1. Swedish political party selector 2018 | Yes/No |  | 7 votes |
2. The Joe Biden Vice President Selector | By Staff |  | 6 votes |
3. British Columbia parties | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
4. Canadian Prime Ministers | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
5. Which Canadian Pre-Confederation Prime Minister Are You? | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
6. Underground Social Strata | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
7. What us President are you most like (1-22) | Multi-Choice |  | 2 votes |
8. Daniel Gunter & The Issues | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
9. The Juan Galt Ideological Quote Selector | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
10. Europaval 2004 | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
11. Canadian Federal Election2004 selector | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
12. What Is Your Ideology | Flowchart |  | 2 votes |
13. Whig or Democrat? | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
14. Orgasme | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
15. Political Affiliation Survey | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
16. Which Nazi are you?! | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
17. International Relations Philosophy | Multi-Choice |  | 1 vote |
18. What kind of Western Canadian are you politically? | Knowledge |  | 1 vote |
19. What kind of anarchist are you? | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
20. Foreign Policy Selector | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
21. Obama Decision Tree | Flowchart |  | 1 vote |
22. Political Ideology Quiz | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
23. Ideology Selector | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
24. 2020 American Ideology Assessment | Multi-Choice |  | 1 vote |
25. What is your political world view? | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
26. Choosing a Political Party | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
27. Which Linnettinnian party are you? | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
28. Are You A Liberal | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
29. Vote for our Head of State | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
30. Jakim typem wroga ludu jestes | Multi-Choice |  | 1 vote |
31. Which of these political ideologies are you? | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
32. Deutsche Politik | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
33. The Four Dimensional Political Quiz | Multi-Choice |  | 1 vote |
34. How do you really feel about President Obama (Revised) | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
35. Current Events & Politics Forum | By Staff |  | 77 votes |
36. What kind of Green are you? | Yes/No |  | 18 votes |
37. Whig or Tory? | Multi-Choice |  | 7 votes |
38. U.S. Political Region Selector | Yes/No |  | 11 votes |
39. What type of communist are you? | Yes/No |  | 5 votes |
40. What type of libertarian are you? | Yes/No |  | 27 votes |
41. Which economic school do you belong to? | Yes/No |  | 103 votes |
42. 2008 Democratic Presidential Primary | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
43. What is your political ideology? | Knowledge |  | 2 votes |
44. Political Ideologies | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
45. What ideology are you? | Yes/No |  | 121 votes |
46. Choose your American Political Party | Yes/No |  | 44 votes |
47. Leftist Politics Selector | Yes/No |  | 36 votes |
48. What kind of liberal are you? | Yes/No |  | 58 votes |
49. What school of anarchist thought do you most align with? | Multi-Choice |  | 8 votes |
50. Ur Politics | Yes/No |  | 6 votes |
51. Scottish Politics selector | Yes/No |  | 6 votes |
52. Libertarian/Authoritarian vs Decentralist/Centralist | Yes/No |  | 6 votes |
53. American Political Party Selector | Yes/No |  | 3 votes |
54. 2010 Midterm Elections Party Selector | Multi-Choice |  | 3 votes |
55. Which Israeli Political Party Do You Agree With? | Yes/No |  | 52 votes |
56. British Political Philosophy | Yes/No |  | 8 votes |
57. Political Label Generator | Yes/No |  | 9 votes |
58. Political Faction Quiz | Multi-Choice |  | 5 votes |
59. The Iron-Fisted Fascist Dictator Test | Yes/No |  | 5 votes |
60. Which party are you closest to in 1979 Canada? | Yes/No |  | 5 votes |
61. Canadian Politcal Party / Leader Selector 2008 | Multi-Choice |  | 31 votes |
62. Which Netherlands party do you agree with? | Yes/No |  | 21 votes |
63. Conservative Ideology Selector (American Politics) | Multi-Choice |  | 6 votes |
64. Are you more Democrat or Republican | Yes/No |  | 268 votes |
65. Am I a conservative belonging in the Republican Party or a libertarian belonging in the Libertarian | Yes/No |  | 19 votes |
66. The Most Comprehensive Political Quiz | Yes/No |  | 281 votes |
67. What ideology do you agree with the most? | Multi-Choice |  | 34 votes |
68. Dictatorship Styles | Yes/No |  | 14 votes |
69. Labour Party (UK) Selector | Yes/No |  | 7 votes |
70. Liberal Democrat or Conservative Republican? You Choose! | Yes/No |  | 449 votes |
71. Political Ideaology Selector | Yes/No |  | 40 votes |
72. Political Beliefs | Yes/No |  | 71 votes |
73. Supreme Court Justices | Yes/No |  | 21 votes |
74. European Political Ideologies | Yes/No |  | 142 votes |
75. What kind of Conservative are you? | Yes/No |  | 18 votes |
76. Which Australian Political Party should you vote for? | Yes/No |  | 16 votes |
77. Socialist Party compatibility | Yes/No |  | 15 votes |
78. Wybory 2007 - test (in Polish) | Multi-Choice |  | 13 votes |
79. Favorite U.S. Supreme Court Justice 2001 | Yes/No |  | 10 votes |
80. Famous, recent US senator matching quiz | Yes/No |  | 8 votes |
81. What kind of Monarchist are you? | Yes/No |  | 5 votes |
82. What is your political ideology? | Yes/No |  | 5 votes |
83. vic 2 test--domestic & foreign policy choices | Multi-Choice |  | 5 votes |
84. And what sort of red might you be, little comrade? | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
85. International Agenda Selector | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
86. Dutch Elections 2006 | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
87. Are you Conservative or Liberal? | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
88. Liberty, Equality, Order--which do you support most? | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
89. Find your political philosophy | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
90. Which of the 11 Political Parties Best Fits You | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
91. POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY--determine your philosophy | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
92. Political Theory | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
93. Match with a political party...or are you an independent? | Multi-Choice |  | 1 vote |
94. 2008 Presidential/Vice Presidential Candidate Selector | Yes/No |  | 36 votes |
95. What American party are you closest to? | Yes/No |  | 171 votes |
96. What Kind of Anarchist are you? | Yes/No |  | 77 votes |
97. Pick A Political Party | Yes/No |  | 44 votes |
98. Which of the eight major ideological groups do you belong to? | Yes/No |  | 36 votes |
99. Your Place On The Political Spectrum | Yes/No |  | 18 votes |
100. Are you Left Wing or Right Wing | Multi-Choice |  | 84 votes |
101. Which British political party do you support? | Yes/No |  | 14 votes |
103. What kind of conservative are you? | Yes/No |  | 45 votes |
104. Ideology Gauge | Yes/No |  | 11 votes |
105. What's your Political Philosophy? | Yes/No |  | 5 votes |
106. Which Danish party are you closest to? | Yes/No |  | 13 votes |
107. Presidential Election 2008 | Multi-Choice |  | 12 votes |
108. Australian Political Party Selector | Yes/No |  | 46 votes |
109. eRepublik Test polityczny | Yes/No |  | 70 votes |
110. Which Canadian party do you agree with the most? | Yes/No |  | 41 votes |
111. a PERFECT political quiz ! | Yes/No |  | 12 votes |
112. Are you Pro-European Union or an EU-Skeptic? | Yes/No |  | 6 votes |
113. Comprehensive Democratic or Republican PartyTest | Yes/No |  | 6 votes |
114. The Political Advocacy Quiz | Yes/No |  | 6 votes |
115. Which SelectSmart Politics Forum Posters Are You Most Ideologically Aligned With? | Yes/No |  | 3 votes |
116. The advanced political ideology selector. | Yes/No |  | 11 votes |
117. Are You A Democrat Or A Republican? | Multi-Choice |  | 2681 votes |
118. 2008 New Zealand political parties selector | Yes/No |  | 32 votes |
119. POLITICS: WORLD OF CHOICES | Yes/No |  | 8 votes |
120. Ideology Selector | Yes/No |  | 710 votes |
121. What Type of Feminist Are You? | Yes/No |  | 50 votes |
122. Politiskt test- vilken ideologi passar dig? | Yes/No |  | 87 votes |
123. Who would you vote for in the Mass. US Senate Race? | Yes/No |  | 7 votes |
124. Democrat or Republican? | Yes/No |  | 219 votes |
125. In which of the nine political regions do you fit? | Yes/No |  | 62 votes |
126. Political Economy/Philosophy Selector | Yes/No |  | 23 votes |
127. Conservative or Liberal | Yes/No |  | 122 votes |
128. Are you Conservative or Liberal? | Yes/No |  | 210 votes |
129. Political Ideology Selector | Yes/No |  | 16 votes |
130. What is your political ideology? | Yes/No |  | 8 votes |
131. Chorley's Fair and Balanced Political Selector | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
132. Party Selector | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
133. Conservative Breeds | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
134. Political Leanings | Multi-Choice |  | 4 votes |
135. what is your position in political contract ? | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
136. What is Your Political Alignment? | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
137. Inglehart Political ideology selector | Multi-Choice |  | 2 votes |
138. Political Ideology | Yes/No |  | 37 votes |
139. Political Party chooser---Republic of Ireland | Yes/No |  | 38 votes |
140. What Political Party should you Vote for? | Yes/No |  | 9 votes |
141. Which Dictator Are You? | Yes/No |  | 14 votes |
142. Democrat or Republican? | Yes/No |  | 369 votes |
143. Foreign Policy Philosophy | Yes/No |  | 63 votes |
144. Communist Type Selector | Yes/No |  | 5 votes |
145. Political Theory Selector | Yes/No |  | 5 votes |
146. Which UK party are you closest to? | Yes/No |  | 89 votes |
147. What American political faction are you? | Yes/No |  | 96 votes |
148. Which Pakistani media star are you? | Yes/No |  | 12 votes |
149. ideologitest | Yes/No |  | 9 votes |
150. Political Ideology | Yes/No |  | 6 votes |
151. Ideological Test | Yes/No |  | 6 votes |
152. Northern Ireland | Yes/No |  | 6 votes |
153. Social Class Selector | Yes/No |  | 6 votes |
154. How conservative or liberal are you? | Knowledge |  | 3 votes |
155. Which Arab Leader Are You? | Yes/No |  | 13 votes |
156. Political Profile | Yes/No |  | 51 votes |
157. Are you Machiavellian? | Multi-Choice |  | 55 votes |
158. Political Compass | Yes/No |  | 126 votes |
159. Determine What Type of Socialist You Are | Yes/No |  | 46 votes |
160. 2014 Congressional Candidate Selector. Who should I vote for? | By Staff |  | 24 votes |
161. Choosing a Political Party | Yes/No |  | 8 votes |
162. Which Arab Country Are You? | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
163. Core Beliefs | Multi-Choice |  | 4 votes |
164. Which presidential candidate should you vote for? | Yes/No |  | 69 votes |
165. Find out your own political ideology | Yes/No |  | 95 votes |
166. 2006 Political Ideology Selector | Multi-Choice |  | 576 votes |
167. Which faction of the Labour Party are you closest to? | Yes/No |  | 13 votes |
168. Your Leftist Ideology | Yes/No |  | 22 votes |
169. American Foreign Policy Tradition | Yes/No |  | 8 votes |
170. Democrat or Republican? | Yes/No |  | 529 votes |
171. What philosophy do you follow? | Yes/No |  | 34 votes |
172. Are you a feminist? If so, what kind? | Knowledge |  | 10 votes |
173. Middle East Political Opinion Selector | Yes/No |  | 8 votes |
174. The Political Wheel | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
175. Choose Your Candidate 2016 | Multi-Choice |  | 4 votes |
176. Are You A Moderate? | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
177. Democrat or Republican? | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
178. Chile | Knowledge |  | 2 votes |
179. World Leaders Selector | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
180. What Country Are You? | Knowledge |  | 1 vote |
181. Marriage and Reproductive Rights | Knowledge |  | 1 vote |
182. What party do you fit in? | Multi-Choice |  | 1 vote |
183. Political Affiliation Survey | Yes/No |  | 255 votes |
184. The BEST Unbiased Political Ideology Selector | Yes/No |  | 28 votes |
185. Der ultimative Arier-Test! | Yes/No |  | 49 votes |
186. Who Should I Vote For in the Next UK Election? | Yes/No |  | 132 votes |
187. Select your political ideology | Yes/No |  | 13 votes |
188. Terrorist Organization | Yes/No |  | 12 votes |
189. UK Political Party Selector 2005 | Yes/No |  | 38 votes |
190. Canadian Governing Party Selector | By Staff |  | 33 votes |
191. Polskie Partie Polityczne | Multi-Choice |  | 10 votes |
192. What Political Party are You? | Yes/No |  | 123 votes |
193. Racism Selector | Yes/No |  | 49 votes |
194. France Political Quiz | Yes/No |  | 8 votes |
195. HOW PUNK/ANARCHIST ARE YOU? | Yes/No |  | 20 votes |
196. What racial stereotype are you? | Yes/No |  | 6 votes |
197. Are You a Nazi? | Yes/No |  | 6 votes |
198. What Type Of Communist Are You? | Yes/No |  | 3 votes |
199. Determine your political ideology. | Yes/No |  | 13 votes |
200. Are you a Republican or a Democrat? | Yes/No |  | 274 votes |
201. Vosem Chart Locator (United States version) | Multi-Choice |  | 117 votes |
202. Type of European Nationalist | Yes/No |  | 5 votes |
203. Political Party | Yes/No |  | 38 votes |
204. What is your Political Ideology? | Yes/No |  | 80 votes |
205. Political Roots | Yes/No |  | 22 votes |
206. Ideologiskt test - hur pass konservativ är Du? | Yes/No |  | 6 votes |
207. What Leftist Organization is best for you | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
208. Are you republican? | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
209. Should you move to Québec? | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
210. UK General Election 2005 selector | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
211. What Political Philosophy Are You Closest To? | Knowledge |  | 2 votes |
212. Are you a Capitalist or a Communist? | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
213. Vilken typ av KDUare är du? | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
214. White Hate Group Identifier | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
215. Political/Economic Ideology Selector | Yes/No |  | 6 votes |
216. Your Political Beliefs | Yes/No |  | 3 votes |
217. Which Axis of Evil country are you? | Yes/No |  | 3 votes |
218. British Political Parties | Yes/No |  | 10 votes |
219. Canadian Political Parties | Yes/No |  | 21 votes |
220. Political Stance/Ideology Finder | Yes/No |  | 13 votes |
221. Political Spectrum Self-Test | Yes/No |  | 212 votes |
222. Political Affiliation Survey | Yes/No |  | 10 votes |
223. Political Personality | By Staff |  | 99 votes |
224. Democrat or Republican? | Yes/No |  | 18 votes |
225. Iraq War: Where do you stand? | Yes/No |  | 6 votes |
226. What Country You Should Live In | Knowledge |  | 6 votes |
227. Political Placement Selector | Yes/No |  | 6 votes |
228. Partitest 2006 | Multi-Choice |  | 5 votes |
229. What is your marital status? | Yes/No |  | 5 votes |
230. Swedish Political Party Selector | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
231. Which party should you vote for in the 2007 Polish Elections? | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
232. Political Party Selector - Sweden | Multi-Choice |  | 4 votes |
233. The Political Quiz | Knowledge |  | 3 votes |
234. What type of Conservative are you? | Knowledge |  | 2 votes |
235. Political Personality | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
236. Canada Selector Quiz 2011 | By Staff |  | 1 vote |
237. 2008 Presidential Candidates | Multi-Choice |  | 1 vote |
238. Canada Vote 2008 | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
239. Ideology Selector | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
240. Which SelectSmart Discussion Board Poster are You Most Like? | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
241. Political Spectrum Survey | Yes/No |  | 18 votes |
242. What Job in the Dictatorship are you most suited for? | Knowledge |  | 13 votes |
243. Political Party Selector-Most Accurate Political Party Selector | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
244. Which of the eight contemporary American ideologies most closely suits your views. | Yes/No |  | 7 votes |
245. Political Spectrum Test | Yes/No |  | 6 votes |
246. Aspects Of Presidential Candidate Of 2008 Election | Multi-Choice |  | 3 votes |
247. what type of marxist are you | Yes/No |  | 13 votes |
248. Väljarguide | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
249. What type of political leader would you make? | Yes/No |  | 34 votes |
250. Canada Vote 2008 | Yes/No |  | 54 votes |
251. Should you vote Libertarian? | Yes/No |  | 6 votes |
252. Are you Far Left, Right or smack in the Middle? | Yes/No |  | 34 votes |
253. Where you are on the political spectrum | Yes/No |  | 7 votes |
254. 5-issues political test | Yes/No |  | 3 votes |
255. Help Tory be the Best President Ever | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
256. The Right Test | Knowledge |  | 1 vote |
257. Political Party and Ideology | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
258. Are You a Donkey or an Elephant? | Multi-Choice |  | 16 votes |
259. How much do you agree with me? | Knowledge |  | 30 votes |
260. Choose your Political Party | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
261. partiväljare | Knowledge |  | 2 votes |
262. How patriotic are you | Yes/No |  | 3 votes |
263. Order, National Identity, and Socialist Leanings vs. Capitalism, Multiculturalism and Chaos | Yes/No |  | 3 votes |
264. How Liberal are You? | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
265. Where are you on the Canadian Political Spectrum? (1) | Yes/No |  | 3 votes |
266. General political views | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
267. What is your political philosophy? | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
268. American Political Matchmaker | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
269. Political | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
270. 2004 Democratic Candidate Selector | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
271. Ga Gubernatorial Selector | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
272. CJ's Republican Identifier | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
273. Canadian Political Party Matchmaker | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
274. Are you a dumb American? | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
275. What Anime person are you? | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
276. British General Election 2005 Selector | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
277. Bravenet Presidential Candidate Selector | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
278. Foreign Policy Positions | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
279. How do you attain power? | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
280. Democratic Vice President Selector | Knowledge |  | 1 vote |
281. Swedish Politics | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
282. 3 sided political personality test. | Multi-Choice |  | 1 vote |
283. Presidential Candidate Selector -- 2008 Front Runners | Multi-Choice |  | 1 vote |
284. partival | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
285. political dimensions | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
286. Which Presidential Candidate Could You Befriend? | Multi-Choice |  | 1 vote |
287. Ireland Politics | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
288. Confederacy/Union Selector | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |