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Personality selectors, pages, etc.
Why pb thinks Trump is despicable
By HatetheSwamp
August 8, 2023 6:44 am
Category: Personality

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I've been challenged effin AGAIN to splain why I think Donald Trump is despicable.

po, started this round but, as I've said, I've been through this with Curt and isle in the well as some who are no longer active on SS.

Interestingly, I don't remember most of my SS posts, nor many exchanges here, but the Trump thing fascinates me and amuses me...

...because TDS is a real thing...I don't have it but all the woke white electric limousine lib lovin progressives do.

po started this challenge with a rhetorical tone, begging me to come up with just one thing that Trump did that I think is despicable...the clear implication being that I can't.


No one currently active on SS supports Trump. What distinguishes us is the those who are rational about it and those who ain't. I peg the rational crowd as OD, Indy and pb.

The TDS order of the severity of derangement, IMO:

1. po
2. isle
3. Curt
4. Donna

One symptom of TDS is the belief that anyone who's sane and rational in opposing Trump is "MAGA." All for of y'nes present that symptom to one degree or another.

So, why does pb think Trump is despicable? Here's an abridged list of reasons.

The first time I recall being asked the question, it came from isle. My recounting of my reply here may be an exact quote because I remember it clearly and because it was the first time I thought about creating a rational description of my raw emotion.

I told isle: Probably for the same reasons you do. He's a narcissist and a bully. He's a hateful person.

My guess that I posted that in early 017, about the time Trump's (first) term began.

Over the years, I've done what po's now axing me to do many times...i.e., mention specific Trump actions that are despicable.

Trump was obnoxious toward all of his fellow competitors for the 016 GOP nomination and then demanded their enthusiastic support in the general election without a word of explanation, let alone apology. Despicable.

His hate speech toward Hillary was...effin is, despicable...and, you all know that I think Hillary is a criminal and a thug who cheated her way into the 016 Dem nomination, among many other crimes and unethical acts. Still...

Trump's interaction with Nancy Pelosi, Chuck You Schumer and all of the "loyal opposition" has no precedent in our history. It's a slap in the face of Washington, Jefferson and Madison and the generation that founded our republic.

Trump's leadership during the pandemic was atrocious and absolutely despicable. The struggle against the disease might have been a moment of national growth, along the lines of unity achieved in the wake of 9/11. We are, in fact, more divided today, in part, because of the confrontational way Trump behaved in the pandemic.

Trump's behavior in his first debate against Biden was rude, obnoxious and unstatemanlike to a degree that is historic and shameful in all of the history of American politics. pb was embarrassed for America on that night.

One more. I imagine you TDSers didn't expect half of this:

Trump's treatment of Mike Pence is certainly despicable. As hard as it might have been for Pence, he served Trump faithfully...sacrificially I think...until the moment that Pence reached the point that his conscience said, NO! Trump's despicability?, may be most heartbreaking in the context of that close, personal relationship.

So there!

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Comments on "Why pb thinks Trump is despicable ":

  1. by islander on August 8, 2023 6:58 am

    That wasn't so hard now was it, Hate !! 🍻

  2. by HatetheSwamp on August 8, 2023 7:19 am


    And, the entire post was reruns!

  3. by HatetheSwamp on August 8, 2023 7:41 am

    You would surely be shunned by the MAGA cult faithful were they to discover that you said that about him. -po

    Just so you understand, po. When you post statements like this one about someone who doesn't support Trump? Rational people translate it, properly, into...

    I HAVE TDS!...

  4. by Curt_Anderson on August 8, 2023 7:44 am
    That settles it, I won’t be voting for that narcissistic bully!

  5. by HatetheSwamp on August 8, 2023 7:54 am

    No, Curt. You'll vote for the guy who's still praying that God will save the!

  6. by Donna on August 8, 2023 7:55 am

    I'm certain that the members of SelectSmart's Gang of 4 are equally "deranged" regarding DJT. We just express ourselves differently.

  7. by Curt_Anderson on August 8, 2023 8:06 am
    You denigrate Biden for his gaffes and malaprops. My problem with Trump is about what he actually means, says and does…usually repeatedly.

  8. by Curt_Anderson on August 8, 2023 8:06 am
    You denigrate Biden for his gaffes and malaprops. My problem with Trump is about what he actually means, says and does…usually repeatedly.

  9. by Ponderer on August 8, 2023 8:38 am

    Thank you Bill. I appreciate this well thought out and presented answer to my question.

    But I do have to take issue with one little part...

    "I told isle: Probably for the same reasons you do." -Hate

    The reasons that we find him despicable were more than enough enough for us to believe that he should never be allowed to hold any elected office whatsoever. The reasons that we feel make him despicable are more than enough for us to totally disqualify him as a candidate for president, and they always have been. Being despicable at all will instantly get you a cold shoulder from Democrats.

    I suppose this is the point where liberals and conservatives part ways.

    In the past, it would only take one despicable act, by any candidate in any party, to get them tossed out of the race and run out of town on a rail. In fact it takes far less than that. Democrats are all too familiar with this situation in our party. Hell, all it takes for a Dem to get kicked out of the race or even from office is for them to make a strange noise while cheering on stage. Or for them to have made a derogatory comment in an email. or be shown in a photo making a questionable gesture towards a woman.

    Democrats seem to have an innate abhorrence for people who are despicable I believe because we have a basic human trait that MAGA Republicans totally lack: Empathy. A leader who has no empathy will rule as a tyrant. A person who is despicable should never be president. End of story. Or rather, it shoulda been.

    But the MAGA Republican party can mindlessly disregard and ignore any manner of despicable behavior in their leaders. Especially coming from Trump. Insult and mock a disfigured handicapped person...? "You're our guy!"

    I think this is a really good example. It was early enough in the campaign for the GOP to take notice of just how despicable this overgrown orange amoeba in a suit can be. Had he been running as a Democrat, or even a Republican in previous elections, that woulda been the end of him right there. Instantly. There is no way the party or its voters would get behind a person with such a sociopathic and loathsome disregard for the handicapped. A person can not be that inhumanly despicable and be a good leader of anything, let alone the United States. But the MAGA Hats don't care.

    Not only was that not a deal killer for the GOP faithful, they actually cheered him on and laughed as he did it. And then later lied about what he did altogether when asked about it. Trump's being despicable actually seems to be a turn-on for the majority of the GOP. It's probably why they never said a peep about any of the far more heinous and despicable things he proceeded to do throughout the rest of the campaign and his administration. If he did it, they must love it. And they'll do whatever mental gymnastics they have to to keep supporting and defending him as you do, Bill.

    Heck, he even committed probably the most heinous and despicable act that any president could ever commit: He actually tried to destroy our democratic system of government by taking over the country in an orchestrated coup!

    And the MAGA Republican faithful's response to his blatant and inexcusable treason and the subsequent dozens of felony indictments against him because of it, along with several other felonies he committed...?

    To scream "FAKE NEWS!" and get behind him, support him, and defend him 100%, as you do Bill, while making him the front runner of their party in the next election. What else.

    So apparently, not only does being the acme of despicable in no way hurt a MAGA Republican's chances when running for anything, it actually reduces the word to meaninglessness when a MAGA Republican like Hate uses it. To them, being despicable is no more of a deal breaker than the candidate being left handed or wearing mismatched socks would be. To them, being disgustingly despicable apparently means he's strong and assertive and he "speaks his mind".

    I think I was wrong in that other thread. I'll warrant that saying that Trump is despicable is actually welcomed and cheered on by the MAGA cultists. They are apparently quite proud of how despicable he is. "Let's see YOUR guy be as despicable as Trump is!".

    So our dear Hate is risking nothing at all by naming this obvious aspect of Trump's disgusting and deplorable makeup. It's a meaningless concession on his part.

    Hate saying Trump is despicable means absolutely nothing coming from him. All he has accomplished by declaring Trump to be "despicable" is to make it clear and obvious to us all that there is no level of despicable that Trump could ever attain that would matter to him or the MAGA Republicans enough to keep him or them from supporting and defending Trump and said despicableness. If that's a word.

  10. by Ponderer on August 8, 2023 8:50 am

    "When you post statements like this one about someone who doesn't support Trump?" -Hate

    Bill, just so you know, I am going to completely ignore your denials of supporting and/or defending Trump from here on. It doesn't matter how many examples I bring to your attention of you supporting and defending him, even in real time as you are doing it, you'll just keep asininely asserting that you don't support or defend him. So there is no point trying to convince you of what you are doing. You won't acknowledge it anyways even though we have all seen the evidence on a daily basis and brought it to your attention numerous times.

  11. by Indy! on August 8, 2023 9:58 am

    Interesting. Peebs hates Trump for the same reason most Ds hate him... his lack of decorum.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on August 8, 2023 10:06 am

    I'm certain that the members of SelectSmart's Gang of 4 are equally "deranged" regarding DJT. We just express ourselves differently.

    No. I don't think so. Some of you resort to the "everyone who doesn't agree with me is MAGA" insult much more quickly than others. I think it's easier to see from outside. And, I think I've ranked you appropriately.

  13. by Indy! on August 8, 2023 10:06 am

    *Except for Pondy - she has actual reasons.

    BTW, no mention of Charlottesville...?

  14. by Indy! on August 8, 2023 10:09 am

    I tried to upload that photo and the photo hosting website said "You can't upload this type of photo". The name of it was "Trump Insurrection" so I changed it to "Innocent Photo" and then it let me upload it. 😂

  15. by HatetheSwamp on August 8, 2023 10:15 am

    You denigrate Biden for his gaffes and malaprops. My problem with Trump is about what he actually means, says and does…usually repeatedly.

    Not entirely. I have no doubt that "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" was in his best mind when Peter Doocy asked about inflation continuing and the Doddering Old Fool called him "that stoopid son of a bitch" and when at a town hall meeting he, in New Hampshire, called the young female voter a "lying dog-faced pony soldier."

    When Joe says what he means, very often, it's ugly.

    You excuse too much. All of up bring our preferences and prejudices to every moment of our lives. It seems to me, Curt, you lean into your preferences and prejudices more than most. But Trump, but Trump!!!!!

  16. by HatetheSwamp on August 8, 2023 10:20 am


    All of us bring our preferences and prejudices to every moment of our lives and you do that with more alacrity than anyone I've ever encountered. As I've often said, I wish that I could embrace my own subjectivity as purely as do you.

    My take on Trump is as it was. Trump is despicable. The Swamp is despicable-r.

  17. by Ponderer on August 8, 2023 12:49 pm

    And again, "Swamp" refers to anyone and everything that doesn't kiss Trump's felonious ass... right?

    Democrats are of course Swamp. Republicans who are against Trump are Swamp... Our entire Justice System is Swamp... Washington DC is Swamp... Blue states are Swamp... All anti-MAGA media sources are Swamp... Anyone who thinks Trump is a criminal is Swamp...

    I know I'm leaving a lot out. Can you finish the list for me...?

  18. by HatetheSwamp on August 8, 2023 1:02 pm

    And again, "Swamp" refers to anyone and everything that doesn't kiss Trump's felonious ass... right?


    And, honestly, po, only an obsessed TDSers could think that for a nanosecond.

    BTW, no. I've splained what I mean by the Swamp more often than I've detailed what I think Trump is despicable. If you can't keep up, eventually that has to be your problem.

    Democrats are of course Swamp. Republicans who are against Trump are Swamp... Our entire Justice System is Swamp... Washington DC is Swamp... Blue states are Swamp... All anti-MAGA media sources are Swamp... Anyone who thinks Trump is a criminal is Swamp...

    Bernie ain't Swamp, though he compromises. And, here?, Indy's less Swamp than anyone.

  19. by Ponderer on August 9, 2023 6:36 am

    "Bernie ain't Swamp, though he compromises. And, here?, Indy's less Swamp than anyone." -Hate

    Okay. So the rest of my list was pretty thorough and accurate then. Great.


  20. by HatetheSwamp on August 9, 2023 7:02 am

    Most GOPs are Swamp.
    The Judiciary is Swamp.
    DC is the heart of the Swamp with the exception of a few congressional GOPs...and a small minority of DC bureaucrats.
    Nearly all in media are Swamp including SwampDems and SwampGOPs.

    A useful synonym for Swamp is OD's sheeple. You're sheeple. isle, Curt and are sheeple. OD, Indy and pb ain't.

  21. by islander on August 9, 2023 7:21 am

    Hate wrote: "A useful synonym for Swamp is OD's sheeple. You're sheeple. isle, Curt and are sheeple. OD, Indy and pb ain't."

    LOL !!!

    Do you think simply repeating that over and over will make it turn into the truth !! You're the only one here that does that!

    That's the advice Trump gave his former press secretary Stephanie Grisham, when telling a lie, "no matter what it is...Just keep repeating it over and over and eventually people will start believing it"!

    That doesn't work here, Hate ! It only makes you sound foolish! 🤣

  22. by HatetheSwamp on August 9, 2023 7:29 am


    Repeat what? That OD has nailed you as one of the sheeple?

    You need help with self-awareness, buddy.

  23. by Ponderer on August 9, 2023 8:45 am

    "Most GOPs are Swamp.
    The Judiciary is Swamp.
    DC is the heart of the Swamp with the exception of a few congressional GOPs...and a small minority of DC bureaucrats.
    Nearly all in media are Swamp including SwampDems and SwampGOPs."

    I knew I had it pretty nailed down. Thanks, Bill.

    Let's take one of those few congressional GOP's who you don't believe are "Swamp". What would they have to do to become Swamp in your estimation, Bill?

  24. by HatetheSwamp on August 9, 2023 8:49 am

    Have a lobotomy forced on them. Once enlightened, no one chooses Swamp dysfunction and corruption.

  25. by Ponderer on August 9, 2023 10:49 am

    How about Liz Cheney? She voted with Trump almost all the time. She was one of the most consistently conservative voting Republicans going. She was never Swamp. Right?

  26. by HatetheSwamp on August 9, 2023 11:58 am

    Swamp=Conservative? Idon'tthinkso.

  27. by islander on August 9, 2023 4:39 pm

    Hate wrote: "You need help with self-awareness, buddy."

    That's the funniest thing I've ever heard..."Bucko" !!! LoL !!

    No wonder they call you guys "projectorists"!

    Thou dost project too much !! 🤣

  28. by Ponderer on August 9, 2023 5:08 pm

    Bill, is Liz Cheney Swamp?

  29. by HatetheSwamp on August 10, 2023 3:53 am

    Holy cow, po! If you look up SwampGOP in the dictionary, you see a little sketch of Mitch McConnell and a little sketch of Liz!

  30. by HatetheSwamp on August 10, 2023 4:19 am


    I was sure that you'd feel assaulted by my observation that you lack self-awareness. Your defensiveness should tell you something about yourself.

    All of us bring our preferences and prejudices to every moment of our lives. All of us.

    Subjectivity is truth, baby!

    And, it's a curious thing. The two people whom I've encountered, in my whole effin life, who live most purely in their own subjectivity with the greatest alacrity are po and you.

    Kierkegaard had the idea that the best way to live is, as Socrates said, to "Know thyself," and then, to unashamedly and passionately... and uncompromisingly... throw caution to the wind and be that to your core...

    ...and po and you do that. EXCEPT FOR THE SELF-AWARENESS part! And, that's such a shame.

    Of all of us, isle, you bring your own preferences and prejudices to every moment of your life. And, that's a good thing.

    Then, you live in self-denial about it. And, that's a bad thing.

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