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Family selectors, pages, etc.
Hunter's stripper babymama talks Biden family cruelty with Megyn Kelly
By HatetheSwamp
June 7, 2024 3:31 pm
Category: Family

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Hunter obviously is a world-class loser. He owes what? $2,900,000?, more?, to his ex wife?

I'll bet that's more than Curt makes off of SS in a week!

And, then there's the baby with the stripper whom he knocked up and only acknowledged when he was busted by DNA. How much does he owe there?

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Comments on "Hunter's stripper babymama talks Biden family cruelty with Megyn Kelly ":

  1. by Indy! on June 7, 2024 3:53 pm

    Did Megyn get another face lift or did she just lose a ton of weight because of all the cocaine and chain smoking? 🤔

  2. by Curt_Anderson on June 7, 2024 4:05 pm
    Wait 'til voters learn that the son of a US President had unprotected sex with a stripper! Americans will be shocked and aghast. And that he denied it...for shame!

    Voters will certainly punish that sort moral turpitude.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on June 7, 2024 4:08 pm

    She says that she gets oodles of botox on her face and can barely move it.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on June 7, 2024 4:10 pm

    If there's any fallout, it will be for "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" denying the little girl and lying about how many grandchildren he has.

  5. by oldedude on June 8, 2024 3:00 pm
    I understand that the favored son of the president fucked a whore that cashed in on her payday by getting pregnant while he was doing crack. That about sum it up? The issue is that in the family courts, that's not a great thing to do. Regardless of who you are. In many states, if you don't pay child support, you lose access to the kid(s). No big deal in this case, since the entire family has said the child doesn't exist. So once you lose access to the children, you're paying child support AND you don't get to see the kid, nor do you have access to any decisions regarding the child. These basic rules are in most judicial systems throughout the US.

    The question is about the family per se. Is the presidential family spiteful enough the patriarch can't/ won't keep this out of the press? Is it too much trouble to show to the citizens he "serves" that the family isn't a bunch of assholes that aren't accountable for where their son's dick has been? That just sounds strange.

    If this were the Bush's or trumpster, or whomever on the right, they'd be roasted. And yet the biden crime family doesn't care enough to take care of this before it became a problem. Trumpster, at least tried to make it go away with a legal NDA.

    As far as Lead's initial post, She's just making money the way she's being forced to. Through prostitution. Looking at what's going on, the hooker is much better at this than the crime family. And she's making the crime family look like a bunch of buffoon's. But after Afghanistan, etc, I wouldn't expect anything different in the management of problems that come up.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on June 8, 2024 3:38 pm

    I watched the whole interview. Her explanation of how she came to think of the First Loser as someone worth shacking up with suggests that you wouldn't expect her to accept your invitation to the Church's Sunday School picnic.

    The thing is, this makes Jill and Joe seem like heartless sleezebags.

    Amazing. Trump, the victim of Dem legal bullying, is becoming a genuinely sympathetic figure and Joe?, less and less so all the time.

    I'm beginning to think that Trump may just get this November vote... TOO BIG TO RIG.

  7. by oldedude on June 9, 2024 10:03 am
    The thing is, this makes Jill and Joe seem like heartless sleezebags.

    I absolutely agree. It's like a Fairy Tale about the difference between evil people and good people and how they treat children. If it were a Celtic tale, the evil ones would be messed with by the fairies and wear squash for heads while they spend eternity trying to find their heads to see.

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