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By meagain
November 27, 2024 1:24 pm
Category: Politics
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I find it interesting that no one has yet raised the real question about Trump's proposed tariffs.
Constitutionally, he does not have the authority to raise tariffs. That is a power restricted to Congress. In the past, Congress has delegated the power in specific situations and it seems that Trump assumes it is a permanent transfer.
Those who don't like the idea of having their cost of living increased by a few hundred dollars annually and seeing hundreds of thousands of k=jobs, perhaps more vanish should urge their State governors to challenge the tariffs in Court.
The views and claims expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views and beliefs of Not every statement made here can be assumed to be a fact.
by HatetheSwamp on November 27, 2024 2:49 pm
I'm not a fan of tariffs and if Trump would be acting unconstitutionally all someone has to do challenge the tariffs in court. Piece of cake.
But, meagain, you regularly misstate fact when you make these claims. How about a link to substantiate your argument.
by oldedude on November 27, 2024 6:26 pm Wrongagain- Constitutionally, he does not have the authority to raise tariffs.
Yeah..... trade is one of those things we let the President handle. Unlike the monarchies, who were just in trade to suck money off the little people and companies. The President "is not allowed" to profit off of trade agreements. Political profit exempted. Financial is not.
You keep citing British law. Which I don't hate, but our Constitution is about 35% the same as your common law. Does it have some planks in our constitution? Sure. Did it use some of the same "ideas" and ideals? absolutely. But we dropped the monarchy as our "goto" in 1774. And we haven't looked back. And there are a lot of differences in both our constitution and how our laws are set up. It's built decidedly different.
by HatetheSwamp on November 28, 2024 4:19 am
I, often ask isle why he even wants to be an American. He objects... seems repulsed by... the notion that we are "endowed by our Creator" with inalienable rights. And, he objects to the outrageous liberties guaranteed to all citizens by our Bill of Rights. isle lives in Maine. He should just move north to Canada.
But, you? You're so interested in life in the US. Why not look into immigration? Consider becoming one of us.
With Trump in the Oval Office and the GOP running Congress for two years, they'll be a lot of Liberty going on.
by meagain on November 28, 2024 12:33 pm
You two are unbelievable in your unshakeable belief that your ignorance trumps reality. You won't even learn when something is carefully explained.
First, that comes from a right Wing "think tank founded with American oil money (Charles Koch) in the 1970s, not from me. Even rabid Trump supporters who have a bit of education and sense - not much sense, are alarmed at his proposal.
Then, for the 100th. time, the US Constitution is entirely from British Common law, including your Bill of Rights. Except for the two clauses I have cited before.
The notion of 'inalienable rights comes from British philosophers, not the framers of your Constitution and is accepted and part of probably every Constitution in =the world. I doubt you know the difference between inalienable and alienable rights.
The Monarchy is not in trade, OD, and is not the 'goto' for anything. I have explained to you how a Constitutional Monarchy functions but it seems to be over your head. What it is is a far less autocratic system than your powerful residential system.
Immigrate to the US HtS? I told you I refused transfers to the US a few times, even for what would have led me to the Presidency of my employer. I prefer real freedom and the ability to walk the streets of any city in the country without fear.
The promise of America has led to barbarity rather than the brotherhood of your unacknowledged anthem.
by oldedude on November 28, 2024 3:15 pmThen, for the 100th. time, the US Constitution is entirely from British Common law, including your Bill of Rights. Except for the two clauses I have cited before.
And for the 101st time, we keep correcting your anglophile bullshit. Every time you've brought up US law, I've had to correct you, using Columbia Law School, which you usually argue with. I think they know a fuckload more about US law than you do.
The Monarchy is not in trade, OD, and is not the 'goto' for anything.
Since you can't keep up... Our Declaration of Independence was written in 1775-1776. The British monarchs had vested interests in East India Company and the London Company are just a couple of companies the monarchies of the time held the charters for.
by HatetheSwamp on November 29, 2024 3:54 am
The notion of 'inalienable rights comes from British philosophers, not the framers of your Constitution and is accepted and part of probably every Constitution in =the world.
The Founders of our revolution and government were far more diverse than you seem to care to understand. Truth? Various sorts of diversity have always been essential to the "American" experience in ways that you either can't, or won't, understand.
There's no doubt that the French... and British Enlightenments influenced many of the British leaders of our early history as a nation.
But, don't suppose that your British philosophers meant much to, say, Catholic dissenters in Maryland or religious radicals seeking unfettered religious freedom in Rhode Island or Pennsylvania. Or the Baptist or Presbyterian revivalists in the Carolinas and Georgia.
Don't be simple-minded about it... or impose your own experience, or views, on us. We're far more complex than you recognize. We always have been.
Still, I appreciate your fascination with who, and what, we are. You're a wannabe.
by meagain on November 29, 2024 1:33 pm
You are the limit, OD. Don't bring up Columbia again unless you are prepared to back it up. Otherwise, I will simply dismiss you as a cowardly liar. There is nothing in your Constitution that is not directly from English common Law except for those two clauses. One of those though, probably came from Scottish pratcise.
And the Monarchy never had any financial interest in The East India Company. Its money has always been from land holdings and nothing else.
by oldedude on November 29, 2024 1:48 pm 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
by meagain on November 29, 2024 1:52 pm
Locke's teaching is the basis for the American Revolution, the most successful revolution in history. The difference between America and other countries is that Americans were influenced by Hobbes and Locke, while Europeans were influenced by the French Philosophies, including Rousseau."
They meant the same to those sects in England where they originated. Until the Revolution, those groups were subject to British Law.
Catholism had very little presence in the USA until mid 10th. century while it had equal rights in England with the Catholic Emancipation Act of 1829. However, all religions were not interfered]d with in the colonies from the earliest days. England welcomed their emigration. In fact, a direct ancestor of mine was the pastor or whatever they were called of the Dissident church in the /Welsh village where my family lived since at least the 15th. century. He was around 1710.
As I have argued many times on this forum in the past., you do not have the diversity you think you have. Your Constitution is partly responsible for that. Spend a little time in England and you will be shocked out of your smug complacency. Why do you think England dominates the world in its philosophical pantheon?
by meagain on November 29, 2024 7:16 pm Should have read 19th. cy, of course.
by oldedude on November 29, 2024 8:22 pm Interesting. Trudeau is going to kiss the king's ring!
by HatetheSwamp on November 30, 2024 8:10 am
Locke's teaching is the basis for the American Revolution, the most successful revolution in history...
Catholism had very little presence in the USA until mid 10th. century while it had equal rights in England with the Catholic Emancipation Act of 1829.
As I have argued many times on this forum in the past., you do not have the diversity you think you have.
Thanks for the tutorial...
... but my Ph. D. is in American Religious history. I don't recall what yours is in.
There is subtlety in the American experience that is born of our diversity that, as much as we fascinate you, you can't fully grasp apart from experience. I appreciate your interest. You should, however, engage us with a modicum of humility... a trait that, it seems, alludes you.
by meagain on November 30, 2024 1:24 pm If your PhD is in Religious history, then you know what I said is true and there is no excuse for your misinformation.
by meagain on November 30, 2024 1:24 pm If your PhD is in Religious history, then you know what I said is true and there is no excuse for your misinformation.
by HatetheSwamp on November 30, 2024 1:29 pm
I know that you are wrrrrrrrrong.
by meagain on December 1, 2024 1:07 pm
To get back to taiffs!
I wonder that no one here or in media that I have seen has commented on the reality of Trump's threats. In essence, it is because he is a weak, not strong man. What it says is that he believes America has a serious problem with illegal immigration and is not able to fix it and, therefore is demanding that his neighbours fix it for him.
I wonder how many Americans know that the amount of fentanyl that came through Canada as far as can be measured, was in 2023. 19.5 kilograms. I suspect that more came our way from the US since it came through ports mostly.
by oldedude on December 1, 2024 1:21 pm And yet he got a really fast call from Mexican president, and the Canadian Prime Minister flew down just to "talk." I'd say he's not doing too bad.
by HatetheSwamp on December 1, 2024 1:44 pm
Imagine, OD!
The inauguration is nearly two months off and the leaders of Mexico and Canada are Trump's lapdogs already.
by oldedude on December 1, 2024 4:41 pm Along with fentanyl, most of the issue with Canada is the complete lack of caring who's in their country. So most of the "immigrants" aren't even checked for a name. For a "friendly" neighbor, that's a pretty shitty thing to do. And they had Muhammad Shahzeb Khan, also known as Shazeb Jadoon, Attempted to Enter the United States to Carry Out a Mass Shooting at a Jewish Center in New York City
A Pakistani citizen residing in Canada, Muhammad Shahzeb Khan, 20, also known as Shahzeb Jadoon, was arrested on Sept. 4 in Canada in connection with a complaint filed in the Southern District of New York. Khan was charged with attempting to provide material support and resources to a designated foreign terrorist organization (FTO), the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS).
Canada has become a hub of Islamist terror financing
Islamist extremism is on the march, as Hamas, ISIS, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Houthis and al-Shabab unleash attacks against the West. Highly organized support for radicalized violence parades openly on our city streets. What connects them all is money, as Haras Rafiq tells Brian Lilley this week. And he says Canada has become a critical nexus of funding from Qatar, Iran and other sponsors connected to the Muslim Brotherhood. Rafiq, a director at Secure Canada, is with the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy and served as anti-extremism adviser to top United Kingdom ministers.
by Indy! on December 1, 2024 7:41 pm
That's funny. OD is using AI generated nonsense as "news".
by oldedude on December 1, 2024 8:36 pm cite?
by meagain on December 2, 2024 10:12 am
What a bloody stupid post, OD. I know you are blinded to reality but I never thought you were so steeped in 'Dark Web' lunacy.'
by oldedude on December 2, 2024 10:50 am Well, I actually worked next to the team we had for dark web metadata cases and learned a lot about this brand new technology (well, to you), In computer time, it's about middle aged.
by meagain on December 2, 2024 10:58 am
Is your work experience a justification for posting the most ridiculous and false claims about another country? Even Trump does not go that far in his idiocy.
by oldedude on December 2, 2024 11:16 am It wasn't me. It was your own media. So get pissed at them. That's what happens when you cite something. You use someone else's thought and words.
by meagain on December 2, 2024 11:23 am
Of course it was you and not Canadian media. As for your source, Lilley works for the National Post and it is controlled by an American hedge fund that, a few years ago, ordered the paper to be more right wing. It could hardly be that without falling off the cliff.
A few years earlier, it had four columnists who wrote column after column denying climate change. It was finally ordered by a Court to stop publishing deliberate false information. Before that, I spent a lot of time taking ehm to pieces.
Lilley was citing a radical, not an informed source. That ought to have been obvious to you.
by oldedude on December 2, 2024 3:20 pm So you said it was me and then disprove your "theory"
by meagain on December 3, 2024 10:05 am
It is you spreading a false story without even attempting to confirm it. If you were not so ethno-centric, you would have been very sceptical of that being the case in a country with a more deeply embedded democracy and belief in the Rule of Law than your own.
by oldedude on December 3, 2024 11:17 am I cited the sources shithead. WTF else do you want? Read your own media. How can you be so fucking stoopid? If you disagree, pony up some of your own references and we can talk about it. Or you can just STFU.
by meagain on December 3, 2024 5:43 pm
References to what/ It is also incumbent on those who would make serious allegations based on a "source" to verify the source.
What you did was post an unfounded excerpt from an opinion piece that made an allegation without evidence or even a pretence at evidence.
by oldedude on December 3, 2024 5:55 pm Then cough up something to say that. Same rules apply. I know you ride the "special" bus, but if you think they're bullshit, lets see your citations.
Yes, it's that simple. cite or STFU.
by meagain on December 4, 2024 11:38 am
The thing about tariffs that I don't think has been brought up is in fairly recent history. Hoover and his tariffs that set off retaliatory tariffs from other nations. They were probably the largest factor in the causes of the Great Depression and that is what Trump is risking with his threats.
by HatetheSwamp on December 4, 2024 11:57 am
IMO, until Trump is President and levies tariffs, you're just pitchin hissies.
by Curt_Anderson on December 4, 2024 2:17 pm HtS,
I know how sensitive you are to lying by political figures. So I hate to be the bearer of bad news.
Either Trump has been lying about his promise to impose tariffs and he furthered that lie by naming jailbird and tariff hawk Peter Navarro as his chief trade strategist, or Trump intends to follow the footsteps of Senator Reed Smoot, Representative Willis C. Hawley and Herbert Hoover.
by oldedude on December 4, 2024 2:51 pm Or maybe, just maybe, he's a much better politician than you and understands everything you say in public is a set up for the next thing you're going to say. After all these years, I'm still stunned at naive you are about politics. Or maybe it's just your good little german coming through.
by HatetheSwamp on December 4, 2024 4:13 pm
I'm certain that Trump will levy tariffs. Will he levy these particular tariffs? Perhaps. But, don't take it to the bank
These are going to be difficult years for people addled by deranged TrumpHate.
by oldedude on December 4, 2024 6:53 pm I think there will be a tariff "deal" Like you Lead, I have no idea what that will look like. Trumpster started the bidding. All three sides have counter bids. No one that actually understands politics or "bidding" actually thinks the first volley will be the last. All three sides have a number of what they'll give up and what they won't. The biggest thing in Mexico, as I've said are Chinese companies building and manufacturing in Mexico to beat our tariffs to China. I don't see a problem with that. You think you're slick and then you're caught. Oh well.
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