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‘He’s more delusional than I thought’: Libertarians jeer Trump during convention speech
By Curt_Anderson
May 25, 2024 11:21 pm
Category: Politics

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(Politico)If Donald Trump came to the Libertarian National Convention to make peace on Saturday, it could hardly have gone worse.

Within minutes of beginning speaking — and after enduring sustained jeering and boos — the former president turned on the third party, mocking its poor electoral record in presidential elections even as he appealed to them for their endorsement.

“What’s the purpose of the Libertarian Party of getting 3 percent?” Trump asked the crowd, which proceeded to pelt him with jeers. “You should nominate Trump for president only if you want to win.”

The libertarians in attendance didn’t want to hear it, as hecklers chucked insults at Trump all night. “Liar,” they called him. “Panderer,” they shouted. “You crushed our rights,” they belted.

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Comments on "‘He’s more delusional than I thought’: Libertarians jeer Trump during convention speech":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on May 26, 2024 4:01 am

    Doesn't the tone of this paragraph suggest that Trump is the candidate who's campaign is in trouble?:

    The raucous reception laid bare the difficulties confronting Trump in his effort to expand his base and cut off a third-party threat, not only from Libertarians, but also from independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

    Good old Politico, eh?


    Both Trump and Biden were invited to speak at the Libertarian Party’s national convention, organizers said, but only Trump accepted.

    "End of quote. Repeat the line."

    BTW, at this point it's still 50/50 that pb'll vote for Kennedy or the Libertarian candidate... unless Trump picks Tulsi.

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  2. by oldedude on May 26, 2024 5:41 am
    trumpster is the closer of the two to speak to Libertarians, but not that much closer. He continued to allow Fauchi to run his self-serving campaign of lies and deceit to the American public throughout trumpster's tenure. The hard-line libertarians are not going to take any acceptance that fauchi has any science behind him whatsoever, even in the early stages. The congressional hearings are showing that.

    As a politician, even the likes of DeSantis had to be careful of stepping in the minefield of anti-fauchism. Knowing what we know now, it seems easy, but the CDC and media was really forcing the hand of politics at the time. trumpster had his fall-boy, but it was too little, too late. And this was one place the libertarians could put their foot down and show they were correct, not just in theory, but in truth. And again, they got a solid win they can show where the government lied to the point of killing people. And not just little brown and black people in some third world country nobody can pronounce, but US citizens.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on May 26, 2024 6:43 am

    Trump definitely is not a libertarian. If you're radical enuff to be an actual Libertarian Party member, it would be almost impossible to vote for Trump. It would be absolutely impossible to vote for Big Bro Joe.


    ...what I admire about Trump is that he's committed enuff to the democracy component of our Republic to go to the South Bronx... and to the Libertarians... to ask for votes... and to make his case.

    Joe wasn't around yesterday... and, and Johnny Joey Jones has been pointing out on Fox News that he's from Marjorie Taylor Greene’s district, a GOP equivalent to AOC's Dem district...

    ...and no one, even our own Good German Anderson, is going to claim that the Doddering Old Fool's going to campaign where Greene’s the House member nor that he'd be as warmly received.

    That might be the difference in November.

  4. by oldedude on May 26, 2024 8:43 am
    I agree. I'm thinking that just having the stones to show up and be willing to speak there shows more than pedojoe could ever. That's what I like about JJJ. 1. He's not a delicate man. He actually admires someone that would do that. He may not like them personally, but no one else would try it. That's kind of a note to the rest of the "delicate" "men" we know. I guess to go into the lions den and take it on shows something the rest of the field lacks. 2. He's going to say what he's going to say. I know he's somewhat censored on television, but I've seen him when he truly believes in something. He's a force to be reckoned with. I saw him about pedojoe's fiasco in Afghanistan.

    The sheeple media were all talking about how going into the boroughs of NY isn't going to change the election. At the same time, what are the people that are in the swing states thinking? Maybe that, "hey, he went into AOC's district and wasn't booed or killed. If he'll step out like that, he's going to do a lot more than pedojoe for me." And right now, that's the only stones out there.

  5. by Indy! on May 26, 2024 11:21 am

    It's fun watching peebs and OD here slowly but surely create their new excuses to vote for Trump a THIRD time. Hey guys, no need to be embarrassed about it - we all know that's your guy. 😉

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