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Advice selectors, pages, etc.
gtnish7 is annoying and needs to go away.
By BionicleFan1994
June 25, 2024 1:40 pm
Category: Advice

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He/she is an annoying member that spams this site with several of his/her new yes/no selectors and won’t give any other member a chance to gain as much attention or popularity as he/she.

It’s unreal how much this member just spams this site with several new yes/no selectors just because he/she lusts for several five star ratings for all his/her selectors.

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Comments on "gtnish7 is annoying and needs to go away.":

  1. by Curt_Anderson on June 25, 2024 2:07 pm
    Rather than banish or punish anybody who creates selectors, let me consider ways in which I might increase your selectors' prominence. Btw, a lot of people have enjoyed and used your selectors, including the two links to your selectors below. Check back here in a day or so.

  2. by Indy! on June 25, 2024 2:44 pm

    I did the rock survey. It sucks. Somehow Nirvana - who I think is highly OVERrated (and I can't even remember the last time I cued up one of their songs on my iPod) ended up as my #1 band. Nickelback )I have NONE of their records and could not name a single song of theirs) came in at 3. Green Day - who I have hated ever since wasting $60 to see them live - came in at 10. I do not listen to any of the bands from 1-10 unless they happen to pop up on my local supermarkets loud speaker system as I shop. The Beatles - who I have loved longer than any band out there - barely made the list at 19.

    Bands on the list that I simply can not stand and do not listen to at all...
    25. Coldplay (0% - why is it even on the list?)
    24. U2
    23. Bon Jovi (F me)
    18. Red Hot Chilis (one song wonders)
    17. Radiohead
    15. Def Leppard
    14. Creed
    11. Metallica
    6. Pink Floyd
    7. AC/DC
    5. Pearl Jam
    4. Led Zep
    3. Nickelback
    1. Nirvana

  3. by Curt_Anderson on June 25, 2024 3:07 pm
    Okay boomer.

  4. by Indy! on June 25, 2024 3:49 pm

    No idea how that applies. I grew up with almost all those bands (and used to like some of them) - I just don't like them now and my survey should have borne that out, no? We're talking about the validity of your surveys - do they even make sense or is it just a waste of time?

  5. by Curt_Anderson on June 25, 2024 4:04 pm
    I was just joshin' you. Selectors are subjective. We have a caveat on all of them that the results were determined by the selector creator.

    The selectors on these pages are assuredly a waste of time, much like most of the internet, and like a lot of real life.

  6. by BionicleFan1994 on June 25, 2024 5:21 pm
    Curt Anderson,

    I guess I should apologize for making a big call-out article on here. I know everyone who make these quizzes on here are just for the purpose of having fun and they are not meant to be taken seriously and they are not supposed to reflect our psychological state of mind or who we are in real life as human beings.

    It just annoys me that my first Bionicle quiz got quickly sweated off the first five new quizzes page and shortly after I made a new Bionicle quiz, gtnish7 comes makes a new quiz shortly afterwards. I just wish some of my quizzes would gain more traction, that’s all and sometimes using this site feels like a big popularity contest, but I shouldn’t take this site too seriously as it is all fun and games.

  7. by Curt_Anderson on June 25, 2024 5:34 pm
    Your frustration is understandable. Go to any of the yes/no selectors. Look for the green button with your name on it above the first question.

  8. by Indy! on June 25, 2024 6:25 pm
    I think that dude listed every band he knows in that selector.

  9. by BionicleFan1994 on June 25, 2024 7:43 pm

    Or maybe it’s possible I’m not a classic rock junkie that’s stuck in the 60’s and 70’s and I happen to like music that was made after 1977 and just listed what I think are some of the most popular and well-liked bands in general.

    If you want The Beatles as your result, there are plenty of other rock band quizzes all over the Internet that only classic rock bands as a result. Plus…there is a limit to how many questions and choices I can add to a yes/no selector.

  10. by BionicleFan1994 on June 25, 2024 8:28 pm
    That and it seems to me like you’re annoyed at the fact that I didn’t include lesser well known or more hardcore bands as choices. I’m sorry, what were you expecting??? Black Flag? The Sex Pistols? The Deftones? Korn? The Ramones? Joy Division? The Strokes? The Hives???

    Make your own rock band quiz if you aren’t happy with mine.

  11. by Indy! on June 25, 2024 8:49 pm

    This young lady wandered into the wrong thread...

    Or maybe it’s possible I’m not a classic rock junkie that’s stuck in the 60’s and 70’s

    Who said anything about classic rock (I hate it) or being stuck in any particular rock era?

    and I happen to like music that was made after 1977

    I like rock music made before 1977 AND after 1977. I'm starting to see you're problem.

    and just listed what I think are some of the most popular and well-liked bands in general.

    You listed every band you've ever heard and love. We both knew that before you started with the other nonsense.

    If you want The Beatles as your result,

    Where did I say - or even suggest - I wanted the Beatles as my result?

    there are plenty of other rock band quizzes all over the Internet that only classic rock bands as a result.

    So now you're the expert on OTHER PEOPLE'S quizzes too? You couldn't come up with a halfway decent one yourself... not like you're an expert on quizzes, much less rock & roll.

    That and it seems to me like you’re annoyed at the fact that I didn’t include lesser well known or more hardcore bands as choices. I’m sorry, what were you expecting??? Black Flag? The Sex Pistols? The Deftones? Korn? The Ramones? Joy Division? The Strokes? The Hives???

    Hey - Bionic Woman - Don't wear out your google looking for names of other rock bands. Curt posted a link to your think - I clicked on it and commented. If you want only good reviews? Try one of your favorite classic rock sites. I bet that crowd will love it.

  12. by BionicleFan1994 on June 25, 2024 9:35 pm
    Already, that’s it I’m not arguing with trolls.

    And BTW, Indy, I’M A MAN…NOT A WOMAN. And my username is named after a classic LEGO brand that you have probably most likely never heard of.

    Delete this article and all the comments, moderator…I don’t have time to argue with an idiotic troll who thinks he/she is smarter than me.

  13. by Indy! on June 25, 2024 9:41 pm

    Oh - you're a kid? I'm sorry. I apologize - that was a pretty good selector and list of bands for a young'n.

  14. by Indy! on June 25, 2024 9:42 pm

    Also - sorry about the Bionic Woman thing - not wearing my glasses. Honest mistake. 👍

  15. by Ponderer on June 26, 2024 7:33 am

    BF'94, please forgive Indy!. He has a psychological tenancy to hate and deride things that are popular or that other people like. If someone else likes something that he doesn't like, then that thing is absolutely terrible and totally stinks and you are an idiot for liking it. And if he likes something, then it's the best example of that thing in the observable universe. He's one of those kinda people. But he's otherwise harmless.

  16. by Indy! on June 26, 2024 12:15 pm

    And Donna likes to hide behind her wife's handle whenever she has something to say that she doesn't have the balls to say under her own name.

  17. by oldedude on June 26, 2024 2:01 pm
    But if she forgets to say something, she'll bring it up. I trust her with that. Once she had forgotten, she's been really good about taking credit for all her posts. If you read them.

  18. by Indy! on June 26, 2024 2:58 pm

  19. by Ponderer on June 27, 2024 7:09 am

    In fact, always.

    Thanks, od.

  20. by Indy! on June 27, 2024 11:44 am

  21. by gtnish7 on July 1, 2024 9:40 am
    I’m NOT keen on your little article, BionicleFan1994. These are suppose to be fun, just like Curt_Anderson mentioned. Their designs are to be a “pick me up”, when you are on a smoke break or you have a little too much time on your hands. And you’re not at 100 percent. As for your biggest complaint about being spammed, that’s NOT me. I am also having difficulties with these. It’s just the internet.

    I’ve done these, weekly, since 2019. It’s a hit or miss. And, upon request, do (Revised) ones for a little over a year, I think. Those are even MORE so. I making one now that is kind of a counterpart to one I had already made, then I’ll be done for this week.

  22. by Curt_Anderson on July 1, 2024 11:34 am
    First off, your contributions to this site are much appreciated.

    Read BionicleFan's rather hostile (not to mention off-topic) rant at the link below. His anger this time is directed at me specifically and everybody who visits these pages generally---and liberals, he hates liberals. He clearly has issues that most people have overcome by his age of 29 or 30.

  23. by gtnish7 on July 1, 2024 11:53 am
    I understand, Curt_Anderson, and I have read some of BionicleFan1994’s other postings here. To be clear I am not, NOT here for popularity or spam, but for entertainment in an anonymous way on both counts. It’s the cleanest way.

  24. by BionicleFan1994 on July 1, 2024 12:50 pm
    Curt Anderson,

    I am sorry for everything I have said on here. Is there anyway you can forgive me and just delete all my comments and my account in general??? I would really appreciate it as I have serious mental health issues and anger issues and I am on the autism spectrum and have bipolar disorder, but that is no excuse for me to have acted the way I have on here.

    I’m just a really sensitive person that is trying to get some professional help, but I’d appreciate it if you deleted all my hostile and bigoted comments as they are not funny and they really show that I am in dire need of professional help and my unresolved issues in my life.

  25. by Curt_Anderson on July 1, 2024 2:10 pm
    You are totally forgiven. I greatly admire the way you shared this information about yourself. I guessed that you had issues that you were dealing with but I should have been more sensitive in responding to and about you. I actually think that your forthright admission and your seeking professional help serves as a good example for others who may be dealing with their own demons.

    People have posted rather over-the-top hostile remarks here and they don't have any excuse like autism.

    With the exception of me, everybody who posts comments here or makes selectors are anonymous. I make a point of telling people not to use their real names here. Anonymity provides you and others with a certain freedom that you don't have in real life.

    I won't be deleting your account or deleting this thread. This thread will soon disappear off the front page of "The Post" and sink into oblivion.

    Of course it's up to you if you care to avail yourself of this site. I don't delete threads because they become collaborative efforts and I don't like deleting other people's contributions. Plus like the others here, anonymity allows you to share more openly. I have deleted accounts and threads in the distant past, but I have later regretted it. I like to think of "The Post" as a place where thoughts and opinions are not stifled and people can say what's on their minds---even vent and rant.

    I suspect that people in this forum will be empathetic and understanding of what you just shared. If I know the people's personalities here, they won't judge you harshly. More importantly, I hope you don't judge yourself too harshly. The only important forgiveness required is that you forgive yourself.

  26. by HatetheSwamp on July 1, 2024 2:22 pm


    Curt runs a sight that allows radical freedom of expression. Most of us here go off the deep end from time to time. As far as I'm concerned, you should feel free to come and go as you wish.


    Very well, and graciously, said.

    FYI, I've been batting around ideas for another "World's Stupidest Black Lesbian" post... don't know if I will. But, one may soon be called for.

  27. by BionicleFan1994 on July 1, 2024 4:56 pm
    Curt Anderson,

    Thank you so much for your forgiveness and for you being understanding of my issues and my personality flaws. I really don’t mean any of the horrible things I said to you. I may have disagreements with liberals (or at least I think I do), but that gives me no right to say the things I said to you like telling you to commit suicide or telling you that I would physically harm you when truth be told I don’t have the balls or strength to do something horrible like that especially when I don’t even know you personally at all. And I am sorry if what I said on here gives real conservatives a bad name.

    But you did nothing wrong. You never attacked me, you were just doing what you usually do here and that is stating your opinions and making articles like you usually do. It is me who is in the wrong for acting so sensitive and losing control over myself over simple people just stating their simple opinions. I think what triggered me was Indy’s jab at NASCAR (LOL) and what annoyed me was his assumption that NASCAR and all people who like it in anyway are stupid or something (I even made some NASCAR quizzes on here), but I shouldn’t have lost control and gotten so hostile towards everyone here when everyone here were just having a simple discussion about politics and were just having a laugh.

    I do try to have love in my heart most of the time when it comes to my life outside the Internet and try to see the good in people and I try not to be so cynical and agnostic about everything, but I admit it’s really hard sometimes. But I totally understand if you don’t want to delete my account or comments. I guess I’ll just leave and never use my account on here again and if I want to…I can stick around on this site sometimes and continue to take quizzes here on this site anonymously. I just won’t read anymore comments or articles especially political ones.

  28. by Indy! on July 1, 2024 7:44 pm

    I shall do my best to refrain from cracking wise on NASCAR in the future.

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