Weird Poll: Which pulmonic consonant are you? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Weird Poll: Which pulmonic consonant are you? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
WeirdWeird Poll: Which pulmonic consonant are you?
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "Which pulmonic consonant are you?" by petritikka.

Choose from this list:

p (unvoiced labial plosive)

b (voiced labial plosive)

t (unvoiced dental plosive)

d (voiced dental plosive)

unvoiced retroflex plosive

unvoiced palatal plosive

k (unvoiced velar plosive)

g (voiced velar plosive)

unvoiced uvular plosive

glotal plosive

m (voiced bilabial nasal)

n (voiced dental nasal)

voiced palatal nasal

voiced velar nasal

r (voiced dental trill)

f (unvoiced labiodental fricative)

v (voiced labiodental fricative)

unvoiced dental fricative

voiced dental fricative

s (unvoiced alveolar sibilant)

z (voiced alveolar sibilant)

unvoiced postalveolar sibilant

voiced postalveolar sibilant

unvoiced uvular fricative

l (voiced dental lateral approximant)


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