1. Thank you for the welcome back that you posted a few weeks ago. I saw it and never got around to replying to it.
2. Can you please catch me up on the "Trans Women In Women's Sports" argument? (This is assuming that agree that women who were born biologically male should be able to compete it women's sports. You might not.) It's my position that they shouldn't, that drawing a line between people born biologically male and female is a common sense place to make a division amongst competitors. But I see a lot of people who I normally agree with on other topics disagreeing with me on this.
I'll note that obviously it's impossible to make a solid, black and white argument for any division amongst competitors. For instance, we have weight classes in boxing, but not height classes in the NBA. There's no rule written in stone that says it should be that way, we simply make those choices as we see fit. And in regard to men and women, it would be ridiculous to say that ALL men are stronger/faster than ALL women. But it's not about "all". It's all very grey and muddy, but to have no divisions would be madness, and to me, men/women is one division that makes sense.
Sorry, this is poorly written. I'm kinda rambling. But in short: Can you please tell me what are the arguments FOR including people born biologically male in womens' sports?