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Kamala Harris's husband Doug Emhoff 'forcefully slapped ex-girlfriend for flirting with another man'
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Crime selectors, pages, etc.
Kamala Harris's husband Doug Emhoff 'forcefully slapped ex-girlfriend for flirting with another man'
By HatetheSwamp
October 2, 2024 3:40 pm
Category: Crime

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So, we know he banged the nanny. Now, he physically abused a girlfriend.

The Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, 59, allegedly struck the woman in the face so hard she spun around, while waiting in a valet line late at night after a May 2012 Cannes Film Festival event in France.

One of her friends told that the woman called him immediately after the incident, sobbing in her cab, and described the alleged assault.

A second friend said Jane, who had been dating Emhoff for three months, also told her about the alleged violence at the time.

A third friend told that Jane first told her in 2014 that she had dated Emhoff, and recounted the full story of his alleged abuse in 2018, when then senator Harris was in the news after grilling Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in a Senate hearing over sexual assault allegations.

The friends, who all asked not to be named for fear of retaliation by Emhoff, shared with pictures of him and Jane together from 2012, and other documents and communications corroborating elements of the story.

The shocking claims follow revelations by that Emhoff cheated on his first wife and mother of his two kids around 2008, allegedly impregnating his daughter's nanny who also worked as her grade school teacher.

Emhoff admitted the affair with the nanny and teacher, Najen Naylor, after published the story last month.

All three of Jane's friends said she also told them about a disturbing alleged incident during her relationship with the Second Gentleman, in which Emhoff nonchalantly admitted to impregnating Naylor.

That Dougie's a prince of a guy!

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Comments on "Kamala Harris's husband Doug Emhoff 'forcefully slapped ex-girlfriend for flirting with another man'":

  1. by Ponderer on October 2, 2024 4:23 pm

    So... are we, like, supposed to get all freaked out about this or something...? Even if it's even real...?

    I mean... when you flaming MAGA Hats couldn't manage a raised eyebrow over the more than 20 deposed victims of Trump's sexual misconduct towards them...? Stormy Daniels...? His adjudicated rape he's on the hook for tens or hundreds of millions of dollars...? Or any of that kind of sexual stuff that vile orange hobgoblin has pulled off...?


    Gimme a fuckingbreak.

  2. by oldedude on October 2, 2024 6:28 pm
    First, "stormy daniels" is her stage name because she's a whore that violated her NDA. And yes, because the dims believe themselves to be above the law and need to be called out each and every time they violate it.

  3. by Indy! on October 2, 2024 6:48 pm

    So you're saying Trump sleeps with whores, OD? 🤔

    Well, that would explain his Supreme Whored picks. 😌

  4. by oldedude on October 2, 2024 9:44 pm
    You don't see much news, do you? You really should do something other than your "illustrated novels" for news.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  5. by oldedude on October 3, 2024 12:10 am
    po- So what you're saying is that it's okay for Emhoff to slap/ punch a woman. Got it. Kind of like it's okay if the Jews get exterminated in the showers, I mean look, they're a lot cleaner!

  6. by Ponderer on October 3, 2024 7:41 am

    No. I'm not saying that at all, od. If he actually did that, it was a terrible thing to do, and I condemn such violence. It is absolutely not okay.

    What I am saying is that you MAGA Hats have been communicating for years now that it's okay for Trump to have sexually accosted dozens of women and be an adjudicated rapist.

    What I am saying that you obviously, to all appearances for a great many years, think that all his misdeeds... sexual felonious, immoral, or otherwise... are okay with you.

    We got that ages ago, od.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on October 3, 2024 7:49 am

    Why this matters, po, is that the smoke-filled room and string-pullers have invested tons on Dougie and Tampon as their vision of the new masculinity.

    This very seriously hurts among people still undecided. The new man knocks up young women and beats on mature women?...

    ...not a good image.

  8. by Ponderer on October 3, 2024 9:05 am

    Bill, you're doing that thing where you think that your dementia fever dreams are actually happening to you again...

  9. by Ponderer on October 3, 2024 9:10 am

    "This very seriously hurts among people still undecided." -Hate

    Tell me, Bill. Why do you think Trump's dozens of felony convictions, his adjudication of being a rapist, his Putin dick-sucking, and his attempting to overthrow an American election in an orchestrated coup attempt aren't going to hurt him among people still undecided...?

  10. by oldedude on October 3, 2024 11:49 am
    If he actually did that, it was a terrible thing to do, and I condemn such violence. It is absolutely not okay.

    So you were forced to walk back what you said... got it. Just like murdering Jews, or burning buildings.

    And you did say it was not big deal to slap a woman around. And if it were a conservative, you would go in and demand a death sentence. Ya can't ride two horses even with one big ass, sugababe.

  11. by Indy! on October 3, 2024 11:50 am

    by oldedude on October 3, 2024 12:10 am
    po- So what you're saying is that it's okay for Emhoff to slap/ punch a woman. Got it. Kind of like it's okay if the Jews get exterminated in the showers, I mean look, they're a lot cleaner!

    That's funny. OD thinks those poor folks were actually getting showers too in the gas chambers. Probably helped ease his mind as he led them in.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on October 3, 2024 11:54 am

    "Tell me, Bill. Why do you think Trump's dozens of felony convictions, his adjudication of being a rapist, his Putin dick-sucking, and his attempting to overthrow an American election in an orchestrated coup attempt aren't going to hurt him among people still undecided...?"

    Oy, po, among the undecideds who haven't heard about those things, they may hurt him. But, how many people do you think that is, 5? a dozen maybe?

    But, you bring up a good point. Ms Mckneepads is so horrible a candidate that people can know that about Trump and still be undecided. Sorta brings 016 to mind. Eh?

  13. by Ponderer on October 3, 2024 12:38 pm

    "But, how many people do you think that is, 5? a dozen maybe?" -Hate

    If you are talking millions, I wouldn't be a bit surprized.

    Why is it that you think so many Americans don't care if they are governed by a multiply convicted felon and adjudicated rapist like Donald Trump?

    Is it because it doesn't matter to you, and you think that you represent the vast majority of the country?

  14. by HatetheSwamp on October 3, 2024 12:56 pm

    "If you are talking millions, I wouldn't be a bit surprized."


    Let me start off with two words. I support Kammy. I support Cackles Mckneepads.

    The challenge for you is to get those millions, first, to know, and, second, to care.

    As a fellow Mckneepads supporter, I wish you well.
    View Video

  15. by Ponderer on October 3, 2024 1:00 pm

    Bill, why is it that you think so many Americans don't care if they are governed by a multiply convicted felon and adjudicated rapist like Donald Trump?

    Is it because it doesn't matter to you, and you think that you represent the vast majority of the country?

  16. by HatetheSwamp on October 3, 2024 2:00 pm

    "Bill, why is it that you think so many Americans don't care if they are governed by a multiply convicted felon and adjudicated rapist like Donald Trump?"

    Let me start off with two words. I support Kammy. I support the Dingbat.

    Let me continue by noting that OrangeTurdBad isn't an adjudicated rapist.


    I hesitate to speak for others but, it makes sense that many think that our own Kammy is an even worse choice. Sadly.

  17. by Ponderer on October 3, 2024 2:11 pm

    I see, Bill. Okay.

    So, you are only willing to go so far as to accept that Donald Trump is an adjudicated sexual abuser then...?

  18. by HatetheSwamp on October 3, 2024 2:58 pm

    It is a fact...

    However, in that case, the Fat Lady has yet to sing. Enjoy it until she does. But don't imagine that moderate and independent common sense voters will allow that to impact their vote... unless they vote Trump to vote against the rigged Stalinesque Show Trial.


  19. by Donna on October 3, 2024 5:41 pm

    "... we know he banged the nanny. Now, he physically abused a girlfriend." - Hts

    LOL! What happened to innocent until proven guilty? That's what you remind us about whenever we opine on the guilt or innocense of Trump or a MAGA before they're proven guilty.

  20. by Donna on October 3, 2024 5:43 pm

    "po- So what you're saying is that it's okay for Emhoff to slap/ punch a woman. Got it." - olde dude

    Same for you. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? That's what you remind us about whenever we opine on the guilt or innocense of Trump or a MAGA before they're proven guilty.

  21. by Ponderer on October 3, 2024 5:44 pm

    Hon, you gotta remember that Hate is a flaming hypocrite of the highest order.

  22. by Curt_Anderson on October 3, 2024 6:07 pm
    This story seems to be falling apart. HtS posted a report that Emhoff allegedly slapped a woman so hard that she spun around. The incident supposedly happened in a valet waiting line.

    Now the story location changes: it supposedly happened in a car. Slapped and spun around while in a car?! That's hard to visualize.

    The story also says she slapped Emhoff back. I wonder if he-slapped-she-slapped cases are ever prosecuted.

    I also wonder the friend meant by "it was hard to hear her". Does he mean the phone connection was bad, or that the story was emotionally painful?

    (NY Post)One of the woman’s friends told the outlet that she called him “sobbing” after the attack.

    A rep for Emhoff said the report was “untrue.”

    “It was hard to hear her,” he recalled. “She told me she was with a guy and he hit her.”

    “It was very clear what she was telling me. She said she was with a guy, her date, she was at the Cannes Film Festival, and he hit her. She was in the car with the guy at the time.”

    The girlfriend, described as a “successful New York attorney” by the Daily Mail, apparently slapped Emhoff back, the friend said.

  23. by HatetheSwamp on October 4, 2024 4:44 am

    "“This report is untrue,” an Emhoff spokesperson told Semafor..."

    Yup. Good nuff for Curt.


    "The Daily Mail reported Wednesday, citing three friends of the unidentified woman, that Emhoff smacked his then-lover so hard in the face that she was “spun around” after an event at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival in France."

    Bad Good Germaning, Curt. Bad.

  24. by Donna on October 4, 2024 8:43 am

    What a hypocrite.

  25. by HatetheSwamp on October 4, 2024 8:46 am

    Hypocrite? Who? How?

  26. by oldedude on October 5, 2024 9:38 pm
    curt- OD thinks those poor folks were actually getting showers too in the gas chambers. Probably helped ease his mind as he led them in.
    I absolutely believe in my heart that's what you want.

    Lead- I agree, How are YOU the hypocrite? The dims are the one's that want to complete the genocide on Israel and the Jews. I do have to give kudos to meagain for being that absolute anti-sematic and owning it. We disagree (of course) on Hamas (although he does say they're terrorists). That's a big move from "indy" who won't say it out loud.

    curt- written documentation has examples of your Nazi guards telling the mothers how to make a painless death for their infants/children. These guards (unlike you) want the most painless death for human beings. If a mother brings her infant to crying, they breathe more. They die faster. Then at least the mother gets to hold her child before she dies. And then your buddies, go through and shoot all the "living" in the head.

    When I say you're a good little Nazi? It's not like Lead saying it and these things aren't on his mind. I spend four years in germany and learned both sides and the language and what the people love about their country. You're the "side" the germans that are trying to tell a LIE about the "final solution." And you're allowing them and supporting them.

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