by Donna on November 3, 2022 7:58 am
Trump has always been smart about getting dupes like the Oath Keepers to take the fall for his own crimes. If you remember, at the close of his speech at the Ellipse on Jan 6, 2021, he made sure to phrase what he wanted his followers to carry out in such a way that protected him from legal liability if or when they committed violence when he said to them "...[march] over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard".
We saw this in his "perfect call" with President Zelenskyy. That's why he called it a "perfect call"; he probably spent a lot of time constructing how to go about getting Zelenskyy to attack his then political opponent Joe Biden without breaking the law, although many legal experts still think he broke the law during that famous call. At any rate, thanks to his supporters in the Senate who would have refused to convict him for any crime, he got away with it.
On Jan 6, 2021, we know that Trump wanted the insurrection to succeed because he refused to stop it even after everyone around him at the White House that afternoon, including his offspring, implored him to. In fact not only did he refuse to stop the insurrection until hours later, at 2:24 PM after the mob had breached the Capitol building and were chanting "HANG MIKE PENCE!", he opted to Tweet instead, "Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!", which is not at all what they wanted him to tell his armed mob. This, after he told them hours earlier in his speech at the Ellipse "Mike Pence is going to have to come through for us, and if he doesn't, that will be a sad day for our country." Several insurrectionists even shared online that they hoped to kill or wound him.
It's easy to see the truth of what happened. It's much more difficult to prove it truth, though, as we saw in the O.J. Simpson trial.
by islander on November 3, 2022 8:04 am
"isle, isle, isle! When has pb EVER said it's not!!!!!?
Of course, truth "is that which conforms to reality." ~Hate
I said to smiley, "Look! Hate is beginning to get it" !!!
😀 Smiley said, "Just don't expect too much from him, his memory is very poor"!