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Crime selectors, pages, etc.
A pregnant teenager died after trying to get care in three visits to Texas emergency rooms
By Donna
November 4, 2024 12:17 pm
Category: Crime

(5.0 from 1 vote)
Rules of the Post

There's an obvious problem with allowing states to pass laws that kill innocent people.


Candace Fails screamed for someone in the Texas hospital to help her pregnant daughter. “Do something,” she pleaded on the morning of Oct. 29, 2023.

Nevaeh Crain was crying in pain, too weak to walk, blood staining her thighs. Feverish and vomiting the day of her baby shower, the 18-year-old had gone to two different emergency rooms within 12 hours, returning home each time worse than before.

The first hospital diagnosed her with strep throat without investigating her sharp abdominal cramps. At the second, she screened positive for sepsis, a life-threatening and fast-moving reaction to an infection, medical records show. But doctors said her six-month fetus had a heartbeat and that Crain was fine to leave.

Now on Crain’s third hospital visit, an obstetrician insisted on two ultrasounds to “confirm fetal demise,” a nurse wrote, before moving her to intensive care.

By then, more than two hours after her arrival, Crain’s blood pressure had plummeted and a nurse had noted that her lips were “blue and dusky.” Her organs began failing.

Hours later, she was dead.

Fails, who would have seen her daughter turn 20 this Friday, still cannot understand why Crain’s emergency was not treated like an emergency.

But that is what many pregnant women are now facing in states with strict abortion bans, doctors and lawyers have told ProPublica.

“Pregnant women have become essentially untouchables,” said Sara Rosenbaum, a health law and policy professor emerita at George Washington University.

Texas’ abortion ban threatens prison time for interventions that end a fetal heartbeat, whether the pregnancy is wanted or not. It includes exceptions for life-threatening conditions, but still, doctors told ProPublica that confusion and fear about the potential legal repercussions are changing the way their colleagues treat pregnant patients with complications.

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Comments on "A pregnant teenager died after trying to get care in three visits to Texas emergency rooms":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on November 4, 2024 12:35 pm

    From propublica.


    Do you ever read/watch anything that doesn't have a left-wing bias?

  2. by Indy! on November 4, 2024 12:38 pm

    Can you imagine being a doctor who has dedicated their life to helping save lives and then not being able to do anything to save the young mother because a bunch of backwards, bible-beating luddites think their imaginary god might throw some lightning bolts at them if they don't "save" a dead glob of goo?

  3. by Curt_Anderson on November 4, 2024 12:40 pm
    You have a limited set of responses to uncomfortable facts that challenge your worldview. One of them is to complain about the news source. Would reading the young woman's obituary help you? Here it is.

  4. by Donna on November 4, 2024 12:51 pm

    I really don't care what HTS believes about anything.

  5. by Donna on November 4, 2024 12:56 pm

    "Can you imagine being a doctor who has dedicated their life to helping save lives and then not being able to do anything to save the young mother because a bunch of backwards, bible-beating luddites think their imaginary god might throw some lightning bolts at them if they don't "save" a dead glob of goo?" - Indy

    As a result of these backwards abortion laws, there's been a decline in the number of Americans entering med school.

  6. by Curt_Anderson on November 4, 2024 12:56 pm
    I care either, Donna, but I don't want anybody else who reads articles and comments here to fall prey the same misconceptions and aversion to facts that HtS does. He seems to be a lost cause. I feel an obligation to stand up for the truth and dispel falsehoods on these pages.

  7. by Donna on November 4, 2024 12:59 pm

    I hear you, Curt. Keep doing what you've been doing. I'm just saying that Hts's opinions don't matter to me.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on November 4, 2024 1:13 pm


    I've made it clear. Before Dobbs. I'm pro-life but, politically, I'm moderate. Pennsylvania's abortion law is essential what Roe v Wade foisted on America. That's a reasonable compromise here.

    I don't support the most stringent abortion laws.

    But, that has nuthin to do with my response to Donna's post. I have often said that, among the regular posters here, only OD and pb attempt to set aside the preferences and prejudices that we all bring to the moment of our lives.

    Donna, certainly doesn't. My question is sincere. As far as I know, Donna only ever feeds prejudice. Same with po. isle. And, you.

    That's not a good thing.

  9. by Indy! on November 4, 2024 1:25 pm

    "...only OD and pb attempt to set aside the preferences and prejudices that we all bring to the moment of our lives."

    (Insert Indy laughtrack here)

  10. by Donna on November 4, 2024 1:26 pm

    You're very good at making me laugh, pb. I'll give you that.

  11. by HatetheSwamp on November 4, 2024 1:30 pm


    It's a good thing when someone as earnest as yourself can guffaw, even for a moment.

    No need to thank me.

  12. by meagain on November 4, 2024 2:47 pm

    What I have never understood is why America's doctors do not defy the law en masse. They are failing to observe their Hippocratic oath by obeying it. If they would do so as a profession, then there is nothing the government or law enforcement could do about it.

    There really is little difference between a ban on abortion and slavery. It subjugated one-half of the population to male domination and control.

  13. by HatetheSwamp on November 4, 2024 2:55 pm

    Do no harm... to the unborn child?

  14. by meagain on November 4, 2024 3:13 pm
    It is not an unborn child as medical science agrees. However, if it were, then there I a balance of harms to consider. The harm to the mother and to society of a child that is going to be in care and likely delinquent because of its maternal rejection. The USA is one of a very few countries that ban or even severely limit abortion. Never mind that societies you might regard as primitive had more liberal views. America is an anomaly in that it cannot allow progress as knowledge progresses.

  15. by Indy! on November 4, 2024 3:27 pm

    Simply not true. Ratchet it back, meagain. 🙄

  16. by HatetheSwamp on November 4, 2024 3:32 pm

    "It is not an unborn child as medical science agrees."

    I'll take your word for that
    , Prof meagain.

    However, if a doctor believes that the unborn is a child or a person or merely a human life, that belief will determine how that doctor behaves.

  17. by meagain on November 4, 2024 4:10 pm
    In the limits set by most countries, it is not an unborn child and does not become one until late in pregnancy when it cannot be aborted unless it is necessary to save the mother's life.

    There are no abortion laws in Canada. The decision is for the mother in consultation with her doctors to make as to when it ceases to be justifiable. It works well but we may get laws after the next election with a radical conservative Party that has a huge lead in the polls now.

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