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Politics selectors, pages, etc.
Axios article on Biden:
July 7, 2024 12:26 pm
Category: Politics

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Axios has a good article about the week ahead for Biden and the Democratic nomination. Here's the money quote:

"The sh*t is going to hit the fan on Monday, when Congress returns," a House Democrat told us. "People are scared about their own races. But they're also worried about the country, and about democracy."

The article describes a lot of the behind-the-curtain maneuvering to get Biden to exit the race.

Bottom line: Democrats are going to work to create a consensus pushing Biden to drop out of the race by this Friday (July 12). They want a resolution before the GOP convention the following week (July 15-18) and the Olympics (July 26-August 11). On the other side, Biden and staff are hoping a few big events this week, including a NATO meeting, will calm the storm. They're betting the folks opposing him won't want to set the party on fire just to get him out of the race.

I expect to see Democrats provide a few requirements that Biden must meet to retain the support of the party. I would expect taking a battery of cognitive and memory tests (and releasing the results) might be one. They may demand that he hold town halls and other unscripted events before the convention. If the White House refuses, it will give wavering Democrats political cover to come out and demand Biden step aside.

I personally think the best time for Biden to resign is shortly after the GOP convention. The Republicans will spend four days not knowing who their target will be, which will make the event less effective.

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Comments on "Axios article on Biden: ":

  1. by Curt_Anderson on July 7, 2024 2:53 pm
    I was hoping that George Stephanopolis would say, "Before we start, Mr. President, I am going to give you five words which I want you to remember".

    Biden should take a cognition test, but he should challenge Trump. Biden should do it only if Trump agrees to take it simultaneously in a game show format on live TV with an emcee, the big board, buzzers et cetera There should also be a general knowledge test like new American citizens take.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on July 7, 2024 4:04 pm

    Biden should take a cognition test, but he should challenge Trump. Biden should do it only if Trump agrees to take it simultaneously...

    Y'know, Curt. Trump challenged "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" to take a drug test before the debate and offered to take one if Joe did. Joe refused. I still think the problem at the debate is that the string-pullers got the dose wrong.

    The Doddering Old Fool's in no place to challenge Trump to take a cognitive exam. If neither of them take a test, the Former Truck Driver loses. But, if the Flatulent Fool is cognitively sound, he has everything to gain. Still,...

    I support Biden. I support Biden.

    Four more years, pause.
    View Video

  3. by Curt_Anderson on July 7, 2024 7:55 pm
    Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, said on CBS that President Biden, former President Donald J. Trump and “everybody in the line of succession” should take a neurological and a physical exam to test their capacity to serve at the top office.

    I don't know that a physical exam is necessary. FDR was crippled. Eisenhower had heart problems. Kennedy had back problems. Cleveland had cancer of the jaw. They were all good presidents.

    Instead I'd like presidential candidates to pass a civics exam.

  4. by oldedude on July 7, 2024 8:19 pm
    Most people are actually smart enough to see the signs. IF they're not paid or bribed to not see them. Had trumpster, or kennedyjr, or anyone else been the same way, I would have absolutely called it out. For elder statesmen? I don't see a problem.

    Instead I'd like presidential candidates to pass a civics exam.
    Like I've been trying to get you, indy, po, and isle to take? I think it's a great idea for every HS graduate. You can't extend that to voters because of the takedown of Jim Crow, but if everyone takes them, then maybe there's a shot to answer simple questions. Like who makes laws, what does an EO do? What are the powers of the federal government according to the constitution? Who is the check and balance of the executive branch? Can the executive branch write and pass a law?

    All of these are key to the TDS folks.

  5. by Curt_Anderson on July 7, 2024 9:00 pm
    This appeared in the Washington Post on the Fourth of July. It's some of the questions on the test that new citizens take. I correctly answered 9 questions according to them. But I really was 10 for 10 because their wording was incorrect (incomplete actually). I will explain that after I see some others try to answer the questions.

    QUESTION 1 OF 10
    Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

    Benjamin Franklin
    John Adams
    Thomas Jefferson
    George Washington

    QUESTION 2 OF 10
    How many voting members does the U.S. House of Representatives have?


    QUESTION 3 OF 10
    What is one responsibility that is only for U.S. citizens?

    Pay taxes
    Serve on a jury
    Obey the law
    All of the above

    QUESTION 4 OF 10
    What did Susan B. Anthony do?

    Fought for women’s rights
    Sewed the first American flag
    Founded the American Red Cross
    Discovered electricity

    QUESTION 5 OF 10
    What is one right or freedom from the First Amendment?

    Right to bear arms
    Right to privacy
    Freedom of speech
    Right to a fair trial

    QUESTION 6 OF 10
    Why does the American flag have 13 stripes?

    There were 13 original colonies.
    There are 13 branches of government.
    It represents the 13 original states.
    There were only 13 strips of cloth to use.

    QUESTION 7 OF 10
    What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?

    Ended World War II
    Established the Bill of Rights
    Declared independence from Britain
    Freed enslaved people in the Confederac

    QUESTION 8 OF 10
    When was the Constitution written?


    QUESTION 9 OF 10
    What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence?

    Life and happiness
    Property and pursuit of happiness
    Liberty and pursuit of happiness
    Liberty and property

    QUESTION 10 OF 10
    Which two U.S. rivers are the longest?

    Mississippi River and Missouri River
    Colorado River and Red River
    Rio Grande and Hudson River
    Yukon River and Ohio River

  6. by oldedude on July 7, 2024 9:31 pm
    You actually need to get on the practice test sites for the actual questions.

    And your complete lack of understanding of the constitution is what I have been talking about, specifically with you for a couple of years now.

    I use the 13th amendment as just one example. And your complete lack of understanding of what "evidence" constitutes in a trial. Things like that. And (I'll throw another one in) Your complete lack of the ability to read what the 14th amendment says, and how it affects law. I personally think it's pathetic. Thusly my continual reference to "OUR Constitution ROCKS" by Turner (not the guy who wrote the "Diaries."

  7. by ROB3RT on July 7, 2024 10:06 pm

    I also took the quiz on July 4. And got 9/10. The one that I "missed" was the 13 stripes, whether it represented states or colonies.

  8. by Curt_Anderson on July 7, 2024 11:31 pm
    I got the same one "wrong". There were more than 13 colonies. Some of the colonies didn't join in on the rebellion. East and West Florida declined the invitation from the Continental Congress. Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Bermuda, Prince Rupert's Land also didn't join.

    The answer option should have said There were 13 colonies that declared independence from Great Britain

    They were the 13 original states, not the 13 original colonies. Besides the loyalist colonies, Plymouth Colony among other original colonies were defunct.

  9. by Indy! on July 8, 2024 11:37 am

    Pretty easy - especially with junk answers for a lot of them. Where are the answers? I know I got 9 right - the only one I'm not sure about is the rivers. Not sure how the length of certain rivers apply to the Constitution - but they are on the test. I guessed Colorado and Red.

  10. by Curt_Anderson on July 8, 2024 11:53 am
    The correct answer is the Mississippi River and Missouri River

  11. by Indy! on July 8, 2024 12:04 pm

    Thanks. Still don't know why that one would be on the test. That one is more appropriate for Who Wants to be a Millionaire than a political quiz.

  12. by Indy! on July 8, 2024 12:12 pm

    BTW, the first question is wrong. I knew the answer they were looking for was Jefferson but according to the question...

    Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
    Benjamin Franklin
    John Adams
    Thomas Jefferson
    George Washington

    There was a committee of five people who were given the task of writing the Declaration. Jefferson wrote the original draft (and the majority overall), but all of the people on the list were involved except Washington.

  13. by Donna on July 10, 2024 5:17 pm

    Biden isn't going to give up on a second term. I had hopes last week that he'd call it quits and not seek re-election, but now I'm seeing Biden get increasingly obstinate while more and more Dem politicians fall in line in support of their very out-of-touch and narcissistic Fuhrer while Dem pundits like Joe and Mika work hard to assimilate Democratic voters into the Borg. If they hold an open convention, the Borg will likely get its way, Trump will go on to win in a landslide, and that will be the end of the Great American Experiment.

    I hope I'm wrong, but that's how I see it going now.

  14. by ROB3RT on July 10, 2024 10:22 pm


    Take a deep breath. Relax. This is a process that is playing out.

    Politicians under fire never say, "Well maybe the people yelling at me to quit have a good point. I should think about it." No. They usually say, "Hell no, I'm not going anywhere" right up until the moment they announce they are resigning, pulling out, stepping aside, whatever.

    The pressure on Biden is only going to get more intense. He's already played all his cards. Maybe he won't pull out. Maybe having his back to the wall will suddenly make him a better candidate. I doubt it, though it is a possibility. I think the more likely outcome is he eventually sees the light.

  15. by oldedude on July 10, 2024 10:31 pm
    There was a committee of five people who were given the task of writing the Declaration. Jefferson wrote the original draft (and the majority overall), but all of the people on the list were involved except Washington.
    And if you actually knew anything about the Declaration of Independence, you would have known that Jefferson put it to paper. It was given "minor" changes and published by the group. The issue is that Jefferson knew the wants of each of the groups and was actually able to "negotiate" the declaration. Unlike demanding all of "my" needs be met (looking at it from each member of the group). OMFG, the art of negotiation!

  16. by Donna on July 10, 2024 11:36 pm

    We don't know how it'll play out. I hope you're right, but I'm not betting on it, actually either way. There are plenty of reasons to worry, though.

  17. by oldedude on July 11, 2024 12:43 am
    Donna- Today, pelosi made a "telling" remark. She said joe "hadn't made up his mind." if you look at only the media, you could argue that. The "underlying" point is that he had not come up with agreeing to step down. And you know how much I don't like nancy. And yet, in this case, she is still a skilled politician. (I never thought I would say that!) She's giving joe some wiggle room, which honestly, is far more than what I'm giving him. I just think in this case, she's doing a good job.

  18. by Indy! on July 11, 2024 1:15 am
    I coverd that in my post, Old Dud. Next time read the whole thing and you won’t look so stupid. Also- when you google my info in a sad attempt to finally “get” me on something? Run it by your mom or one of your army butt buddies to double check your work because we both know youneed at least 3 sets of eyes checking your garbage posts.

  19. by Donna on July 11, 2024 6:35 am

    I hadn't heard about Pelosi's remark, od. That gives me a little more hope.

  20. by oldedude on July 11, 2024 7:32 am
    In this case, I didn't read any of your post. I didn't bother. I wasn't addressing you, so I didn't waste my time.

    The flip side is that maybe I was agreeing with you. Did that ever cross your mind? I have agreed with you several times, and you chose to keep going with your BS. AND I clearly wasn't talking to you. So again, you believe that the world rotates around you. Which clearly it doesn't.

  21. by Donna on July 11, 2024 7:36 am

    "I don't think he can serve four more years"

    - George Stephanopoulos, as reported by TYT

  22. by Curt_Anderson on July 11, 2024 9:51 am
    This is an anonymous post which was sent to me

    Old Dud trying to score points on me is like Gary Coleman trying to dunk on Shaq. I already covered the part about TJ writing most of the DoI. if you read the whole thing instead of thinking you finally got one on me, you might not feel so stupid right now 🤪

  23. by oldedude on July 11, 2024 9:56 am
    Nancy made her remark and within the hour, Cluney made his, then a couple of others echoed Cluney's. So well-rehearsed and conspired.

    My wife brought up a point. The left has been completely lied to for at least a year by the MSM. Of the left on this site, is anyone angry about being lied to? We agreed we would be livid if there were no other stories other than the concerted effort the left MSM put out there. I'm "assuming" that either side doesn't listen much to the other side's news, especially with the front they put up. So there's that. Again, I'm tracing this to the thing the founders tried to ensure was a free press. This is a huge let down for me.

  24. by Donna on July 11, 2024 10:04 am

    I'm livid at Biden for not announcing last summer that he wouldn't be seeking re-election. He's just a stubborn old geezer, like Dianne Feinstein and RBG.

  25. by Indy! on July 11, 2024 10:22 am
    Yes, Donna - good. The first step is blaming the right people.

  26. by Donna on July 12, 2024 7:38 am

    I'm seeing nothing that indicates Biden is going to end his re-election campaign. He's in a sort of bunker with Hunter and Jill, and is remaining defiant, unrealistic, and out-of-touch. We're stuck with him. They're going to have to poison him or something to get rid of him.

  27. by Indy! on July 12, 2024 9:40 am
    That’s a bit harsh and really unnecessary, Donna. All the Ds (read:obama and Clyburn) need to do is “Bernie” him.

  28. by Donna on July 13, 2024 2:24 pm

    ROB3RT, do you still feel as confident as you seemed to be a week ago that Biden will be replaced?

  29. by oldedude on July 13, 2024 3:35 pm
    That’s a bit harsh and really unnecessary, Donna. All the Ds (read:obama and Clyburn) need to do is “Bernie” him.

    That would be a revolt within the party. "fool me once..." There was enough pushback about burnie (and they "settled") do it again to the voters that supported him in the primaries. And then you have jill, joe, and crackhead pulling their overseas leverage against the dims.

    My guess. The Chinese will (literally) own the US before the dims are in power again.

  30. by Indy! on July 13, 2024 5:56 pm
    That's what you wingdings said in the wake of the Bush 43 (s)election.

  31. by Donna on July 13, 2024 7:01 pm

    I'm guessing that ROB3RT isn't as confident as he was last week about Biden not seeking another term either.

  32. by oldedude on July 13, 2024 7:19 pm
    Donna, I might agree. AND we're all on a "wait and see." Again, it doesn't mean much to me either way.

  33. by Indy! on July 13, 2024 8:50 pm
    IMHO, the best the Ds can hope for now is some sort of open convention. The party can pick whoever they want - it's settled law now. So all they have to do is threaten to use it on Joe if he doesn't (at the very least) have the open convention. (Sidebar: He'd probably win anyway). Please don't fall for whatever excuse the party comes up with for not doing it. They can. They can do anything they want. And that's really a softball - they could threaten to 25th Amendment his ass instead. There's plenty of evidence to support that maneuver.

  34. by Donna on July 14, 2024 7:11 am

    Rumor is that Barack Obama has been trying to talk Joe into bowing out, but I don't think his or anyone's efforts are going to be successful.

  35. by oldedude on July 14, 2024 9:05 am
    Yeah, there's a coalition between little nancy and obomber with the clitons tagging along. It's the secret that everyone knows and they're running out of time.

    States are starting to run their state conventions starting monday, so that's the first issue. The 2024 Democratic National Convention is scheduled to be held from August 19 to 22. Mail-in ballots start on September 17. That's less than 1 month if they wait until then. The kabala better have bought off the delegates before then.

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