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If the bullet had been an inch or two to the right, who be the GOP nominee?
By Curt_Anderson
July 14, 2024 9:19 am
Category: Politics

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That would have made for an interesting Republican convention in Milwaukee.

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Comments on "If the bullet had been an inch or two to the right, who be the GOP nominee?":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on July 14, 2024 9:47 am

    H€ck of a question.

    One reason it's so hard for me to vote for Trump is that he makes everything about himself. I HatetheSwamp but I am a GOP because the GOP offers a home to everyone. In 024, the GOP is the home of openness and inclusion, acceptance, diversity, tolerance and freethinking. It's a big tent community including Susan Collins and Mitt Romney and Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz.

    I love that. That's freethinking-ville.

    I get it that, to Dems who love to lockstep, what we are probably makes your skin crawl.

    But, Trump puts himself above all that. A diverse community of Republicans are loyal to Trump. But, I'm not convinced that the loyalty goes from Trump to others.

    I have no, as po might say, EFFINidea how to answer Curt's question.

  2. by ROB3RT on July 14, 2024 10:05 am


    I gotta say, when you gaslight, you really swing for the fences.

    I HatetheSwamp but I am a GOP because the GOP offers a home to everyone. In 024, the GOP is the home of openness and inclusion, acceptance, diversity, tolerance and freethinking. It's a big tent community including Susan Collins and Mitt Romney and Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz.

    Mitt Romney? You mean the guy who just wrote a book about how the Republican Party ostracized him and ran him out of the Senate?

    How about Liz Cheney? Adam Kinzinger? All the other never Trumpers?

    Acceptance? Do you mean the "good people on both sides" remark?

    Freethinking? See Liz Cheney, et al. How free-thinking are you when you repeat the same BS talking points from right-wing websites and Twitter about whether Trump was denied requests from Secret Service, or that Biden encouraged violence. Both BS. How about Christie getting booed at the GOP debates when he criticizes Trump? How about all the Republicans claiming election fraud without a scrap of evidence and almost every court case going against them?

    Marjorie Taylor Greene? Chasing shooting victims around and harassing them? Yeah, classy.

    How about the way McCain was treated? How about "hang Mike Pence"? How about all the cabinet members who refuse to endorse Trump?

  3. by oldedude on July 14, 2024 10:11 am
    My thought is the bench is really deep, 15 or 20 folks at least. 10 great contenders (that aren't trumpster)! Tulsi may also be there. She's invited to the party.

  4. by ROB3RT on July 14, 2024 10:17 am

    Haley had the second highest number of Delegates. Maybe DeSantis. Nobody else from the GOP debate stage really stood out. Or Tucker Carlson.

    Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp would be an interesting choice.

  5. by oldedude on July 14, 2024 10:37 am
    Well, in addition to Nikki, there's also JD Vance, Rubio, Youngkin, Burgham, Younkin, Cotton, Noem (also for VP), and Tim Scott.

    For VP, Stefanik, Noem, Nikki, Donalds, Britt...

  6. by HatetheSwamp on July 14, 2024 10:56 am

    Mitt Romney? You mean the guy who just wrote a book about how the Republican Party ostracized him and ran him out of the Senate?

    How about Liz Cheney? Adam Kinzinger? All the other never Trumpers?

    Acceptance? Do you mean the "good people on both sides" remark?

    Exactly, Rob3rt. The GOP's openness and inclusion, acceptance, diversity, tolerance and freethinking seems to be beyond your understanding.

    Today's Republican Party is a zany community, no doubt. My thread about Megyn Kelly... who's a journalist of the first water... who's come so far to be this devoted to the Orange Turd. And, that gay Guy Curt never heard of?... Oy freakin friggin EFFINvey!

    The Dems are locksteppers. Sheeple. That's OD's description.

    It's been amusing, in the wake of "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" bragging that he "beat Medicare" and decrying women "being raped... by their sisters'" Dems bumping into each other trying to figure out whom to follow.

    Yeah. Among GOPs there are serious, vivid, differences. And, Dems?, simply want to take their place in line and get their marching orders.

    As a GOP, I'll tell you. Freedom's fun. You should try it.

  7. by Indy! on July 14, 2024 12:17 pm

    Good lord. The "experts" have no idea how to answer the easiest question ever. Let's try it one more time...

    If the bullet had been an inch or two to the right, who be the GOP nominee?

    Answer: Still Trump.

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