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Education selectors, pages, etc.
Oklahoma state superintendent announces all schools must incorporate the Bible and the Ten Commandments in curriculums
By HatetheSwamp
June 27, 2024 4:38 pm
Category: Education

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All Oklahoma schools are required to incorporate the Bible and the Ten Commandments in their curriculums, effective immediately, the state’s chief education officer announced in a memorandum Thursday.


The Supreme Court opened the door when it threw out 50 years of precedent to rule in favor of that high school football coach who prayed after games. It could have found a way to finagle a decision in favor of religious freedom by the old rules but it didn't. It created a new standard and so-called accommodationists are pushing the limits.

pb wants to say that this Oklahoma thing is dead in the water, except for two things. All of the reporting he's found so far is from the progressive SwampMedia, which ain't trustworthy. And, just what the Court will favor under its new standard is unclear.

I know some of you hate it when courts uphold the freedom of Americans to exercise their faith in a public setting but it's a new day. And, even CNN is being honest enough to report that schools are not being required to teach Christianity, only the Bible which as literature and history is impressive, and important.

So, we'll see... as these laws are challenged in lower courts and, eventually, the Supreme Court.

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Comments on "Oklahoma state superintendent announces all schools must incorporate the Bible and the Ten Commandments in curriculums":

  1. by Indy! on June 27, 2024 4:46 pm

    The fact you can't frame the issue without lying tells us you know like we do this is just another UNconstitutional decision the Supreme Whored passed down because they made some coin off it.

  2. by oldedude on June 28, 2024 7:01 am
    indy- What lies? Please cite.

    Lead- A requirement of incorporating the Bible and the Ten Commandments in curriculum for all public schools, I think is over-reach by the government.

    To the "issue" at hand of a team praying before or after a game is vastly different. There are also some really tenuous lines around that. An optional prayer, or a little bit of thanks to the God you believe in I don't think is a bad thing. A coach should know their players. Typically, they are also the half-way point to counseling. Many of the players trust the coach and will confide in them.

    This also goes along with the Gen-z video you had earlier. They don't like the dogma or the pomp, but they want the belonging. For many student athletes or participants, they do it for the "belonging" to a group.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on June 28, 2024 8:11 am

    Lead- A requirement of incorporating the Bible and the Ten Commandments in curriculum for all public schools, I think is over-reach by the government.

    Yeah... if... the CNN and other progressive SwampMedia reporting comports with the truth, which you can't assume.

    And, remember, I said that I, personally, am opposed to the Louisiana Ten Commandments posters. What I am bringing to the community's attention is the question of how the Supreme Court will rule, under the new precedent.

  4. by Indy! on June 28, 2024 11:07 am

    Here's the lie, OD...

    I know some of you hate it when courts uphold the freedom of Americans to exercise their faith in a public setting but it's a new day.

    Public schools are government operations - NOT merely a "public setting". When you teach the Bible (which is NOT "important" literature - it's a pack of fairy tales with absolutely NO historical verification) in a public SCHOOL - you are teaching it to people who don't believe in the Bible, don't want to know about the Bible, don't want to pay to have their kids taught the Bible and their kids will not need anything they learn from the Bible down the road.

    Just another paycheck for the Supreme Whored.

  5. by Donna on July 11, 2024 11:23 am

    Betty Bowers weighs in on this controversy.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on July 11, 2024 11:51 am

    When you teach the Bible (which is NOT "important" literature - it's a pack of fairy tales with absolutely NO historical verification)...

    Oy. Now that's a statement of uninformed faith!

    Having said that, I think it's possible that the Supreme Court may side with Louisiana on the posters, I'm doubtful about the Oklahoma thing... assuming that the lying progressive SwampMedia is reporting accurately.

    But, I repeat, I oppose both, strenuously.

  7. by Ponderer on July 11, 2024 11:55 am

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on this in the thread I just posted about it, Bill.....

  8. by HatetheSwamp on July 11, 2024 12:05 pm


    Buzz on over to London. Check into Westminster Abby, whose construction was paid for out of the pockets of the subjects of the British crown then listen to the sermon by the priest, paid with tax money. Then, splain how placing a nonsectarian poster in classrooms violates the EFFINFirst Amendment.

    Take your time.

  9. by Indy! on July 11, 2024 12:07 pm
    I’d like to see peebs (imaginary) evidence supporting any of the Bible’s fairy tales.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on July 11, 2024 12:15 pm


    The letters of the New Testament are universally acknowledged to be genuine and magnificently preserved. If you doubt me, check out what they're saying and writing at the Christian graduate schools at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Oxford and Cambridge... just in the English speaking world.

  11. by Ponderer on July 11, 2024 12:33 pm

    "Buzz on over to London. Check into Westminster Abby, whose construction was paid for out of the pockets of the subjects of the British crown then listen to the sermon by the priest, paid with tax money. Then, splain how placing a nonsectarian poster in classrooms violates the EFFINFirst Amendment." -Hate

    Wow, Bill! Good show! You really nailed me that time! I sure don't have a comeback for that. I'm at a total loss here.

    I'm actually quite embarrassed for not realizing that England is subject to our Constitution and the First Amendment. Imagine how silly I feel for not having seen that equitable comparison coming. Touche!


  12. by Ponderer on July 11, 2024 12:41 pm

    Indy!, for Hate, the mere fact that there is historical evidence that someone existed is plenty enough for him to accept as fact anything that was supposedly written by them a couple thousand years ago.

  13. by HatetheSwamp on July 11, 2024 12:43 pm

    Nice try, po.

    England serves as a run of the mill example of what a state religion is. Churches built at state expense, clergy funded by taxpayers. H€ck, doctrine determined by the government.

    None of that's going on in Louisiana... by a looooooooong shot. Not even close.

    This is why you're likely to lose on the Louisiana poster deal.

  14. by Ponderer on July 11, 2024 1:27 pm

    "England serves as a run of the mill example of what a state religion is." -Hate

    I'm afraid that I am going to have to pull the exact wording card here for a change...

    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; [...]"

    It doesn't say that a congress can't establish a religion. State or otherwise.

    It says a congress can't make a law respecting an establishment of religion. That would mean an establishment of any religion. Which establishing a state religion certainly would be. But the openness of their wording means establishing religion period.

    The Ten Commandments is religious text from a religious holy book. It is not history. It is not philosophy. It is not poetry. It's religion. It is religious dogma. It falls firmly under the catagory of "Religion".

    "Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me"...?!?!?

    "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain"...?!?!?

    "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy"...?!?!?

    None of that qualifies as "religion" or religious to you??? The government mandating the posting of that in public school classrooms is not establishing religion in those classrooms???

    Gimme a fuckingbreak! These Ten Commandment laws flat-out and blatantly establish religion in those classrooms. It's nonsense to argue otherwise.

    If schools are mandated to make children sing some non-denominational Bible hymn every morning, it won't be establishing religion in that classroom?

    You'll argue that it's not religion, it's just be a song...?

  15. by Indy! on July 11, 2024 1:28 pm
    So iow - you have nothing. I did not deny the book of fairytales exists - i denied there was any evidence to prove what said book of fairytales says. If you had something- you would have posted it.

  16. by Ponderer on July 11, 2024 1:31 pm

    That was some of your best obfuscation in a while by the way, Bill.

  17. by HatetheSwamp on July 11, 2024 1:53 pm


    What began these religion threads is the real world fact that, when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the high school football coach in 022, it threw out previous Court precedent in deciding Establishment Clause cases in the very same way it threw out Roe v Wade to decide the Dobbs abortion case.

    Like it or not, it's possible, maybe likely, that, based on the 022 decision, the Louisiana poster law will stand,... that printing non sectarian posters ain't an establishment of religion.

    I'm not sure what you think we're arguing about. I said, at the beginning, that I disagree with these laws.

    But, when the Court made its high school football coach prayer decision, it seems to me that it was saying that, to establish a religion, you have to do something like what England does to establish its own church.

    The times they are a changing.

    You don't center the universe, as much as you seem to think you do.

  18. by Ponderer on July 11, 2024 3:38 pm

    I swear, this is so sad.

    Bill, what you are trying to do is called "making an equitable comparison". I have tried to explain this to you many times now and it has apparently never gotten through to you...

    You suffer from a complete mental inability to make or even understand the concept of an "equitable comparison". The technical term for it is "MAGA Brain".

    Don't feel bad about it. The vast majority of conservatives such as yourself share the same affliction. And I gotta say, after all this time, it's become a really painful thing to watch every time you try to make another attempt. You really need to quit this futile and pathetic flailing. You only look entirely stupid every single time and you're a pitiful thing to behold.

    Far from being in any way equitable, the cases you are trying to compare equitably are entirely different cases with totally different details and considerations. Are you familiar with the term apples and oranges ...?

    Please. For your own welfare, please abort any attempt to make an equitable comparison of any kind at the moment that you think of trying to. It will be better for all of us in the long run.

    And anyway, this is just more obfuscation to deflect from the fact that you have erroneously insinuated in the past that the Ten Commandments is somehow exempt from the First Amendment because it isn't fostering a specific religion.

    As always you were wrong. I corrected you. And you can't deal with it.

    And I forgive you.

  19. by HatetheSwamp on July 11, 2024 3:47 pm

    Yeah. As I've often said. I wish I was smart enuff to be you.

  20. by Indy! on July 11, 2024 6:11 pm
    So iow - you have nothing. I did not deny the book of fairytales exists - i denied there was any evidence to prove what said book of fairytales says. If you had something- you would have posted it.

  21. by Indy! on July 11, 2024 7:37 pm
    Good work, Pondy. 👍

    Anyone know why I’m double posting?

  22. by oldedude on July 11, 2024 7:54 pm
    because you don't know how to post?🤣

  23. by Indy! on July 11, 2024 10:07 pm
    Good work, Pondy. 👍

    Anyone know why I’m double posting?

  24. by Indy! on July 11, 2024 10:36 pm
    Or maybe my posts are just twice as good as yours, Odorous

  25. by Indy! on July 11, 2024 10:43 pm
    Or maybe my posts are just twice as good as yours, Odorous

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