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Who has the harder job in the debates, Trump or Biden?
By Curt_Anderson
June 23, 2024 12:57 pm
Category: Politics

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Trump needs to demonstrate that he's not running for president simply to avoid criminal trials and to exact revenge. He needs to show he's not unhinged and undisciplined. Trump needs to convince voters he's not an amoral, corrupt wannabe dictator, con man.

Biden needs to show he's not suffering from dementia and show competence. He needs to address the issues that are the focus of Trump's attacks: immigration, inflation and crime.

Chances are Trump will accuse Biden of a "weaponized justice department". He'll probably bring up Hunter Biden (even though Hunter's guilty verdict belies a weaponized DOJ).

Biden will probably bring up Trump's felony conviction and his being found liable of sexual assault and the other indictments.

If I were Biden, I'd mention that many of the people who served in Trump's White House now denounce Trump. Trump's most ardent supporters are people Trump pardoned.

Both men need to demonstrate a grasp of international and domestic issues beyond their usual talking points and attack lines.

Besides defending themselves, they both need to expose the faults of the other guy. They both will also want to come across likable and maybe even presidential.

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Comments on "Who has the harder job in the debates, Trump or Biden?":

  1. by Indy! on June 23, 2024 3:13 pm

    Lot harder for the Reds to create the burning hatred that led to Trump's first victory because Biden is white.

  2. by Curt_Anderson on June 23, 2024 3:55 pm
    I suspect you meant that Biden is white and a male.

    To answer my own question, Trump has the harder job proving he's not unhinged, corrupt, dictatorial, in-it-for-himself, etc.

    If Biden can stand upright and respond appropriately to questions and attacks he'll have exceeded the low expectations that Trump and MAGAites have established for him. Biden needs to be succinct and disciplined.

    I also think that Trump has the more difficult line to walk, inasmuch as he doesn't want to be a loud-mouthed lout or meek and passive.

    They are muting the microphones when the other candidate speaks. It will be interesting if Trump tries to distract Biden even though we won't be able to hear Trump. It'll be more interesting if CNN keeps the camera on Trump so we can see if is Trump yammering at Biden during Biden's turn. Or if the moderators admonish Trump for boorish behavior.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on June 23, 2024 3:57 pm

    Biden will probably bring up Trump's felony conviction and his being found liable of sexual assault and the other indictments.

    Probably. Yeah, probably.

    Based on the videos of Joe spacing out at the Juneteenth gig, that $30,000,000 Hollywood fundraiser and at the G7, the "dithering and diminished" Doddering Old Fool is going to have to appear alert.

    If, somehow, the string-pullers get the dose wrong, Gavin Newsom may be the Dem candidate by the end of summer.

  4. by Curt_Anderson on June 23, 2024 4:16 pm
    You said repeatedly that you expect Biden to be "jacked-up" with cocaine or meth. What is it about either drug that leads you to believe that they could artificially improve Biden's debate performance?

    Signs of cocaine use include:
    Runny nose
    Excessive perspiration
    Poor decision-making capabilities
    Overabundance of confidence

    Signs of methamphetamine use include:
    Loss of ability to concentrate and organize information
    Anxiety and panic disorder
    Tremors (shakiness)
    Dry mouth
    Excessive perspiration

  5. by HatetheSwamp on June 23, 2024 5:28 pm

    I say "juiced up."

    I'm joking about the coke or meth. I've heard maybe Adderall or, more likely, modafinil. Vitamin B. And, either Joe is a really nasty man or some sort of steroid because he seemed to be suffering from roid rage at the SOTU.

    But, obviously, they're pepping the Doddering Old Fool up with a cocktail of stimulants.

  6. by Indy! on June 23, 2024 6:34 pm

    Peebs got the talking points.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on June 24, 2024 3:58 am

    What pb has is eyes.

    "End of quote. Repeat the line."

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  8. by Curt_Anderson on June 24, 2024 7:49 am
    I like how HTS is already making excuses for why he expects Joe Biden to do well in the debate. Of course, there is no evidence at all that any of the drugs he suggests makes a person better debater.

    I especially laughed at his suggestion that Joe Biden might take vitamin B. Do you know what is a good source of vitamin B? Spinach. Maybe Joe Biden can down a can of spinach and come out swinging like Popeye!

  9. by HatetheSwamp on June 24, 2024 9:12 am

    Baha on Popeye.

    My dad was given vitamin B injections to increase his energy level when he was at about Joe's level of dementia.

    And, Curt, I'm d@ng sure that you'll think that Joe won the debate when it's over. But, those pesky moderate and independent common sense voters don't like the sort of angry old man Joe was at the SOTU. As much as po and you were orgasmic over Joe's performance, his polls didn't improve in its wake.

    If the string-pullers don't tweak the steroid part of the cocktail, America won't groove on Joe.

  10. by Indy! on June 24, 2024 10:25 am

    Normal everyday people get Vitamin B shots on a regular basis - they do not "jack you up" or "juice you".

  11. by HatetheSwamp on June 24, 2024 10:51 am

    Not on its own and, honestly, we couldn't see that it helped dad.

    What's obvious to people with open and objective minds is that the jived-up-Joe who screamed GETOFFMYLAWN! for over an hour at the SOTU ain't the same guy who mumbled, "Four more years, pause."

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  12. by Indy! on June 24, 2024 11:04 am

    Biden is barely there - we all know that. So why are you and your fellow redwings so afraid he's going to beat your favorite orange monkey in a debate? You should be savoring the moment and anxiously waiting for it to arrive.

  13. by HatetheSwamp on June 24, 2024 11:30 am

    MAGAs care about the cheating.

  14. by oldedude on June 24, 2024 11:40 am
    Lead, my dad was not a candidate for any of the shots known at the time. Of course the health care in our town was known to be questionable at best. I did see a marked, short term improvement in some of the cognitive abilities with my mom and others we knew going through it. I'm not familiar with the other drugs you mentioned. Dad died too long ago to be part of his treatment.

  15. by Curt_Anderson on June 24, 2024 12:16 pm
    "And, Curt, I'm d@ng sure that you'll think that Joe won the debate when it's over." --HtS

    Since I am not clairvoyant, I don't know how the debates will go or be judged by vox populi.

    I think there is a good chance that Trump will be widely declared the loser. In fact, that's how most debates are remembered: by the losers' faux pas: Nixon's sweaty five o'clock shadow, Ford's "no Soviet dominance" remark, Dan Quayle setting up Lloyd Bentsen, Trump's weird demeanor and yammering while Biden tried to answer the moderators, etc.

    Before Biden accepted Trump's debate challenge, Trump was crowing "anywhere, any time, any place" and brimming with confidence. Now Trump and the MAGAverse are very nervous and full of excuses including accusations about the moderators being biased. Never mind that Trump agreed to the rules and venue--not to say he'll abide by those rules.

    Btw, I suspect that Trump is already planning to use another excuse: I didn't practice. Trump has been mocking Biden for practicing at Camp David while Trump's "practice" is holding rallies.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on June 24, 2024 12:31 pm

    Now Trump and the MAGAverse are very nervous and full of excuses including accusations about the moderators being biased.


    Link me to a non Holy Trinity, non metaphorical Rachel source for that.

    I've been surveying Trump and the MAGAverse. Very nervous? Full of excuses?

    Obviously, though, the moderators have compared Trump to Hitler. That's bias.

    I just caught Clay, of the Clay and Buck Show hoping that "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" holds his own... out of fear that, if Joe says ASUFUTIMAEHAEHFUTBW, God save the Queen man!, and four more years pause, that the Smoke-filled room will force the Doddering Old Fool off of the ballot to be replaced by a legitimate challenger.

    But, by all means. Show us a reliable source describing GOPs fretting over the debate. I ain't po. I ain't omniscient.

  17. by oldedude on June 24, 2024 12:51 pm
    I think this is a way to replace pedojoe. The dims are way too under with him Look at the swing states. I'm saying that because Curt always goes to "nationwide" voting. Not a bad scam, just very predictable and it's not built how the system works regardless of what the left wants. I think if pedojoe loses, that is going to bring instant life into the dims. THAT is when the GOP should worry (depending on the pick of course). Joe will say how successful "his" years have been. And everyone will go into his wallet, or bills and ask if they were better off under trumpster, or now when they can't pay bills, and their credit cards are spinning out of control.

    I also agree with a comment made before. The perception of crime right now IS the reality (whether it's real or not). You can have your knickers all out of whack about the GOP harping on it, but the dims have J6 they haven't let go of. OR trumpster is hitler. He's a dictator that has never been seen by the world before. Never mind that he was already in office and didn't do that.

    My view, as always, is "we'll see." Then we'll see about the election. And honestly who's running. It may not be either of these two. Stranger things have happened.😴

  18. by Curt_Anderson on June 24, 2024 1:04 pm
    Why would I need to source anything showing that Trump and MAGAverse are nervous and full of excuses. You have consistently demonstrated that Trump supporters are worried.

    Competitors who expect to win don't issue excuses for losing before the event. You have already trotted out various excuses (which are probably straight from the RNC talking points list): Joe will be "juiced up", the moderators are biased, it will be three against one, Biden will "cheat", Trump isn't practicing, etc.

  19. by HatetheSwamp on June 24, 2024 1:36 pm

    You have consistently demonstrated that Trump supporters are worried.

    Me? Nuh uh.

    You have already trotted out various excuses (which are probably straight from the RNC talking points list): Joe will be "juiced up", the moderators are biased, it will be three against one, Biden will "cheat", Trump isn't practicing, etc.

    Joe will be juiced up. The moderators have likened Trump to Hitler. I believe they will hold Joe's hand and attack Trump.

    Biden cheat? Huh?

    How does that mean that Trump will lose?

  20. by Curt_Anderson on June 24, 2024 2:14 pm
    Indy said it, where are you guys so afraid that Trump will lose that debate? If there was any truth to those edited clips of Biden, it should’ve been a slam dunk for Trump. Losers make excuses and complain about the referees.

  21. by Curt_Anderson on June 24, 2024 2:14 pm
    Indy said it, where are you guys so afraid that Trump will lose that debate? If there was any truth to those edited clips of Biden, it should’ve been a slam dunk for Trump. Losers make excuses and complain about the referees.

  22. by Curt_Anderson on June 24, 2024 2:14 pm
    Indy said it, where are you guys so afraid that Trump will lose that debate? If there was any truth to those edited clips of Biden, it should’ve been a slam dunk for Trump. Losers make excuses and complain about the referees.

  23. by oldedude on June 24, 2024 2:58 pm
    If you look above, you'll find that nowhere did I say that. I'm pretty IDGAF about it. Will I watch it, maybe.

    Here's what I do know about it.

    Curt- you will insist that trumpster is hitler and he should be put to death. Which is a little strange because if trumpster is hitler, you'd be following him, hook, line, and sinker.

    po- trumpster is a despot dictator that wipes his arse with the constitution. Lead and I are at fault for the entire world as she sees it.

    MSN, etc- They will insist that trumpster is hitler and if elected, he'll be a despot dictator. J6J6J6J6J6J6J6J6J6J6J6J6J6J6J6J6J6J6J6J6.

    RNC- they will declare trumpster the winner and say pedojoe had a senior moment the entire time. There will be commercials for the next two weeks reliving all of pedojoes senior moments (well, maybe both of them, who knows).

    So do I really care? not really. If I watch, I'm not taking anyone else's word for what they thought. It means little to me. I look at what trumpster did his first round. I look at what pedojoe's done as VP and the last 3 years. I look at how the federal government has been used against the American citizens. while cities spend billions of dollars on illegals, and how much Bejingbiden has gotten paid off by the Chinese, all the while they have a military that can roll over the US. I think we have a 50:50 chance of losing this country by 2027 regardless of who's in the Whitehouse. Not that it really matters to the left, they're more than happy to have a puppet government of the Chinese. Until they start the roundups of the LGBTQ+ communities. Then the Christians, etc. Which is what they've done in China against the Uyghurs. A real genocide that no one cares about.

  24. by HatetheSwamp on June 24, 2024 4:05 pm

    Yeah, OD.

    Unless the string-pullers really mess up the dose and Joe has a senior moment, which is extremely unlikely, the Dems will claim his performance just won him the election. If he's the angry curmudgeon that he was at the SOTU, po and Curt will shout sing hallelujah louder than any Pentecostal being slain by the Spirit.

    The GOPs will say that Trump just solidified his lead.

    What the moderate and independent common sense voters think is what will matter. On SS, you and I are the closest thing to that.

    On The Five tonight, Gutfeld said that the big story will be the CNN moderators. They're as deranged as po. If they're brazen, they may win points for Trump. And, if they coddle the Doddering Old Fool, that may win Trump points, too.

    All of us bring our preferences and prejudices to every moment of our lives. I can't wait to see what the SSers are saying in the aftermath.

  25. by Curt_Anderson on June 26, 2024 9:58 pm
    If this CBS poll is correct Democrats want to see "jacked-up Joe". Most Republicans don't. If Biden is forceful as some viewers supposedly want, it will be tough for Trump to restrain himself and be polite. By large margins, everybody---Democrats, Republicans and independents---want Trump to be polite.

    My interpretation is that the people want Biden not to seem old and Trump not to seem crazy. I still say Trump has the harder job in the debate.

  26. by HatetheSwamp on June 27, 2024 3:28 am


    The problem with the SOTU juiced-up Joe is that he wasn't forceful, he was angry... and he was manic. If the string-pullers can tweak the cocktail so he's merely energetic, he might, very well, win the whole election at this debate but he hasn't been that in a looooooooong time.

    Hyped up Joe thrilled po and you at the SOTU and that pleased the Dem base... but offended everyone else... well, me?, I laughed... mostly at po and you... and the literal and metaphorical Rachel.

    Trump won't be polite. He's Incapable. I have two thoughts about that.

    1. Trump will be authentic, and moderate and independent common sense voters will choose that over under the influence.
    2. The number of "double haters" is at an all-time high. pb's one. You ain't. And, this choice is why.

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