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Trump Stumbles While Mocking Biden’s Cognitive Ability: ‘You Know What a Clean Fake Is?’
By Curt_Anderson
June 19, 2024 12:27 pm
Category: Politics

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"Clean fakes" is not what Trump meant to say. He forgot the actual term. It's the second time he recently flubbed an insult aimed at Biden.

Former President Donald Trump once again gaffed while mocking President Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities.

“But crooked Joe and his handlers are insisting he’s sharper than ever, and they say the videos of Crooked Joe shuffling around are clean fakes,” he continued. “You know what a clean fake is? They’re deceptively edited. They say they’re deceptively edited. All of the mistakes that he’s made. Every day. He can’t go anywhere without a mistake.”

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Comments on "Trump Stumbles While Mocking Biden’s Cognitive Ability: ‘You Know What a Clean Fake Is?’":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on June 19, 2024 12:36 pm


  2. by Curt_Anderson on June 19, 2024 12:52 pm
    This link might help clarify this.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on June 19, 2024 1:40 pm


    You're so credulous it's outright embarrassing.

  4. by Curt_Anderson on June 19, 2024 1:47 pm
    What, you don't believe your lying ears and lying eyes? Do you think at all these news outlets got it wrong about Trump's flub?

  5. by Indy! on June 19, 2024 2:15 pm

    Peebs fell for at least one of those real fakes mentioned in Curt's article. He posted the Obama one yesterday or the day before. 😂

  6. by Curt_Anderson on June 19, 2024 2:34 pm
    Trump has trouble with simple math: he says 1+1+1/2=3.

    Trump Tries to Set Expectations, and Floats Excuses, for His Debate With Biden
    The former president has set a low bar for President Biden’s performance at next week’s matchup. Now, he is preparing supporters for the possibility that Mr. Biden clears it.

    Mr. Trump also told his followers to be suspicious of the whole debate enterprise, although his campaign negotiated the terms of his participation. They should keep in mind, he said, that he’ll be up against multiple adversaries at once — not just Mr. Biden but both of CNN’s moderators, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, who, Mr. Trump added, were constitutionally incapable of treating him fairly. “I’ll be debating three people instead of one half of a person,” he said.

  7. by Indy! on June 19, 2024 8:29 pm

    Yeah - cuz those CNN people are so "liberal". 😂

  8. by HatetheSwamp on June 20, 2024 3:25 am

    What, you don't believe your lying ears and lying eyes? Do you think at all these news outlets got it wrong about Trump's flub?

    What I believe is that, based on the response of the Biden crowd and the Dem SwampMedia, their own polling shows that moderate and independent common sense voters take seriously these videos of:

    Joe wandering away while every other G7 head of state was was posing for a picture,
    Joe standing blank-eyed while everyone else was groovin at the Juneteenth event,
    and, the ONE gently taking Joe's wrist and walking him off the stage at the $30 million Hollywood event.

    Now, remember my two words. I support Biden. I support Biden. But, I'm beginning to see how Trump might actually win.

    You are credulous because you take SwampMedia drivel as gospel because no one else does.

    God save the Queen, man!

  9. by Indy! on June 20, 2024 10:08 am

    Nobody has ever seen those videos on the left, pb. The reds broadcast to reds and the blues broadcast to blues. If there was any crossover at all (you know - like if you actually watched CNN or MSNBC) - everyone would realize there is only one party.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on June 21, 2024 4:07 am

    Obviously, Indy. No one on the left has seen those videos. Hence, pb's mockery of Curt's Holy Trinity and po's metaphorical Rachel.

    Thing is. Stuff like this eventually leaks into the consciousness of moderate and independent common sense voters... and, based on the way Biden surrogates and the MSNBC crowd, and CNN too, it seems that people beyond right-wing media are seeing Joe's recent bumblings...

    And, pb subscribes to MSNBC, CNN and Newsmax, NewsNation and Fox on YouTube, though he finds it painful to watch more than a little MSNBC.

  11. by Indy! on June 21, 2024 11:01 am

    MSNBC and CNN are rightwing media.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on June 21, 2024 11:27 am

    Compared to what, Indy?

  13. by Indy! on June 21, 2024 11:41 am

    Compared to the definitions of "progressive" and "liberal" policy. Let me fill you in a little, peebs because I know you have no idea what goes on outside of Fox...

    The Ds - the politicians, the candidates, the media - EVERYONE on the "left" as you and Fox see it... are not even allowed to say the words "medicare for all" anymore. AOC - that "fringe lefty" - has not said those words since Biden was elected in 2020.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on June 21, 2024 12:21 pm



    Give the SS community examples of media that are not right-wing...

  15. by Indy! on June 21, 2024 2:39 pm

    Media from other countries and a few online people who have not been shut up yet. But most of them are also rightwingers after the money starts rolling in... Kyle Kulinski, his wife, Brooklyn Dad, etc...

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