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Trump insults Milwaukee, host of the RNC convention and important swing state city.
By Curt_Anderson
June 13, 2024 6:43 pm
Category: Politics

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Here is a sampling of today's top headlines of the major news sources in Wisconsin's most populous city, including The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel and the top three TV new stations. Despite expletive-laced denials from Trump's spokesperson, Wisconsin Republicans are attempting to explain "what Trump really meant". This is a good example of that political maxim, "if you are explaining, you are losing".

(Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel)Donald Trump on Thursday called Milwaukee — where in a little over a month he will be declared the Republican nominee for president — a "horrible city."

Trump made the comment to House Republicans in a morning meeting on Capitol Hill to discuss campaign strategies, among other GOP priorities, ahead of the 2024 election. His remarks came five days before he is scheduled to visit Racine for a campaign rally.

"Milwaukee, where we are having our convention, is a horrible city," Trump told the GOP lawmakers, according to a report from Punchbowl News.

A spokesman for Trump characterized the report as "total bullshit."

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Comments on "Trump insults Milwaukee, host of the RNC convention and important swing state city.":

  1. by Curt_Anderson on June 13, 2024 10:20 pm
    Trump Weighs in on Milwaukee Flub and Somehow Makes It Even Worse
    Donald Trump doubled down on his comment as his fellow Republicans spiraled over it.

    “It was very clear what I meant,” Trump told Fox News’s Aishah Hasnie. “I said, we’re very concerned with crime. I love Milwaukee, I have great friends in Milwaukee, but it’s, as you know, the crime numbers are terrible. We have to be very careful.”

    [As] for Trump’s claim that the city’s crime numbers “are terrible”—in reality, they’re way down, with homicides in the city decreasing by 42 percent when compared to 2022, according to data from the Milwaukee Police Department. Crimes such as rape, aggravated assault, theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson have also dropped off drastically in the Brew City.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on June 14, 2024 3:25 am

    His comment was a focus of the gay Guy Curt Never Heard of's radio program yesterday. Guy and whichever guest it was considered Trump's comments to be brilliant because Milwaukee is electric blue and Trump might succeed in interesting the few thousand moderate and independent common sense voters there into voting for him... and, that gay Guy you never heard of ain't a Trump apologist.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on June 14, 2024 4:16 am

    And, Curt. The ridiculous notion that crime in Milwaukee is way down goes to a point also made yesterday on The gay Guy that You Never Heard of's Radio Program.

    Crime stats look better because blue city DAs are down charging crimes or, even, not charging crimes at all. People who watch the 6:00 news know that.

  4. by Curt_Anderson on June 14, 2024 8:33 am
    Milwaukee is blue like many a big city. Yes, Joe Biden won better than 2/3 of the votes in Milwaukee. But in 2020, Donald Trump won 134,000 votes there. Biden only won Wisconsin by 20,000 votes. It’s not the smartest political move to insult the city that accounts for 10% of Wisconsin’s population.

    I’d be interested in knowing why it is you and OD believe that crime reports are now inaccurate and dishonest, even though they are coming from the same mayors, police chiefs and FBI reports. Better yet, what evidence do you have that crimes are measured differently now?

  5. by HatetheSwamp on June 14, 2024 8:46 am


    Imo, crime reports are absolutely accurate. It's that blue prosecutors simply don't charge acts that, previously would have been serious crimes.

    I'm telling you, buddy. Watch the 6:00 news everyday for a month then tell me you're really convinced that there's less crime.

    Regarding Trump and Milwaukee. I think that your gay Guy is right. I'm from Pennsylvania as you know. If Trump comes here and says about Philadelphia what he said about Milwaukee, he'd win himself points in the suburbs... and, probably, among people of color in the city who have to live around the crime you claim ain't happening.

    No. I'm with the gay Guy on this'ne.

  6. by Curt_Anderson on June 14, 2024 8:55 am
    Ok, maybe you can encourage your gay radio friend to tell Trump to insult other large cities as a way of winning suburban vote.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on June 14, 2024 9:56 am

    Your take fascinates me, Curt. Is your sanctimony so profound that you don't realize that not everyone is on board with big blue city white woke values?

    Of course, MAGAs and conservatives and libertarians are eating up the Orange Turd's swipe at big city blue-ism. The people who will decide this election are, precisely, the moderate and independent common sense voters who people the suburbs.....and who, more and more, dread going into the city because they perceive crime to be out of control.

    That gay Guy you never heard of is pretty sharp. He's a suburb guy. Don't dismiss his take on the political impact of the Orange Turd's comment. I think there's sumpthin to it.

    We'll see.

  8. by Curt_Anderson on June 14, 2024 10:02 am
    How am I dismissing your gay radio friend?! According to you he said that by insulting Milwaukee, Trump wins himself points in the suburbs. I am saying that Trump should repeat that ploy and insult EVERY big city to win suburban voters.

    I expected gratitude, not a lecture from you about my purported sanctimony.

  9. by HatetheSwamp on June 14, 2024 10:04 am

    Hmmmm. I thought that your comment was tongue in cheek... i.e., that you were joshin...

    As the Beatles sang, I should have known better. BA!

  10. by Curt_Anderson on June 14, 2024 10:51 am
    If your gay radio guy was serious, why would you question if my suggestion was serious? If it's a good idea to insult Milwaukee, why not every big city?

    Incidentally Democrats are attempting to capitalize on Trump's Milwaukee insult, including placing billboards around beer town quoting Trump.

    The Trump defenders should all get on the same page. Some Republicans are saying that Trump was referring to the "horrible crime rate", some say he meant the "horrible rigged election", some say he meant "horrible policies" others deny he said "horrible" at all, Trump's spokesperson called it "total bull s--t".

  11. by HatetheSwamp on June 14, 2024 11:05 am

    I'm certain that Trump would say that about every big city with a crime problem which is sporting stats that suggest crime ain't really a problem. As far as I can tell, Trump has little to lose and much to gain.

    The election won't be settled by how much white wokesters are amused by Trump's hyperbole.

    He's pointing out to moderate and independent common sense voters that the lies you progressives tell each other are just that... lies.

    He's despicable, but he can be clever.

  12. by Indy! on June 14, 2024 12:41 pm

    You gotta watch Fox to hear that crime is up, Curt. Everywhere else* it's way down.

    *Read: "In the real world...".

  13. by oldedude on June 14, 2024 9:28 pm
    If your gay radio guy was serious, why would you question if my suggestion was serious? If it's a good idea to insult Milwaukee, why not every big city?

    I find it funny this entire thread is based ON A LIE started by the dims. No one in the room that was there has said anything like that happened. And yet, like the computer. And the Steele dossier. It's all fictitious and a fictional character of the dims imagination. And no one bothered to check out the source. Because the libtards are soo stupid they'll believe anything.

  14. by Curt_Anderson on June 14, 2024 11:07 pm
    Except FOX News, Republicans who were in the room and Trump all said he said Milwaukee was horrible. Their usual line is that "there is missing context".

  15. by Indy! on June 15, 2024 10:53 am

    OD gives us a link to Trump and the GOP's spin on it. Not really how sourcing information works - but at least this time OD had something as opposed to nothing.

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