Newest Lord of the Rings Titles
Lord of the Rings
Title Author Type Created *
1. What Are You Among The Middle-Earth Peoplesgtnish7Yes-No11/12/2019
2. Which race from Middle Earth are you?thepyromanc3rYes-No1/21/2014
3. Which Lord of the Rings Character are you Most Like?thepyromanc3rYes-No1/17/2014
4. Which Lord of the Rings hero/villain are you ?cmcguren12Yes-No11/9/2013
5. Anorexiaalexanderman6Flowchart10/15/2013
6. Your ideal boyfriend for LOTR halloMulti-Choice11/8/2012
7. Which Horse in the Lord of the Rings Would You Ride? Yes-No7/8/2010
8. Which person of royalty are you from the Lord of the Rings?Yes-No5/7/2010
9. Your Middle-Earth Real Estate Agent: Want To Move?Yes-No2/21/2010
10. Are you an Elf, a Hobbit, or a Dwarf?Yes-No2/9/2010
11. Do you fight like Legolas or Gimli?UNKYes-No2/8/2010
12. Are you Éowyn or Arwen?Yes-No2/7/2010
13. Are You Gandalf or Saruman?Yes-No2/6/2010
14. Are You Obsessed With The Lord of the Rings and Tolkien?Yes-No2/6/2010
15. Of Which Race In Middle-Earth Are You?UNKYes-No2/5/2010
16. Which Orc Are You?Yes-No1/31/2009
17. Which Middle-earth Race are You?Middle Earth RaceYes-No8/31/2008
18. Lord of That RingUNKYes-No8/4/2008
19. Lord of the RingsUNKYes-No8/3/2008
20. What LOTR Character are you?UNKYes-No7/23/2008
21. Lord of the Rings HomesUNKYes-No7/15/2008
22. The Better Fellowship of the Ring SelectorUNKYes-No7/6/2008
23. What Character in Middle-Earth Do You Most Resemble?lord of the rings lotr middle earth tolkien hobbit Yes-No7/2/2008
24. Gondorian Personality QuizUNKYes-No6/22/2008
25. Lord Of the Rings CharacterUNKYes-No6/20/2008
26. what lord of the rings guy or girl r uUNKYes-No6/9/2008
27. What are you in Lord of the Rings?UNKYes-No6/3/2008
28. Fellowship SelectorUNKYes-No6/1/2008
29. Which Lord of the Rings Female are you?UNKYes-No5/29/2008
30. LOTR RAce SelectorUNKYes-No5/28/2008
31. Are You An Elf?UNKYes-No3/2/2008
32. who are you in middle earthUNKYes-No1/30/2008
33. are you a worthy ring bearerUNKYes-No1/17/2008
34. Vilken LOTRras är du?UNKYes-No1/16/2008
35. What sort of Faramir/Eowyn fan are you?faramir eowyn LotR Yes-No1/3/2008
36. Are you evil?UNKYes-No1/1/2008
37. Are you a minion or a master?UNKYes-No1/1/2008
38. Are you a hobbit?UNKYes-No12/31/2007
39. Lord of the Rings Elf-Check: What Kind of Elf Are You?UNKYes-No12/31/2007
40. Lord of the Rings, who is who.UNKYes-No12/19/2007
41. The Lord Of The Rings Character SelectorUNKYes-No12/12/2007
42. Lord of the Rings UNKYes-No12/9/2007
43. Awesome Lord of the Rings Character SelectorUNKYes-No12/5/2007
44. What god of Minas tirith is yours?UNKYes-No11/26/2007
45. Which Lord Of The Rings Character Are YouUNKYes-No11/5/2007
46. Which Lord of the Rings Character Are You?Lord of the Rings Character Yes-No10/29/2007
47. Which LOTR character are youUNKYes-No9/12/2007
48. which culture would you best fit inUNKYes-No9/12/2007
49. Lord of the Rings Personality QuizUNKYes-No9/8/2007
50. Which LOTR character are you?????UNKYes-No8/10/2007
51. GHTlrshglishjls;UNKYes-No8/10/2007
52. What Lord of The Rings Hobbit are you?UNKYes-No8/7/2007
53. Who are you most likely to marry from ROTKUNKYes-No8/4/2007
54. What LOTR steed are you ridding around middle-earth?UNKYes-No8/4/2007
55. Who's your Middle-Earth man? (for the ladies)UNKYes-No8/4/2007
56. Who are you? Frodo, Sam, Pippin,merry ETC.UNKYes-No8/3/2007
57. Which Elf-Lord (Lady) Are You?Lord Of The RingsYes-No7/23/2007
58. Which fellowship member are you?UNKYes-No7/20/2007
59. Which of the Maiar are you?UNKYes-No7/16/2007
60. The Big Fairly Easy Fairly Hard Lord Of The Rings QuizLord of the RingsYes-No7/12/2007
61. LOTR:how brave are you?Lord of the RingsYes-No7/8/2007
62. Which member of the Fellowship are you?UNKYes-No7/4/2007
63. Are you Obsessed with the Lord of the Rings?UNKYes-No6/28/2007
64. What Character would you be?UNKYes-No6/27/2007
65. Which High Elven Woman Are You?elf, tolkien, silmarillion, galadrielYes-No6/21/2007
66. How Obsessed With Orlando Bloom Are YouOrlando Bloom, Lord of the RingsYes-No6/17/2007
67. In the battle for middle earth who are YOU???????lord of the rings testYes-No6/13/2007
68. What Lord of the Rings character should you be?lord of the rings, fantasyYes-No6/9/2007
69. Legolas and ArwenUNKYes-No6/3/2007
70. Which LOTRs media whore are you?UNKYes-No5/17/2007
71. selectocool!Lord Of The rings!!!!UNKYes-No5/9/2007
72. Which Lord of the Rings character are you?UNKYes-No4/27/2007
73. Which J.R.R.Tolkien character do you most identify with?UNKYes-No4/20/2007
74. Which ring of power best suits youRing of power,lord of the ringsYes-No4/16/2007
75. Which Lord of the Rings Fellowship Guy are you?UNKYes-No4/9/2007
76. LOTR charactor selector thingy UNKYes-No4/8/2007
77. Whos better??UNKYes-No4/2/2007
78. Which Hobbit Are You?UNKYes-No4/1/2007
79. Which LOTR character are you most like?Lord of the rings characterYes-No3/29/2007
80. Middle Earth Culture SelectorUNKYes-No3/23/2007
81. Which lotr evil villain are youUNKYes-No3/19/2007
82. LoTR Character TEST!UNKYes-No3/18/2007
83. What army would you be in?UNKYes-No3/18/2007
84. The Lord Of The Rings - Find your character!!!UNKYes-No3/18/2007
85. Which return of the king villain are you?UNKYes-No3/16/2007
86. How mucha re you obsessed with lotr?UNKYes-No3/16/2007
87. Which lotr character are you?UNKYes-No3/15/2007
88. What is your Ideal Job in Middle Earth?UNKYes-No3/7/2007
89. the felloship testUNKYes-No3/7/2007
90. wich companion will you beUNKYes-No3/7/2007
91. selectstiflerselectstiflerYes-No3/7/2007
92. Who's Your Perfect LOTRs Guy?UNKYes-No3/4/2007
93. Which of the Original Fellowship Are You?UNKYes-No2/28/2007
94. Gollum's Coves Male Partner SelectorUNKYes-No2/19/2007
95. The betterest character personality testUNKYes-No2/18/2007
96. Gollum's Cove's Personality SelectorUNKYes-No2/13/2007
97. Which LOtR character are you?- version 9.0UNKYes-No2/6/2007
98. Senko's Lord of the Rings quizlord of the ringsYes-No1/18/2007
99. Elven Kindred SelectorUNKYes-No1/16/2007
100. Which Lord of the Rings Inanimate Object Are You?UNKYes-No1/14/2007
101. Which Lord of the Rings character are you?UNKYes-No1/10/2007
102. What Plaza Word are You?UNKYes-No12/25/2006
103. Who do you fancy from LotR?UNKYes-No12/13/2006
104. Lord of the Rings: Character SelectorUNKYes-No12/4/2006
105. Lord of the Rings Kingdom SelectorUNKYes-No12/3/2006
106. What LOTR race are you?UNKYes-No11/24/2006
107. żQué personaje del libro El Seńor de los Anillos se asemeja más a tu personalidad?Tolkien anillo unicoYes-No11/19/2006
108. Which LOTR character are you?UNKYes-No11/4/2006
109. Who are you most like?Lord of the rings, magic, wizard,two towers, return of the kingYes-No10/31/2006
110. What Lord of the Rings character are you most like?UNKYes-No10/31/2006
112. Lord of the rings evil character UNKYes-No10/22/2006
113. lOrD oF tHe RiNgZ UNKYes-No10/14/2006
114. A Silmarillion test... which character are you most like?UNKYes-No10/13/2006
115. Does It Have A Preciouss...?UNKYes-No10/7/2006
116. Your Lord of the Rings ChumUNKYes-No10/3/2006
117. Lord of The Rings Character SelectorGrade A LOTR SelectorYes-No9/21/2006
118. Tolkien's Realm: Discover Whom You Are Most LikeThe Lord of the RingsYes-No9/19/2006
119. What JRR Tolkien Elf are you?UNKYes-No9/6/2006
120. How do you like your Legolas?UNKYes-No9/3/2006
121. Lord of the Rings Match-Up TestUNKYes-No8/25/2006
122. Which member of The One's Hobbiton are you?UNKYes-No8/10/2006
123. Who would you date in Middle Earth?UNKYes-No8/7/2006
124. Lord of the Rings annoyance selectorUNKYes-No7/29/2006
125. Who is Your Lord of the Rings Bad Guy Match?UNKYes-No7/24/2006
126. Who are you like in Lord of the Rings?UNKYes-No7/14/2006
127. Elf, hobbit or orc?UNKYes-No7/9/2006
128. Which Fellowship of the Ring character are you?UNKYes-No6/27/2006
129. Which LOTR villain are youUNKYes-No6/22/2006
130. Which fellowship character are youUNKYes-No6/15/2006
131. A nice selector to see who you areUNKYes-No6/14/2006
132. Lord the rings character selectorUNKYes-No6/12/2006
133. Choose your ideal Weapon.UNKYes-No5/25/2006
134. Which non-movie Fellowship of the Ring character are you?Lord of the RingsYes-No5/9/2006
135. Girl at Peirce For YoubwiYes-No4/26/2006
136. Which Being Are You?Lord Of The RingsYes-No4/26/2006
137. Which Man Will You Marry?UNKYes-No4/23/2006
138. Which Lord of the Rings character are you?UNKYes-No4/21/2006
139. What LOTR species are you?lord of the ringsYes-No4/13/2006
140. Are you a LotR freak?LotR FreakYes-No3/29/2006
141. What is your favourite food in Lord of the Rings?UNKYes-No3/24/2006
142. which character are you?UNKYes-No3/22/2006
143. What Elf In LOTR Are You?elfYes-No3/20/2006
144. The who are you selectorUNKYes-No3/16/2006
145. Who are you from LOTRUNKYes-No3/13/2006
146. Tolkien Characters SelectorTolkien, Characters, LOTRYes-No3/10/2006
147. LOTR: Your darkest dream lotr tolkienYes-No3/7/2006
148. Which elf are youUNKYes-No3/3/2006
149. Lord of the Rings quizlord of the ringsYes-No3/1/2006
150. What Lord of the Rings Character are You?Lord of the RingsYes-No2/15/2006
151. Which Silmarillion Character are you?Lord of the Rings Tolkien SilmarillionYes-No2/15/2006
152. Species in Lord of the RingsLord of the Rings SpeciesYes-No2/11/2006
153. Which type of elf would you be in the Middle Earth? Que tipo de elfo serías en la Tierra Media?UNKYes-No2/7/2006
154. Lord of the Rings: Famous Male Companion SelectorUNKYes-No2/6/2006
155. Are you obsessed?UNKYes-No1/26/2006
156. To what race are you most correlative?UNKYes-No1/25/2006
157. Where would you live in Middle Earth?UNKYes-No1/20/2006
158. Who's Your Fellowship Match?UNKYes-No1/14/2006
159. Who would be your Lord of The rings best bud?UNKYes-No1/11/2006
160. lotrUNKYes-No1/10/2006
161. Which Elf Are You?UNKYes-No1/10/2006
162. Who are/were you in Middle Earth?UNKYes-No1/5/2006
163. Lord of the RingsLord of the RingsYes-No12/22/2005
164. The Nutcase QuizUNKYes-No12/17/2005
165. Who's Your Middle Earth Soul Mate?UNKYes-No12/15/2005
166. What Elf Are You???UNKYes-No12/15/2005
167. your middle earth love mateUNKYes-No12/15/2005
168. Where the heck is my home?!UNKYes-No12/6/2005
169. What person do you fight like?UNKYes-No12/6/2005
170. What LOTR species are you?UNKYes-No12/5/2005
171. LOTR Warcry selectorUNKYes-No11/29/2005
172. Who are you in Lord of the Rings?UNKYes-No11/28/2005
173. Witch LOTR Girl are you?UNKYes-No11/28/2005
174. Lord of the Rings Character AnalysisUNKYes-No11/27/2005
175. Your LOTR SoulmateUNKYes-No11/23/2005
176. Which fellowship member are you?UNKYes-No11/20/2005
177. What character fits you best?UNKYes-No11/18/2005
178. Which Lord Of The Rings Character are you?UNKYes-No11/6/2005
179. Which Lord of the Rings character would you be?UNKYes-No11/5/2005
180. Which lotr person would want to be your friendUNKYes-No11/1/2005
181. Middle-Earth Substance Selector: What Lord of the Rings Substance are you most like?Lord Rings Substance TolkienYes-No10/30/2005
182. The Fellowship of the Ring Character Selector!!!Lord of the RingsYes-No10/26/2005
183. Lord of the Rings-which character are you most like?UNKYes-No10/20/2005
184. Who are youUNKYes-No10/16/2005
185. Which female are you from Lord of the Rings?UNKYes-No10/16/2005
186. Which LOTR Elf are you?UNKYes-No10/15/2005
187. which lord of the rings guy is ur soul mate?!UNKYes-No10/15/2005
188. Who would you be... on Middle Earth?UNKYes-No10/14/2005
189. Which LotR character are you?UNKYes-No10/12/2005
190. Which Two Towers ''Villain'' Are You?lord rings two towers villain villains bad evil sauron saruman grima gollum orc nazgul ringwraith tolkien antagonistYes-No9/30/2005
191. Which (Elven) Silmarillion Guy Are You Most Like?UNKYes-No9/28/2005
192. What Lord of the Rings Race are you?UNKYes-No9/24/2005
193. Are you Arwen or Eowyn?UNKYes-No9/22/2005
194. Lord of the Rings Personality TestUNKYes-No9/21/2005
195. What LOTR character are you?UNKYes-No9/19/2005
196. The Random SelectorUNKYes-No9/16/2005
197. Your Real Estate Match in Middle EarthLord of the Rings, Home, Middle Earth, House, Land, Rohan, Gondor, Mordor, RivendellYes-No9/16/2005
198. Lord of the Rings Fellowship Character SelectorUNKYes-No9/13/2005
199. Which Gamgee child are you?UNKYes-No9/11/2005
200. Who is your FellowShip Fella?UNKYes-No9/6/2005
201. what wepon r ubestsuited 4?UNKYes-No9/2/2005
202. Where is your home in Middle-earthUNKYes-No8/25/2005
203. The Lord of the Rings:The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two TowersUNKYes-No8/23/2005
204. Which of the Three Rings would you wield?UNKYes-No8/22/2005
205. Which kind of elf are you?UNKYes-No8/22/2005
206. Relm of Price Legolas Greenleaf of MirkwoodMiddle Earth RaceYes-No8/15/2005
207. What Lord of the Rings species are you like?UNKYes-No8/12/2005
208. Who is your Lord of the rings ideal husband?15Yes-No8/11/2005
209. Which Lord of the Rings Female Character are You?UNKYes-No8/11/2005
210. Lord of the Rings: Personality SelectorUNKYes-No8/10/2005
211. Wich Lord of the Rings character are you like?UNKYes-No8/5/2005
212. What kind of fool of a took are you?lotrYes-No8/1/2005
213. Lord of the Rings Nersry RymesNersry, LotR, RymesYes-No7/31/2005
214. The Best Lord Of The Rings Selector Here!!!UNKYes-No7/30/2005
215. Lord of the rings speiciesUNKYes-No7/30/2005
216. Who would you be in Middle Earth?UNKYes-No7/30/2005
217. Who in LotR would you be?UNKYes-No7/30/2005
218. Which Fellowship Member do you love, by the inside?UNKYes-No7/29/2005
219. Elijah's Lord of the Rings GirlsUNKYes-No7/28/2005
220. Who are you in Lord of the RingsFind out who you are ni Lord of the RingsYes-No7/26/2005
221. Who's your perfect Lord of the Rings match?UNKYes-No7/25/2005
222. Are you a Tolkienaddict?tolkien addict true lotrYes-No7/25/2005
223. Lastowen's Elven Personality TestUNKYes-No7/20/2005
224. Which Tokien Language are you most like?UNKYes-No7/19/2005
225. Elf Selector (better than the first!)UNKYes-No7/17/2005
226. LOTR Elf SelectorElf SelectorYes-No7/17/2005
227. NickUNKYes-No7/12/2005
228. WHAT?!another...yupUNKYes-No7/11/2005
229. Dwarf or Elf?UNKYes-No7/10/2005
230. Lord of the Rings selectorUNKYes-No7/7/2005
231. Which weapon would you use? UNKYes-No7/5/2005
232. Who Would You Marry In Lord Of The Rings?UNKYes-No7/2/2005
233. Which character are you in the Fellowship?UNKYes-No6/30/2005
234. Which Lord of the Rings lady are you?UNKYes-No6/25/2005
235. Lord of the Rings character selectorLord of the RingsYes-No6/20/2005
236. Which Valar or Valier are you?UNKYes-No6/17/2005
237. Which Lord of the Rings horse are you?UNKYes-No6/16/2005
238. Komrade Kreggy's LOTR SelectorUNKYes-No6/12/2005
239. Which Lord of the Rings character are you most like?UNKYes-No6/7/2005
240. Are You a Reincarnation of a Lord of the Rings Character?UNKYes-No6/5/2005
241. Lord of the Rings Race Selector!UNKYes-No6/5/2005
242. What's your LOTR race?LOTR ELF DWARF HOBBIT HUMAN Yes-No6/3/2005
243. Who is ur LOTR man??UNKYes-No6/3/2005
244. hobbit? elf? human?UNKYes-No6/2/2005
245. Which Lord of the Rings character are you?UNKYes-No6/2/2005
246. Who is your Lord of the Rings Best-friendUNKYes-No6/2/2005
247. LOTRUNKYes-No5/31/2005
248. Lord of the Rings RacesUNKYes-No5/28/2005
249. Shadowfax's LOTR SelectorLord of the RingsYes-No5/21/2005
250. Shadowfax's Lord of the Rings SelectorUNKYes-No5/21/2005
251. Whose your Elf Love?UNKYes-No5/20/2005
252. who shall be your boyfriend/girlfriend from lord of the ringsUNKYes-No5/19/2005

*Dev display only, for sort check.