pelosi to take a potshot at someone on the long list of the people Trump considers enemies whom he often likens to insects and other dehumanizing terms. Do I need to remind you that language is straight out of Hitler's playbook?

  9. by ROB3RT on July 14, 2024 6:35 pm

    Wow, I had forgotten about that. Milley even had to get extra protection for his family because of the threat.

    Milley says he’ll ensure family safety after Trump’s execution remark
    By Jonathan Lehrfeld
    Sep 28, 2023

    Outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley told “60 Minutes” this week he will take “appropriate measures” to protect himself and his family following comments by former President Donald Trump suggesting Milley’s actions would warrant execution “in times gone by.”

    Trump posted on social media last week alleging that the nation’s top military adviser colluded with China during the final months of the Trump administration, meriting the extreme punishment.

    “This guy turned out to be a Woke train wreck who, if the Fake News reporting is correct, was actually dealing with China to give them a heads up on the thinking of the President of the United States,” Trump wrote in a Sept. 22 post on Truth Social. “This is an act so egregious that, in times gone by, the punishment would have been DEATH! A war between China and the United States could have been the result of this treasonous act.”

  10. by ROB3RT on July 14, 2024 6:37 pm
    Link to Military Times article about Trump's threat to Gen. Milley.

  11. by oldedude on July 14, 2024 6:59 pm
    Serious question. Are you an afternoon drinker?
    Nope. Not even at 8pm. I also don't do weed either. Not even medicinally. actually, we've been taking care of a sick 3 year old for the past week+.
    Even being retired, we work.

    My offer stands. If you want to trade insults, unless you've played serious dozens, don't even think you're in the league.

    If we're being real, we know he probably doesn't even know what Project 2025 is.
    I know enough to know that a lot of the crap you're against, pedojoe* already has in place. Obviously, not the useless DOE (which I explained before in their words). They're not responsible for curriculum, schools only receive 4% of their money through the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, and only a small part of that through DOE. So in their own words, they are paid to walk around the building and pick up cigarette butts for the military. Which is interesting that TAFKAP is so enamored with them.

  12. by Indy! on July 14, 2024 8:42 pm

    OD, we all know from your posts concerning me that you have absolutely no idea who I am, what I think or what I do or don't support.

  13. by HatetheSwamp on July 15, 2024 3:51 am

    No, HtS, Trump's rhetoric has been and will be incendiary. It wasn't too long ago that Trump called for the execution of Gen. Milley. Joe Biden is always "crooked Joe" when Trump speaks.


    I've been critical of Trump from my first posts about him.

    But, "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" has been hurling vile and vicious hate speech directly at Trump, particularly during this campaign.

    Trump's a threat to democracy, eh?
    Trump promised that there will be a bloodbath if he loses.
    He admits that he will become a dictator from Day One if he's elected.

    Those claims are standard fare when the "dithering and diminished" Doddering Old Fool makes a campaign speech. And, all are freakin friggin EFFINlies!

    Now, Trump is the victim of an assassination attempt, captured in living color. Live, up close, and personal!

    Next time the Former Truck Driver spews those lies, even the progressive SwampMedia is going to have to take note...

    ...and, so far, that's been 90% of his campaign message.

  14. by Indy! on July 15, 2024 12:12 pm

    ^^^^Pots calling the kettles black^^^^

  15. by HatetheSwamp on July 15, 2024 12:57 pm

    No doubt, Indy!.

    The thing is, "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" has been given a free pass on all his smears. Not n'more.

  16. by Indy! on July 15, 2024 1:11 pm

    A "free pass" where? On what? You mean CNN and MSNBC aren't repeating the Fox fairy tales?

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