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gtnish7 is annoying and needs to go away.
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I could have saved Kevin Costner $38 million.
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pb and OD's take on the debate
By HatetheSwamp
June 29, 2024 3:25 am
Category: Media

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We don't perfectly agree, of course, but knowing what I think and reading OD, I think we're pretty close.

And, Curt, po, Indy!,... what all of the EFFIN75,000,000 who voted against the "dithering and diminished" "feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" in 020 think.

This video speaks for everyone I know who sees the truth about Curt's Holy Trinity and po's metaphorical Rachel.


... if you can handle the truth.

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Comments on "pb and OD's take on the debate":

  1. by oldedude on June 29, 2024 6:00 am
    I actually did watch the "debate." And not much of the pundits afterwards. I didn't see a whole lot of difference with pedojoe. Same stance. blank stare. Arms loosely dangling from his side. He was very good at what they had him memorize.

    The fake numbers the sheep repeat all the time. That was good for trumpster. He's already adept at countering the lie that the economy is better now then when trumpster was in office. Ask real people that actually pay for their gas and groceries each month. The ones working two part time jobs without good benefits. The whole "you can't believe your lying eyes bullshit."

    trumpster was great at guiding pedojoe in to anger and back. I find it funny the only person fact-checked was trumpster. Not that there isn't a reason to, but just a note to self. Again, joe's lies about the economy were his usual schtick.

    I really thought trumpster could have hit pedojoe more on China. The balloons for one (well three of them pedojoe let fly all over our nuclear bases). I don't think they could prepare joe for that. To any thinking individual that can spell global politics, it was a spy mission. That's all. The Chinese got their money's worth from pedojoe and family.

    The surprise for me, was that on cue, all the good little germans started squawking about how bad pedojoe did. Again, I didn't see much difference. Even curt bleated the death song for someone we've been watching go down hill for three years, and laughing at him.

    I'm starting to see the "maybe we can't" refrain from the sheep. How to get rid of pedojoe and move the party on is the question. Who do we pick? So we'll see how the brownshirts negotiate their way around this. My bet is they won't have a "good ole' contested convention. They'll fall in line and be good little germans.

    So whatever happens, is going to happen. Putin is playing down in the Carribbean, and there's actually been two or three instances of subs hitting each other in the parking lot near Havana. The US did surface three subs at once in a "hi! we're here!" move. The Chinese are threatening in the South China sea through the South Pacific and east through Polynesia.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on June 29, 2024 6:33 am

    trumpster was great at guiding pedojoe in to anger and back.

    Trump played Joe like a cheap fiddle. The grist for powerful campaign ads measures in the tons... and, it's stuff that will matter to moderate and independent common sense voters.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on June 29, 2024 9:35 am


    Let me start off with two words. I support Biden. I support Biden. Four more years pause.

    Here's why...

    View Video

  4. by Indy! on June 29, 2024 11:14 am

    Yep - both of them are voting for Trump. All these things going down that are ruining the country are exactly what they want - sharia law.

  5. by oldedude on June 29, 2024 11:43 am
    As an adamant supporter of HAMAS and others, I would think you would love to have sharia law. There's always "manlove Thursdays" for your skills. You can treat women like crap, so that's a full 50% of people you can talk down to. And you can think of yourself as superior to others and have the support of men (finally) while you do that.

    I find it funny though that we're a Christian Nation, and of course there are accusations constantly about conservatives being Islamophobic. So as usual, your world view fits in a shoe box.

  6. by Indy! on June 29, 2024 2:42 pm

    Well at least you're finally admitting you are "an adamant supporter of HAMAS" - but no, I have zero interest in your sharia law. That's why I have never once voted Republican.

  7. by oldedude on June 30, 2024 12:39 am
    Lead- on the upside, CNN per se, weren't bad regarding questions. This is an issue the network needed to be considered "impartial" or "fair" on. What used to be the stalwart of "news" is now in shambles. And I was watching specifically for "unfair" or "partial" expectations. There was some. But no more than is usual, so I give them a B+ on being good. Much higher than what I thought it would be.

    That's why all the other stations had to pay such a large fee to show the debate. CNN held all the cards. And again, I didn't think CNN did a bad job. So there's that.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on June 30, 2024 3:43 am

    Yep - both of them are voting for Trump.


    I won't vote for Trump, as a matter of HatetheSwamp principle. I'm surprised that you, among all the others here, don't get that.

    Having said that, living in a, up to the debate anyway, hotly contested purple state, there were moments when I felt a twinge of guilt for not voting for Trump... out of my hatred of the string-pullers.

    I'm sure that, in the end, I would have voted either for RFKJ or Chase Oliver. But, now?

    "That feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" may well win Pennsylvania, due to the shenanigans of the Dem cheaters. In Pennsylvania, in 024, we have the best at ballot harvesting and ballot curing and diddling with the chain of custody of mail-in ballots...

    ...but, I can't see the Dems winning enough swing states to pull this off.

    You can take it to the bank. I feel no temptation to vote for the Orange Turd... and, I won't.

  9. by HatetheSwamp on June 30, 2024 3:51 am


    I thought that the CNN moderators were the clear winners on Thursday. They had a difficult task. Joe, clearly, walked in in the midst of a full-on dementia moment and Trump, while not belligerent nor obnoxious, refused to answer most of their questions.

    Jake Tapper had one moment of bias, IMO, when Joe was in his most cringe-worthy brain fart, Tapper intruded with, "Thank you, Mr President."

    Other than that, they moderated masterfully.

  10. by Indy! on June 30, 2024 9:40 am

    I'm more convinced than ever you are voting Trump again - for a 3rd time. It's in your blood, pb - don't know why you keep trying to convince yourself you're not an R when everyone (especially you) know you are.

  11. by HatetheSwamp on June 30, 2024 9:59 am

    Keehee hoo, ha! Ahhhhhhhhhhh.

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