1. What Kind of Multiple Are You? | Anachronic Army | Yes/No Selector |  | 6 votes |
2. "Saint" Kierkegaard exposed as crackpot | SelectSmart Staff | Staff Created Selector |  | 4 votes |
3. Which famous philosopher do you most agree with? (Revised) | nikolai | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
4. Are you me? | | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
5. G-unit Q&A | G-unit | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
6. Number Selector | Ed | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
7. What type of normative ethics do you adhere to? | PapaPijus | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 2 votes |
8. Wisdom | Jaakko Ryynänen | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
9. What is your stance on meta-ethics? | jdizzle12345 | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
10. what can you do for the revolution | zacheria meldavichi | Knowledge Quiz |  | 1 vote |
11. Political Philosophy Selector | LaunchOctopus | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 1 vote |
12. Which philosophical pessimist are you? | PapaPijus | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 1 vote |
13. What is your educational philosophy? | LaunchOctopus | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 1 vote |
14. Philosophy Position Family Selector | | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 1 vote |
15. Worldview of the Future | GaianMind | Yes/No Selector |  | 9 votes |
16. What is your Enneagram type? | Chad Hoolihan | Yes/No Selector |  | 73 votes |
17. How much anime do you watch? | Aya-san | Yes/No Selector |  | 12 votes |
18. Choose your favorite metaphysician | Jim Macdonald | Yes/No Selector |  | 31 votes |
19. Ethical Inventory (Hinman) | exodus101 | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 9 votes |
20. Ethical Philosophy Selector | SelectSmart Staff | Staff Created Selector |  | 1579 votes |
21. Philosophy of Religion | kn | Yes/No Selector |  | 42 votes |
22. Choose your philosopher | Karen, Betsy, and Sarah | Yes/No Selector |  | 32 votes |
23. Inglehart cultural ideology selector | Abc85 | Yes/No Selector |  | 26 votes |
24. Intellectual thoughts of Wisdom | Chadd N. Hatfield | Yes/No Selector |  | 12 votes |
25. Would Locke become romantically involved with you? | Locke | Yes/No Selector |  | 5 votes |
26. What Rank SHOULD I give you? | Markane | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
27. Filosofer | critical rationalist | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
28. Which philosopher are you? | Krish | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
29. Classical Philosophy Selector | Q. Pomponius Atticus | Yes/No Selector |  | 70 votes |
30. Political Orientation Selector | Quaster | Yes/No Selector |  | 25 votes |
31. The Celestine Prophecy Drama Selector | J.J. | Yes/No Selector |  | 23 votes |
32. Which famous philosopher do you most agree with? | Bryan W. Van Norden | Yes/No Selector |  | 354 votes |
33. Sociological Theories/Philosophies | Meist | Yes/No Selector |  | 15 votes |
34. What's Your Animal Demon Spirit? | A Deamon Watching | Yes/No Selector |  | 79 votes |
35. Godless-o-meter | SelectSmart Staff | Staff Created Selector |  | 47 votes |
36. Philo-sonality THE ULTIMATE TEST | Trannon L. Goble | Yes/No Selector |  | 20 votes |
37. Enneagram Test Part 2 | Chad Hoolihan | Yes/No Selector |  | 8 votes |
38. What philospher/philosophy do you most closely agree with? | thisguy | Yes/No Selector |  | 23 votes |
39. The Dead Philosopher Adventure | MistressDeath | Yes/No Selector |  | 7 votes |
40. Which Famous Person Are You Similar To | Derek M | Yes/No Selector |  | 20 votes |
41. Ethical Philosophy Selector | SelectSmart Staff | Staff Created Selector |  | 111 votes |
42. Trump Thrills into Shadow | Arref Mak | Yes/No Selector |  | 8 votes |
43. What element are you? | Vixen | Yes/No Selector |  | 14 votes |
44. Political Philosopher Selector | Chris and Adriana | Yes/No Selector |  | 11 votes |
45. What Ghost are you? | votek | Yes/No Selector |  | 24 votes |
46. Alignment test | Ville V. Kokko | Yes/No Selector |  | 72 votes |
47. Early American Philosophies | Janefan | Yes/No Selector |  | 25 votes |
48. The Jedi Aptitude Test | neo | Yes/No Selector |  | 28 votes |
49. What philosphy do you follow? | Loki | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
50. Individual or Collectivist? | Ricktheheretic | Yes/No Selector |  | 29 votes |
51. Är du gay (och man)? | tvaan | Knowledge Quiz |  | 21 votes |
52. How open minded are you? | Paul | Yes/No Selector |  | 40 votes |
53. Objectivism | jrock | Yes/No Selector |  | 32 votes |
54. What type of book are you? | Balor | Yes/No Selector |  | 13 votes |
55. Goth or Industrial? | megamoth | Yes/No Selector |  | 10 votes |
56. Which ethical/political philosopher do you agree with? | thisguy | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 2 votes |
57. Personality Stats | WebMaster Newsletter Head | Yes/No Selector |  | 7 votes |
58. Authoritarianism | phoobaar | Yes/No Selector |  | 11 votes |
59. Personality | Brett Fuoco | Yes/No Selector |  | 83 votes |
60. The E-Z(Eccentric Zeitgeist) Personality/Worldview Selector | Robert M. Odom | Yes/No Selector |  | 6 votes |
61. What is your governing philosophy? | frogman302 | Yes/No Selector |  | 11 votes |
62. Are you a Fascist? | Gerry Sessa | Yes/No Selector |  | 60 votes |
63. Are you insane? | Peter | Yes/No Selector |  | 24 votes |
64. What were you in a past life? | sherri riverleaf | Yes/No Selector |  | 33 votes |
65. Whats your ethical philosophy? | SonOvPrometheus | Yes/No Selector |  | 14 votes |
66. American Patriot | Devon Vance | Yes/No Selector |  | 7 votes |
67. What is your political delineation? | Anarcho-archist | Yes/No Selector |  | 38 votes |
68. Are you an antisemite? | jimminy | Yes/No Selector |  | 11 votes |
69. World Views and Ideologies | Sander Spek | Yes/No Selector |  | 16 votes |
70. Do you deserve to die? | Huber | Yes/No Selector |  | 14 votes |
71. What is your political orientation? | Gustavo E. Nuñez | Yes/No Selector |  | 22 votes |
72. What kind of mind do i have? | The_Official_Bastard | Yes/No Selector |  | 15 votes |
73. Ethical Philosophy Selector | | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
74. what are you worth? | ravender | Yes/No Selector |  | 11 votes |
75. Existentialism, Absurdism or Nihilism? | Jackliffo201 | Knowledge Quiz |  | 19 votes |
76. Are You Happy? | Lily | Yes/No Selector |  | 12 votes |
77. Age of Purity Quiz | Joseph Plumbrook | Yes/No Selector |  | 8 votes |
78. What is your point of view towards the world | The Lorax | Yes/No Selector |  | 10 votes |
79. Christian Philosophy | Dean | Yes/No Selector |  | 9 votes |
80. what are my charmed powers | yhtamitnenrek | Yes/No Selector |  | 13 votes |
81. Choose your perfect government | Tomas | Yes/No Selector |  | 19 votes |
82. Alter-Ego Philosophy | Nora R Cumber | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
83. What kind of gay are you? | Another Atheist | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
84. Neotaoist Test | Mr. X | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
85. The Purple Selector | Purple | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
86. What are you? | Saereth | Yes/No Selector |  | 15 votes |
87. Do You deserve life? | Seribibi | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
88. Which Western State Are You From? | NickMojave | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
89. Elements of Personality | Stef | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
90. smartness selector | sam | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
91. Intell-igence | Star | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
92. CMoney Q&A | Cody Smith | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
93. Test of Darkness | Trinith Draconus | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
94. Are you a 'Lisist' | lisa | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
95. Philotypes(TM:-) | Tom Radcliffe | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |