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Personality selectors, pages, etc.
Trump is the beneficiary of the soft bigotry of low expectations
By Curt_Anderson
March 13, 2024 9:23 pm
Category: Personality

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The headline is my theory as to why when it comes to aging and cognitive decline, Biden is judged more harshly than Trump. Both Biden and Trump are old, both get names wrong, both flub words, but Trump is crazy. Trump gets a pass on his false, weird and/or anti-democratic statements. He's like the crazy, bigoted uncle people tolerate because they don't expect much from him. -- Curt

(The Bulwark)Trump [is] still boasting about a cognitive test he passed in 2020 that required him to repeat a series of words in order. As he recalled, the words were: “Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.” [Trump obviously lied. The words in a cognition test are purposely randomized; they never have an obvious relationship.] He claimed his performance prompted the testers to exclaim, “That’s amazing. How did you do that?” The test, it turns out, was meant to detect signs of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and similarly serious conditions. This was, noted Jonathan Reiner, a cardiologist at the George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences, “a very, very low bar for somebody who carries the nuclear launch codes in their pocket to pass and certainly nothing to brag about.” And he passed it four years ago.

Paul Quirk, a politics professor at the University of British Columbia, assessed the cognitive functioning of the two major candidates for president and concluded that while they both showed signs of decline, “Biden’s age should be less of an issue than Trump’s more apparent cognitive decline—displayed in slurred speech and gross, repeated errors in one campaign rally after another.”

A recent poll found that 63 percent of Americans had major concerns over Biden’s mental capability to serve as president as compared to 57 percent who had major concerns on this score for Trump. Perhaps these numbers will change as a result of Biden’s State of the Union performance last Thursday. Perhaps not.

On Saturday, both candidates held rallies in Georgia. Biden made no notable gaffes. Trump, meanwhile, assured his audience that he could have easily prevented the Ukraine war with a quick call to “Poten.” He mocked Biden’s stutter, and called him “the worst president, the most incompetent, and the most corrupt” in U.S. history. (Project much?) And he falsely accused Biden of having “announced a plan to send our brave U.S. military men and women into Gaza to resupply the terrorists of Hamas.”

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Comments on "Trump is the beneficiary of the soft bigotry of low expectations":

  1. by Indy! on March 14, 2024 9:59 am

    The bar is lower for Republican candidates because the bar is low for being a Republican. That crazy uncle you refer to is always a GOPer.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on March 14, 2024 10:09 am


    Please splain why anyone with a working brain,... and a heart... would vote for either of these bozos.

  3. by Curt_Anderson on March 14, 2024 10:38 am
    Because one of "these bozos" will be president next year. It's one or the other. At most JFK Jr., No Labels, Cornel West, et al will be spoilers, but they will not be president.

    Besides Biden's accomplishments including lowering drug costs, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and the CHIPS and Science Act, et cetera, Biden is the pro-democracy candidate, while Trump has never met an autocrat he doesn't like.

    Mr. Knight here shares some of my feelings. Though I am a Democrat I mourn the demise of a Republican Party that was principled and sane. The GOP previously was an important contributor to policy debates and political compromises.

    “It’s very clear Trump lives in an absolutely binary world. It is a world that is fueled by greed, vengeance, immorality.”

    “My name is Michael Knight. I am 62 years old. I live in Houston, Texas. I am a small business owner. I am a natural born citizen, and I’m a lifelong Republican.

    The GOP party is now fomenting distrust and hatred. It used to be, the party that I grew up in, was the defender of morals and ethics and good governance. Where did all that go? It is a huge concern to me. I’m all for draining the swamp, but when we just turn it into a stinking cesspool, that is not how I want to live.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on March 14, 2024 10:47 am

    Besides Biden's accomplishments including lowering drug costs, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and the CHIPS and Science Act, et cetera, Biden is the pro-democracy candidate, while Trump has never met an autocrat he doesn't like.

    Biden's accomplishments are fueling the inflation that earns him massive disapproval among voters.

    And,... that "dithering and diminished" Doddering Old Fool is the least pro-democracy candidate in American history by a long chalk. Who else has weaponized his DOJ against his leading opponent in our whole history!!!!!?

  5. by Curt_Anderson on March 14, 2024 11:02 am
    You have to admit that weaponizing the DOJ against his leading opponent for the first time US history demonstrates Biden's political cunning and cleverness. No cognitive decline there! Trump didn't think of it. It's only now that Trump says he'd use the DOJ and governmental agencies in retribution and revenge against his political enemies.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on March 14, 2024 11:20 am


    You have to be the best glass is half full Good German in history.

  7. by Curt_Anderson on March 14, 2024 11:34 am
    I am just saying that Biden's being able to direct, coordinate and orchestrate state and federal level trials in Georgia, New York, Florida and Washington DC on charges covering everything from fraud to withholding classified documents to election interference to sexual assault and defamation is an phenomenal feat requiring impressive legal acumen. These Trump trials include states with Republican governors and legislatures. And he has done it without leaving any fingerprints.

    Admit it: Biden is smart!

  8. by HatetheSwamp on March 14, 2024 11:42 am

    Every bit as smart as Inspector Clouseau,... or nearly.

  9. by Curt_Anderson on March 14, 2024 11:52 am
    Right. Yes, in the end Inspector Clouseau always prevailed over the bad guys in all his movies. As Ponderer says, it will be a landslide! I personally will be satisfied with any size electoral win for Biden.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on March 14, 2024 12:09 pm

    ... with the ballot harvesting and ballot curing and diddling with the chain of custody of "mail-in ballots," no doubt.

    Four more years of God saving the Queen, man and lyin dog-faced pony soldiers. Can't wait!

  11. by oldedude on March 14, 2024 1:00 pm
    You have to admit that weaponizing the DOJ against his leading opponent for the first time US history demonstrates Biden's political cunning and cleverness. No cognitive decline there! Trump didn't think of it. It's only now that Trump says he'd use the DOJ and governmental agencies in retribution and revenge against his political enemies.

    Especially how ILLLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONALL this is.... Weaponizing the federal law enforcement system is something putin does. Or Maduro. or Xi Zhenping. That's the way they operate. So my kudos for "always" supporting the unconstitutional use of the DOJ, etc to bend over to the will of the despot in charge.

    I loved it when you all got your panties in a wad over the LIE that trumpster was using putin in that now defunct "Russia" case. But now, you can't get off your vibrator dreaming of how the government is being used against half the nation.

    Again. You are supporting an unconstitutional use of the government. I know you don't understand that and never will. As long as it suits your wants by arresting innocent people, keeping those with jailed in misdemeanor charges for over a year before court, and putting those same people in 23-hour solitary confinement.

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