By oldedude March 9, 2025 10:15 am Category: Crime (0.0 from 0 votes)
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TORANTO, March 7-The Piper Arms pub was celebrating its grand opening when the mass shooting unfolded Friday night
A dozen people were injured when three masked gunmen – one armed with an assault rifle – opened fire “indiscriminately” inside a Scarborough pub on Friday, March 7.
The interesting thing about this mass shooting is that instead of being like the "lone wolf" activity in the states, there were three shooters in this case. This shows organization you don't normally see in the US. I'm not willing to say or imply if this is part of a larger group, or if it's just three guys with a beef. There also aren't any indicators about any motive. Not really knowing the area, there is no indicator if this was a left/right/ or any other political reason to do the shooting.
So far, RCMP is looking for the gunmen, and they're not giving much other information (standard practice).
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