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Science & Nature selectors, pages, etc.
What are Maga Republicans doing about climate change?
By islander
July 27, 2023 6:57 am
Category: Science & Nature

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"Former vice president Mike Pence, who is running for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, today unveiled his economic proposal. It calls for eliminating the Environmental Protection Agency and the Biden administration’s incentives designed to address climate change.

In that, he is in line with Republican lawmakers. Earlier this month, Mike Magner in Roll Call noted that at least four of the bills released so far by the House Appropriations Committee for 2024 include cutting funding to address climate change that Congress appropriated in the Inflation Reduction Act. Project 2025, which has provided the blueprint for a Trump presidency, says “the Biden Administration’s climate fanaticism will need a whole-of-government unwinding,” and calls for more use of fossil fuels.

A new report from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Columbia University says that court cases related to climate change have more than doubled in five years. Thirty-four of the 2,180 lawsuits have been brought forward on behalf of children, teens, and young adults.

And therein lies a huge problem for today’s Republican Party. A recent poll of young voters shows they care deeply about gun violence, economic inequality, LGBTQ+ rights, and climate change. All of those issues are only becoming more prominent." *


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Comments on "What are Maga Republicans doing about climate change?":

  1. by Donna on July 27, 2023 7:20 am

    And that is precisely why human civilization was doomed from the gitgo. And it wasn't only Republicans. Even Curt was dismissive of what climatologists were predicting via computer modeling, although his family's carbon footprint is probably lighter than that of most American households'

    Stopping climate change would have required an intense coordinated global effort as soon as the problem was identified. Of course that was never going to happen, as governments have never demonstrated the willingness to work together to solve anything of global importance.

    Everyone on this board will probably be dead before things get really bad. Woe to millennials and Gen Z's around the world, though.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on July 27, 2023 7:32 am

    And that is precisely why human civilization was doomed from the gitgo.

    No. Not at all.

    If we're doomed, it's primarily because Clouseau's approach to China is to send members of his Cabinet to Beijing to offer blow jobs to President Xi. Until China works to preserve the environment, what we do won't matter a d@ng. You have to know that...and, India, too.


    You're making the exact error that libs/progressives have always made, which offends us to our core, i.e., to demand only environmental solutions rooted in anti-capitalism.

    I know no conservatives nor libertarians who want to destroy the environment. But, nearly all of them oppose the left's socialism...

    ...and, its demands that only their agenda matters.

  3. by Ponderer on July 27, 2023 7:36 am

    "If we're doomed, it's primarily because Clouseau's approach to China is to send members of his Cabinet to Beijing to offer blow jobs to President Xi." -Hate

    Oh my god YES! The effect that Biden's China policies will have in shifting the tectonic plates of this planet alone will surely make this world uninhabitable!

    You're a flaming lunatic, Bill.

  4. by Ponderer on July 27, 2023 7:52 am

    "You're making the exact error that libs/progressives have always made, which offends us to our core, i.e., to demand only environmental solutions rooted in anti-capitalism." -Hate

    Well, it's Capitalism that got us into this mess. How do you imagine that Capitalism can get us out of it, Bill? How can you expect the arsonists who started the fire to put it out?

    It's really simple:

    Nothing that will actually help the climate and reverse what we've done to it will ever be done because it will cost billionaires money.

    The only thing that could have stopped this decent into a planetary climate freak-out would have been to completely and totally stop the mining and use of all fossil fuels across the globe about thirty or forty years ago.

    Nothing that has been implemented to address climate change in the last few decades has had any effect whatsoever because the actual causes of climate change have not only not stopped, but they have increased exponentially.

    Billionaires are making too much money destroying the planet. So therefore the planet is unavoidably going to be destroyed.


  5. by Donna on July 27, 2023 7:56 am

    I think capitalism is a primitive model to base a civilization on. OTOH humans are primitive. So we're getting what we deserve.

    Mother Nature doesn't care about capitalism or for that matter any ism. Mother Nature has always been in control. My personal belief is that Mother Nature is God.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on July 27, 2023 8:05 am

    I think capitalism is a primitive model to base a civilization on. OTOH humans are primitive. So we're getting what we deserve.

    The point is that in this, uh, democracy, any progress we achieve on the environment will happen politically. You've illustrated perfectly that GOPs aren't going to participate in the Dem approach.

    If you and your gang only care about generating political talking points, you'll accomplish nuthin. When you choose to be open minded and engage in difficult conversation, something might be accomplished.

    A Holier-than-thou attitude ain't the place to start.

    That's all I'm saying.

  7. by islander on July 27, 2023 8:18 am

    I’m a bit more optimistic about our chances of eventually cutting back on our contribution to the factors that are accelerating climate change. The results we are seeing today due to our innaction is just the tip of the iceberg and I think it is finally getting through to the average person that we must start working to repair what we have done and are doing to our planet. It’s not a question of, will we or should we, we MUST repair the damage we’ve done.

    It’s quite amazing what we humans can do to survive when our back is against the wall.

    When it comes to my concept of "God" I'm much closer to Donna's concept than I am to those who, despite their denials, paint a picture of God as MAN writ large.

  8. by Ponderer on July 27, 2023 8:34 am

    "The point is that in this, uh, democracy, any progress we achieve on the environment will happen politically." -Hate

    And yet another reason why we are all doomed.

    The only things that will ever get through such a "democratic" process with Capitalistic billionaires calling all the shots are things that are ineffectual, denuded half-measures reached by compromise so that the fossil fuel industry doesn't lose any Profits.

    That is why we are all doomed.

    DEMOCRATS/RATIONAL HUMANS: "This climate change disaster needs to be addressed and stopped."
    GOP/FOSSIL FUEL INDUSTRY: "But we're making shitloads of money just the way things are!"
    DEMOCRATS/RATIONAL HUMANS: "Yeah well your voracious hunger for profits is destroying the planet and we need to stop it."
    GOP/FOSSIL FUEL INDUSTRY: "Well we will NEVER accept losing ANY of our profits!"

    RESULT: A law declaring a 7% reduction in fossil fuel emissions by 2040 or some such asinine and ineffectual nonsense. And the climate is still destroyed. And even faster than we thought it would be.

    That is why we are all doomed.

  9. by Donna on July 27, 2023 8:40 am


  10. by HatetheSwamp on July 27, 2023 1:32 pm

    So,...your point is that you are just plain superior?

  11. by Ponderer on July 27, 2023 2:26 pm

    I wish there was some form of governor on your flaming projection, Bill. It could stand being turned down a few ticks.

  12. by Indy! on July 27, 2023 3:09 pm

    Accurate except you put the Ds in the wrong group. Biden just signed a "climate bill" that opened new areas of the world for drilling.

  13. by islander on July 28, 2023 4:26 am

    Indy wrote: Biden just signed a "climate bill" that opened new areas of the world for drilling."

    And it gets a 👎 from me, but that's in part because I just wish our guys were fighting harder in these kinds of negotiations.

    However, we all know that politics is a game of give and take (compromise). Did we (environmentalists) actually come out ahead on this one? ! hope so but it's difficult to say for sure at this point. There is this...

    "A Department of Energy analysis obtained by The Associated Press Thursday said the law’s leasing provisions “may lead to some increase” in carbon pollution, but that other provisions would cut 35 tons of greenhouse gas for every new ton of fossil fuel pollution."

    You can get the story by clicking the link below.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on July 28, 2023 4:28 am

    However, we all know that politics is a game of give and take (compromise).

    So. You actually do agree with pb after all.

  15. by islander on July 28, 2023 4:58 am

    Hate wrote: ”The point is that in this, uh, democracy, any progress we achieve on the environment will happen politically."

    “Progress” including political progress, will be made by educating the people as to the causes and effects of climate change. That is what it will take to change people’s hearts and minds. The political decisions that will flow from this will be much more likely to help keep us on the right track to get us through this.

    The spreaders of misinformation will of course be doing their best to thwart this, but once people have a better understanding of what is happening and what is causing it, they will be able to see through the false arguments of the deniers and obstructionists and who are the spreaders of misinformation.

    We, the good guys, ARE going to win this battle. To lose is unthinkable.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on July 28, 2023 5:17 am

    We, the good guys, ARE going to win this battle. To lose is unthinkable.

    And, the people who happen to believe differently than you do? What are they?

  17. by islander on July 28, 2023 6:20 am

    Hate wrote: "And, the people who happen to believe differently than you do? What are they?"

    That's an odd question. Anyone who believes differently than me is someone who believes differently than me. Some differences in belief are benign...some are not.

    For example...In the photo below those people who are harassing this young girl believe differently than me. I call those who support her the good guys...You might see it the other way around, if so, you believe differently than me.

    For reasons you might not understand, I would therefor NOT call you one the good guys.'s not simply" because you believe differently than me, its what you believe that, in my opinion, would exclude you from being one of the "good guys".

  18. by HatetheSwamp on July 28, 2023 6:29 am

    For reasons you might not understand...


    Bahahahahahahahahahaha baha baha baha hahahahahahahahaha heeheeheeheeheehee hoohoohoohoohoo heeheeheeheeheeheehee hahahahahahahahaha heeheeheeheeheehee, hahahahahahahahaha baha baha baha, ahhhhhhhhhhh!


  19. by Ponderer on July 28, 2023 6:37 am

    You see the thing is, Isle, Hate doesn't understand.

    He thinks that it's possible to follow, support, vote for and defend someone who is absolutely despicable without being a part of or contributing at all to the existentially despicable things the despicable person he follows, supports, votes for and defends ends up doing to the country.

    Like most conservative MAGA Republicans, he wants to have everything both ways.

  20. by islander on July 28, 2023 7:16 am

    Pondy, Hate is a troll so he at least understands how to do that part. But beyond that?

  21. by oldedude on July 28, 2023 8:18 am
    “Progress” including political progress, will be made by educating the people as to the causes and effects of climate change. That is what it will take to change people’s hearts and minds.

    If you want to run a "hearts and minds" campaign, there has to be clear goals that people can see are good for them personally. "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" doesn't work. It's not in the reality of the people you are attempting to change.

    Especially when you take their jobs that were extremely secure when they were 18, and now they're three years from retirement and can't collect on it. Or they're working contracts and get told that they're jobs have disappeared in a single day. These are mostly high paying jobs with benefits. Many of them are held by minorities with very few other opportunities. It's the transition that has turned on the climate change folks. Not the purpose.

    Why do we have solar? Because it benefits me, first. I think it's also a good thing to do, although my local electric coop is being pulled kicking and screaming into approving solar and making it easy.

    Do we drive high efficiency vehicles? Not really right now. But they're paid off and in good shape. So maybe down the line before we die. Not on our todo list at this time.

    I've mentioned this before and it's really a big thing down here. Folks using a ton of nitrogen in the soil (which is really sand with very little humas or clay) which is causing our water tables that feed the rivers to overgrow with algae. It also kills the water grasses, which means the manatees can't feed there. I've adjusted my life by not fertilizing my lawn, and fertilizing the trees more often with much less fertilizer. That way, less gets into the water system. I know it's not much, but I also preach it when we're at one of the rivers (which is about every week or so).

    We also grow a lot of our veggies. And have a freeze dryer.

    These are tangible things, although it's not much. I understand that. But the screaming to me just makes me want to go out and do the opposite.

  22. by HatetheSwamp on July 28, 2023 9:17 am


    I wish I could think you're joking but in all these years, you've never evinced a sense of humor.

    But, you do lie like a rug.

  23. by islander on July 28, 2023 12:41 pm
    OD wrote: ”If you want to run a "hearts and minds" campaign, there has to be clear goals that people can see are good for them personally. "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" doesn't work. It's not in the reality of the people you are attempting to change.”

    I agree that there is a certain percentage of people who can never be convinced of the real danger to themselves from the damage we are doing to our environment. So trying to explain any of it to them is useless. Those 33% will be for the most part the hard core MAGA cultists.

    However...And this is where we may differ...I think probably closer to two out of three people are indeed intelligent enough (and can be honest with themselves) to recognize the danger to themselves and loved ones now and in the future once they understand the causes and effects of what we are doing to our planet.

    And... We do have clear goals and at the same time we are making meeting those goals attractive to people as well. This is why we (the Woke crowd) support working with our legislators to provide incentives such as rebates for solar panels, energy efficient appliances, insulation, and rebates on electric vehicles and cars and trucks with better gas mileage, etc. 

    Those are some of the things I want my tax dollars to be spent on. It is unrealistic to think everyone can install solar panels such as people who live in apartments, condos, etc. This is why I also support our government helping communities to build solar farms, windmills when practical, etc, so that everyone can benefit from lower cost green energy. We are seeing more of this happening here in Maine ...There will still be the 33% who will vehemently oppose any of this. They don’t think the government has any business getting involved in this kind of thing especially since they would end up paying some of the initial costs with their tax dollars. It’s called “short sightedness” and “cynicism”.

  24. by Ponderer on July 28, 2023 1:42 pm

    "But, you do lie like a rug." -Hate

    Hmmm. Geee. That kinda makes it sound like you've heard me lie a lot in here. I mean, rugs lie pretty much all the time, so... Unless they are rolled up and put in the back of that closet under the stairs where all that stuff from the move is still in boxes... and now I'm gonna have to pull half of those boxes out to make room to get to the back corner with the highest clearance. I'm pretty sure it will fit. Yeah. I'm sure it will... Wait a second. What did I even roll this thing up for in the first place...?".

    And yet you couldn't cite a single solitary lie I have ever told in here to save your life, Bill.

  25. by Indy! on July 28, 2023 2:13 pm

    The GOP excuses on the board is the reason why nothing will happen.

    "...blah, blah, blah... CHINA! and INDIA!... blah, blah, blah..."

    First off, China is actually doing FAR more than we are in regards to renewables and trying to reduce their carbon footprint. Secondly saying we won't do anything until they do something is like drowning with a bunch of other people and saying "Well if they're not swimming to shore - I'm not swimming to shore either!" It's just a talking point invented by the fossil fuel industry, sold to you by Fox that sounds intelligent to IDIOTS but is really just another way to delay movement.

    Secondly "it's all politics" is just as stupid. We're all going to die. I always find it interesting that people with children and grandchildren are still acting like the world is going to be around for them. It's not. So if you want a trade off on everything - we're all going to die. It's time for the greedy to realize their money is not going to help them this time. We need to move NOW on EVERYTHING. Not keep digging for more fossil fuels because Exxon needs to meet their quarterlies. Pretending like we need to trade off is akin to prosecuting Charles Manson for murder but allowing him to kill a couple guards in prison every year because he's a murderer by trade and we need to come to an agreement here. Exxon at this point in time - are mass murderers. People are dying NOW and it's only going to get worse.

  26. by islander on July 28, 2023 2:18 pm

    😁 Good one Pondy !!! And the funniest part is, "It's True" !!!

  27. by oldedude on July 28, 2023 3:24 pm
    para 1- I agree with that. As it is with all change.

    2. I think where people get turned off is the insistence that the "only" way to do this is to completely submit to "my" way of thinking. You & Donna, et al. differ with me in only on the timing. I'm a "use all now, and let technology move in as it does. When it's safe and we know that it's not destroying the ecology." Technology is moving faster than we think. Especially in the energy sector. The Euros are doing some unbelievable things that we need to catch up on. I've talked about electric trains moving people faster than diesel.

    3. The "clear goals" are getting mixed in with the rhetoric. The only clear goals I've heard of is to put thousands of people out of work and to spend five to ten years training others to build the new technology and build factories. That doesn't make sense to me. People understand phasing out a skill, but this isn't "phasing" out anything. One day you have a job, the next day you can't feed your family.

    4. I do agree with helping communities get a leg up on this. It helps everyone. Some people still live 35 years ago when solar was a crapshoot at best. The technology was unreliable, etcetcetc. From the time we got solar in CO, and to our new solar panels, we get 50% more electricity than those four years ago. That's good. simple as that. We have to work on batteries. We're still having trouble with that. I see that as a very surmountable problem. I, for one, don't have the skills to do that. I rely on those who do. I think they'll be coming up with a few great models in the next five years that will put us very much on the right path.

  28. by HatetheSwamp on July 29, 2023 6:41 am

    And yet you couldn't cite a single solitary lie I have ever told in here to save your life, Bill.

    Y'know, po. Here's the thing.

    I've brought up the issue of the qualitative difference between Trump's lies and "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap's" lies.

    For the Doddering Old Fart it's now the old joke:

    How do you know Joe Biden is lying?...His lips are moving.

    Did Rachel report that, just t'other day, the Former Trucker claimed, "We ended cancer as we know it."

    That poor, old demented fool. In that moment, I'm certain he believed he'd ended cancer.

    Your lies are like Trump's. Trump lies constantly but, as far as I can tell, Trump believes what he says. And, I'm sure that you believe all your foolishness...

    ...but your self-awareness is nonexistent.
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