Thousands of knowledge & trivia quizzes; IQ tests
List of IQ quizzes below:

Then test your IQ in this category with these knowledge quizzes:
  1. p (unvoiced labial plosive)

  2. b (voiced labial plosive)

  3. t (unvoiced dental plosive)

  4. d (voiced dental plosive)

  5. unvoiced retroflex plosive

  6. unvoiced palatal plosive

  7. k (unvoiced velar plosive)

  8. g (voiced velar plosive)

  9. unvoiced uvular plosive

  10. glotal plosive

  11. m (voiced bilabial nasal)

  12. n (voiced dental nasal)

  13. voiced palatal nasal

  14. voiced velar nasal

  15. r (voiced dental trill)

  16. f (unvoiced labiodental fricative)

  17. v (voiced labiodental fricative)

  18. unvoiced dental fricative

  19. voiced dental fricative

  20. s (unvoiced alveolar sibilant)

  21. z (voiced alveolar sibilant)

  22. unvoiced postalveolar sibilant

  23. voiced postalveolar sibilant

  24. unvoiced uvular fricative

  25. l (voiced dental lateral approximant)

Step #1, find your best match with this Weird Selector:
Which pulmonic consonant are you?

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