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Music selectors, pages, etc.
The reality of the situation(s)... and occasional musical interludes Part III
By Indy!
September 6, 2023 1:50 pm
Category: Music

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I'm back on the back up. I recommend everyone keep up with their archiving (if you have any) because it you wait 7 or 8 years you might have a lot of crap to sort. I've already sorted/trashed over 60K files (yes - 60 thousand) and still have another week or so of work ahead of me. Us graphic artists create files in our sleep apparently.

Anywho... found another original Indy song - I believe it's from the 2004 election. It's not complete - I remember that much about it. Reminded me that I used to call Bush "Boy" and "Smirk". 🙂

A D Wonderland (Sung to the tune of A Winter Wonderland)

GOP hell...
Are you listening?
Stock market fell...
Depression christening.
The economy's down...
The Boy is a clown...
Talking about a D wonderland.

Iraq nonsense...
Are you kidding?
Repub "defense"...
Hardly fitting...
When the bombs start to fall...
The Boy fumbles the ball...
Talking about a D wonderland.

Enron scandal...
Just like Harken...
No watchdogs barkin'
The CEOs steal...
While Boy wheels and deals...
Talking about a D wonderland.

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Comments on "The reality of the situation(s)... and occasional musical interludes Part III":

  1. by Indy! on September 6, 2023 2:16 pm

    Reaching way back. I think this is from the original MSNBC Hardball board...

    Author: Larry
    Subject: St. Patrick's Day Tribute to John Kerry

    There once was a man from Nantucket,
    Whose misstatements could fill up a bucket.
    Oft the truth he has bent,
    Like his "Irish descent."
    Of his record he says, "I'll just duck it."

    Author: Indy!
    Subject: St. Patrick's Day Tribute to George W. Smirk

    There once was a man from Arbusto
    Who loved to drink beer with much gusto
    Up his nose, he'd put coke
    So whenever he spoke
    The People in him did not trusto

  2. by Indy! on September 6, 2023 2:18 pm
    Country Joe and Uncle Mitt

    Come on now you big strong Mitt
    Uncle Sam needs your help - no sh*t
    Get yourself some deferrment plans
    Way down yonder in the south of France...

    So put pick up your cross, put down your gun
    We're going to have a whole lot of fun...

    And it's 1, 2, 3 what is Mitt hiding from?
    Don't ask me, he don't give a damn
    Last place you'll find him is Vietnam...

  3. by Indy! on September 6, 2023 2:43 pm

    Deawest Kalifooownians:

    As youw new guvonouw, I am vewy disappointed in youw weaction to my elektion as the new leeeeduh of youw gweat state of Kalifooownia. I wealize as a mowe independent-minded pewson, you might not be too thwilled wit de idea uff a Webublikan takink office when guvonouw Gwey Daviz wuz just duly elekted a showt time ago. Howevuh, you must keep in mind dat Gwey Daviz wuz nuttink but a diwty twixter who was wunning a vewy high deficit and luvved to spend, spend, spend youw tax dolluhs, wheweas I am DA TEWMINATOW! I pwomise az youw new guvonouw, I will TEWMINATE youw highuh taxes! Wemembuh when I fiwst kame ovuh hewe to Amewika, I was a poow, stewoid-popping, womanizing, immigwant body-builduh wit nutting but a set of baw-bells and way too much testewone pumping thwu my fweakishly ovuh-developed body. Fwom dat humble beginning I vorked hawd to bekome the highest paid actuh in the wowld even dough a lot of people in de audienze kannot undewstand a wowd I am zaying. I mawwied a Kennedy and now I am de guvonouw of Kalifooownia! Living de Amewikan dweam has given me a keen insight into whut YOU want fwom youw new guvonouw... you want lowuh taxes... you want me to pwotect and nouwish ouw childwen... you want me to encouwage business and cowpowate gwowth by weducing wegulations... and you want to keep my Austwian ass out of Hollywood so dere will be no zequel to Cowwatewal Damage. I have taken dat message to heawt. I have heawd da People speak. I will do evewyting in my powew to see to it dat youw and the People awe pwiowity numbew one to my adminstwation! In closing, I would just like to zay it iz my sinzerest hope that we kan move fowawd togethew by finding some kommon gwound in ouw love fow dis gweat state of ouws.


    Youw new guvonouw...


  4. by Indy! on September 6, 2023 3:55 pm

    Best one yet! Please note this is not mine - I did NOT write it. Can't remember where I got it, but I know it's not mine because I'd would have titled it and never would have wrote something like "Bouncy piano interlude". 🙂

    Chorus of Democrats and Republicans:

    Is this the real vote? Is this just fantasy?
    No Bush or Gore landslide, so we're mired in legalities
    Almost a tie, both sides tell their lies with such ease . . .

    I'm just a rich boy, I need no sympathy
    Because I'm easy come, easy go
    I dropped the booze, I don't do blow
    Anyway the vote goes doesn't really matter, to me
    Mama, just love this ranch
    Stocked my pond with fresh sea bass
    How I love the upper class!
    Mama, life is such good fun
    But now they're trying to take it all away!
    Mama, oooh, didn't mean to run for prez
    But you know I always do what daddy sez
    If I don't win this thing by noon tomorrow
    I'll carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters

    Too late, my campaign's done, but I'm still working all the time
    Poaching votes is not a crime!
    Goodbye, everybody--no wait, I just can't go!
    Let's count the chads and never ever face the truth

    Mama, ooooo, I don't mean to bitch
    Sometimes I wish I'd never been born so rich

    Bouncy piano interlude!

    I see a little silhouetto of a chad

    You're a mooch, you're a mooch, will you do the recount tango?
    Pregnant chads and backbiting, very very frightening to see!
    Broward County, Palm Beach County
    Broward County, Palm Beach County
    Broward County, Volusia County, Tallahassee-oh-oh-oh!

    I'm just a rich boy, nobody loves me

    He's just a rich boy from a rich family
    They treat the White House like a Bush legacy!

    He's so dumb, I'm the one, will you give me votes?

    Chorus (Republicans only):
    Be still you wonk! You cannot have the votes!
    Be still you wonk! You cannot have the votes!
    Be still you wonk! You cannot have the votes!

    Can I have the votes?

    Chorus (Republicans only):
    Cannot have the votes!
    No no no no no no no no!

    Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia keep my votes!

    Beelzebub has a butterfly ballot for thee, for thee . . . .

    Rockin' guitar solo!

    So you think you can beat me on the very first try?
    So you think the recounts can't be done on the sly?
    Oh Dubya, can't do this to me Dubya
    We'll just keep counting, till I take the oath come next year!

    Rockin' guitar solo gives way to orchestral crescendo and then a plaintive piano
    . . .

    Ooh yeah, ooh yeah, ooh yeah

    Nothing really matters, as the country plainly sees

    Nothing really matters, cuz Al is just like me

    Any way the votes go . . .


  5. by Indy! on September 6, 2023 4:34 pm

    Somebody wrote this, I thought it was pretty smart, so I saved it...

    The science is very clear about global warming. People who reject the science are uneducated on the subject.

    CO2 is an insulator. Excessive insulation doesn't allow enough heat to escape. This is what's happening to our planet.

    Right now the CO2 level is around 405 ppm (parts per million). It hasn't been over 350 ppm for millions of years. Scientists know this from examining ice cores.

    Scientists are certain that all of the excess CO2 comes from burning carbon. They know this from examining the make-up of the carbon molecules in atmospheric CO2. Carbon that results from burning is of a particular isotope that the carbon in natural CO2 is not.

    This is all very easy to understand. Even Exxon admits that burning fossil fuels is causing global warming.

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