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New ad: "God made Trump"
Religion by Donna     October 4, 2024 10:22 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Ponderer (14 comments) [113 views]

Brit Hume: "[Tampon] clearly doesn't understand or believe in freedom of speech."
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Law selectors, pages, etc.
Brit Hume: "[Tampon] clearly doesn't understand or believe in freedom of speech."
By HatetheSwamp
October 5, 2024 3:39 am
Category: Law

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"At the debate, Tim Walz said hate speech and misinformation were not protected by the First Amendment. He's wrong."

Now, let me start off with two words. I support Kammy. I support the Dingbat...

... but I won't vote for her. And, if you do, you'll get what you deserve.

Either way, we are so screwed.

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Comments on "Brit Hume: "[Tampon] clearly doesn't understand or believe in freedom of speech."":

  1. by meagain on October 5, 2024 8:01 am
    perhaps he meant that they should not be protected. And a proper interpretation would say that hate speech is not protected; just as it is not protected anywhere else in the civilised world. It is a right-wing absurdity to interpret the Amendment that way. Another example of why your Supreme Court should be scrapped and a way of selecting independent, non-partisan legal practitioners established.

    As I have pointed out in the past, the Bill of Rights is nothing but a codification of English Common Law principles and all the other Common Law countries prohibit Hate speech. The question is deciding where Hate begins.

  2. by Curt_Anderson on October 5, 2024 9:58 am
    Brit Hume is wrong. Nowhere in the debate did Walz say "hate speech and misinformation were not protected by the First Amendment" or words to that effect. I provided a link to the CBS News transcript so you can search for that non-existent quote yourself.

    However, Vance did say to Walz, "you yourself have said there's no First Amendment right to misinformation", quoting Walz incorrectly. Vance went on to make several more related claims and points.

    Walz made the point that First Amendment rights are not absolutes. Walz replied, "you can't yell fire in a crowded theater. That's the test. That's the Supreme court test."

    Walz also made the point that the government did not stifle anybody's hate speech or misinformation, Vance was complaining about Facebook's editorial decisions.

    Walz did say in 2022 that there is “no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, and especially around our democracy.”

    Walz is obviously correct. A business has no guaranteed right to misinform consumers about the ingredients in their product. There is not a guaranteed right to hate speech used to rile up a mob and to instigate a lynching. This is especially true when it comes to slander and libel.

    More to the point, a spewer of misinformation or a hate speaker cannot complain to the government that Facebook, X or deleted their misinformation or hateful posts. Don't expect the government to guarantee any of that. That's because Facebook, X and have the right to delete any comment we disagree with. Read the First Amendment. It says, "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech". However, I can abridge your speech whenever I want.

  3. by Indy! on October 5, 2024 1:15 pm

    It's complicated - that's why wingdings always get it wrong.

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