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If Artificial Intelligence is so smart, why can't it count or spell properly?
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Surrendering to Authoritarianism
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Jeffrey Goldberg was the wrong JG on the war plans group chat. Here is who I think Waltz intended.
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Seven Lies Kamala Harris Packed Into 22-Minute Harrisburg Rally
By HatetheSwamp
October 31, 2024 6:42 am
Category: Crime

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You can skim the article if you like through the link below.《SEE DONNA, EVEN SOMEONE AS STOOPID AS pb CAN POST A LINK.》

pb's point is simple. H€ck. Ask po. pb IS simple.

Cackles Mckneepads has forfeited her edge over OrangeTurdBad. She's abandoned her Joyful Warrior schtick to start a continuing screaming rant of FASCIST NAZI, FASCIST NAZI, FASCIST NAZI!!!!!

AND, she tells lies so obvious that even the lowest information undecided or persuadable among moderate and independent common sense voters can see the lies.


I HatetheSwamp. And, gang, here's a truth. Most moderate and independent common sense voters either hate the Swamp or, at best, think that voting is a necessary evil.

If the Dingbat had a chance to win legitimately, it was by not lying like Trump does and not becoming as nasty as Trump is.

She gave up both those advantages.

pb's still predicting that Dems will cheat her into the Oval Office. But, she's making it more difficult for the string-pullers and the smoke-filled room by the day!

And, Trump just might win.

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Comments on "Seven Lies Kamala Harris Packed Into 22-Minute Harrisburg Rally":

  1. by Ponderer on October 31, 2024 7:28 am

    Say, Bill. Did you happen to know that in the nearly one-thousand-page published version of Project 2025, which was written by around two dozen former Trump administration members among others, with a forward written by his vice-presidential candidate, Donald Trump's name is mentioned over three hundred times?

    Every one of those ALL-CAP accusations are firmly based on declared things in Trump's published plan for America: Project 2025.

    For God's sake, Bill! I can't believe that you haven't already committed parts of P2025 to memory! This thing is gonna be America's new constitution and the very Bible of your beloved cult! And you can't even be bothered to know anything about it???

    "For SHAME, Bill!"

  2. by HatetheSwamp on October 31, 2024 8:09 am


    I get you. You view the GOP through the eyes of the Dem Party.

    Consider how the Dems vote in both Houses of Congress. In the House, for years, when the their leader said, "Jump." HouseDems asked, "How high?" In the Senate, it's been that way from the days of Harry Reid through ChuckYou Schumer. Dems walk in lockstep.

    The GOPs? Whether you want to admit or not, live in their own land of chaos. The GOP is the home of openness and inclusion, acceptance, diversity, tolerance and freedom. Just watch their House and Senate leaders try to wrangle votes. GOPs believe in liberty and they practice it among themselves... incessantly. Irrationally.

    So. Truth? The Heritage Foundation is a vital voice in GOPland. It's organized. And, motivated. And, focused... but, it is extreme, even among GOPs... even compared to ole pb... ESPECIALLY compared to ole pb.

    pb ain't MAGA. MAGA is way too Big Government for a libertarian-ish, Bill of Rights GOP.

    It's just true that Trump is waaaaaaay too pragmatic a politician to fall in line with Project 2025.

    You're doing what I frequently remind isle that he does. You think like a bigot. You judge a whole diverse group of people by its most unsympathetic extreme. "All black men want to rape white women," eh!!!!!?

    And, thankfully. One truth about low-information, undecided, persuadable, moderate and independent common sense voters is that, unlike you, they don't think like bigots. But, they can recognize that people like you do... AND, they're offended by you.

  3. by Donna on October 31, 2024 8:29 am

    The Heritage Foundation is a Christian Nationalist think tank. They, along with other like-minded religious folks, got Trump, who prior to their influence on him never voiced opposition to Roe or abortion, to go along with killing Roe v Wade.

    They mention Trump by name 312 times in Project 2025, which contains all kinds of new policies laid out for his administration and the MAGA Party to follow and implement.

    If we don't stop Trump, to quote Trump on January 6, 2021, we're not gonna have a country anymore.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on October 31, 2024 8:38 am

    "The Heritage Foundation is a Christian Nationalist think tank."

    More of that Frankie Shaffer paranoid conspiracy theory tripe, eh?

    "They mention Trump by name 312 times in Project 2025, which contains all kinds of new policies laid out for his administration and the MAGA Party to follow and implement."

    YOU... ARE... SICK!

    Paranoid delusions.

  5. by Curt_Anderson on October 31, 2024 9:45 am
    So Trump was lying when he said that he would end Obamacare?

    CNN-Former President Donald Trump is doubling down on his vow to repeal Obamacare if he wins the White House again, even though an increasing number of Americans have embraced the landmark health reform law in recent years.

    “We’re gonna fight for much better health care than Obamacare. Obamacare is a catastrophe. Nobody talks about it. You know, without John McCain, we would have had it done,” Trump said in a speech in Newton, Iowa, on Saturday, referencing the late Republican senator’s crucial vote against dismantling the Affordable Care Act in 2017.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on October 31, 2024 9:52 am


    Trump telling a whopper? That's never happened, eh!!!!!?

    C'mon man! You're our authority on Fox! You know the latest is that GOPs will fiddle with OCare regulations to reduce costs for consumers...

    ... but you know that.

  7. by Indy! on October 31, 2024 10:51 am

    The GOP - which is Trump's cult at this point in time - wants to eliminate the pre-existing conditions clause in Obamacare which is (let's face it) the only good part of that law. It won't reduce cost (because insurance never goes down - only up). All it will do is allow insurance companies to reject anyone with a pre-existing condition. Every insurance company would jump on it right away and because this country is the most backwards country on the planet when it comes to health insurance - after one year, taxpayers will be covering all those people with cancer and other conditions because we have to re-up for insurance every fucking year.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on October 31, 2024 11:04 am

    "The GOP - which is Trump's cult at this point in time - wants to eliminate the pre-existing conditions clause in Obamacare..."

    I don't believe you.

  9. by oldedude on October 31, 2024 11:23 am
    donna & po- you said a lot. please cite from a reputable source.

    curt- obombercare. the "gift" that completely fucked up US healthcare. The lies and deceits the dims told, that libtards are still talking about.

    1. "You have to pass the bill to read the bill" little nancy. So in faith, dims shoved the bill up our arse and they got the votes through the house. This escalated the war between the political parties to the point we are at now. Neither side trusts the other. Fuck you nancy.

    2. Is it a tax or not? the dims said "it's not a tax" the entire way through. Unfortunately for them, if it's NOT a tax, the bill would have been illegal. So they get to SCOTUS, and low and behold! IT'S a fucking tax!

    3. "You will save money" Bullshit. Just one example that I know about. For state employees of CO. My wife's medical insurance went up over 2000%. This includes the basic cost of healthcare. Although seeing your primary care was good once a year, the deductibles were horrible and were set for a maximum of $5,000. Hospital costs tripled. Specialist cost was another $10K. Fortunately, I was deployed during that time, and her health care was covered by me. And fortunately for us now, I am covered by federal employee health care. So my retirement from federal civil service is worth gold.

    Of course, even now, pedojoe/kammy have been trying to push through repaying student loans via EO. Which is blatantly illegal. The constitution/ laws say the "president" can only spend money in ONE case, and that's the "war powers act" and even then it's a good idea to go to congress first and tell them WTF you're doing. pedojoe (and now kammy) have promised to circumvent the constitution (once again) and pay student loans. I actually paid my student loans for my two Master's degrees. WTF should I pay for some failed "artist" who can't find a job?

  10. by Indy! on October 31, 2024 12:17 pm

    Let's start by saying nothing OD said is true. There are cost caps both on the year and lifetime for the ACA. So the story he (most likely) heard on TV is just another Fox Fairy Tale.

    Now - onto the GOP trying to eliminate the pre-existing conditions clause.

    Republican Replacement Plans Would Gut The Protections Against Discrimination For People With Pre-Existing Conditions

    When Republicans claim that they will keep protections for pre-existing conditions, they are invariably referring to replacing those provisions with what they call “continuous coverage” protection, which falls far short of truly protecting people with pre-existing conditions. Here is what they don’t tell you: Continuous coverage protections only ban insurers from discriminating against people with pre-existing conditions so long as people already have insurance and have been insured for multiple years.

    This is a huge difference from what people have now. In most replacement proposals, this continuous coverage protection would allow insurers to discriminate against anyone who went uninsured for just over three months any time over a three-year period.

    If you fall in this category, insurers could:

    • Deny you coverage all together.
    • Charge you exorbitantly higher premiums based on any health conditions you have.
    • Refuse to cover treatment tied to a pre-existing condition.

    In a nutshell, you’d be left out in the cold with no way to purchase affordable comprehensive coverage for the foreseeable future.

    And it is easy to imagine a host of scenarios where personal or financial hardships could force someone to go uninsured for such a short period of time. Here are some examples of how people’s insurance would lapse:

    • People who lose their job may not be able to afford coverage for the handful of months that they are unemployed.
    • Individuals caring for a sick family member may not be able to afford to cover themselves while struggling to pay for their loved one’s treatment.
    • Families facing a home foreclosure may be forced to go uninsured while they deal with this financial hardship.

    So-called “continuous coverage” protection is not a real substitute for the life-long protection against discrimination that people have now. Instead continuous coverage provisions expose anyone who faces short-term hardships to the risk of being discriminated against and being denied coverage by insurers.

    The article also covers many other changes the GOP plans on using to gut the ACA and return us to the horrific nightmare system we had before...

    (Cue the Trumpers' high-pitched cries that they don't trust the website because there are no Fox logos on it)

  11. by Ponderer on October 31, 2024 2:15 pm

    "donna & po- you said a lot. please cite from a reputable source." -olde dude

    About what we said about the published version of Projects 2025...?

    Okay... I hereby cite the published version of Project 2025 as the source or what we said about the published version of Project 2025.

    You are free to suggest a better authority of what is said in Project 2025 than Project 2025 itself, of course.

    You won't like this but here this is...

  12. by Ponderer on October 31, 2024 2:22 pm

    "More of that Frankie Shaffer paranoid conspiracy theory tripe, eh?" -Hate

    Not at all. Factual confirmation of the fact that the Heritage Foundation is a Christian Nationalist think tank amply abounds without even the slightest consideration of anything Shaffer has ever had to say.

  13. by Ponderer on October 31, 2024 2:37 pm

    Generally speaking, when a group of over three dozen people put together a nine hundred plus page plan and actually publish it, they very likely intend to implement it when they believe the opportunity presents itself.

  14. by meagain on October 31, 2024 3:28 pm
    The GOP is the home of openness and inclusion, acceptance, diversity, tolerance and freedom"

    It is by definition not. Conservatism is a status quo ideal; not even a philosophy. It is about standing against progressive ideas and retaining privilege and class structures intact. Your 'qualities' are liberal values.'

    The Heritage Foundation was founded by Right Wingers with the financial backing of the Coors family; just as were five others founded by wealthy American families at the same time. They were a reaction to what they perceived as Nixon's liberal tendencies with the sole purpose of creating and proselytising a Right-wing libertarian narrative. They succeded wildly and gave you Reagan and converted a nation that, until then, been proud of its liberalism into one where it became a 'dirty' word to half the population.

  15. by Indy! on October 31, 2024 3:58 pm

    Yep - Reagan is the one who started with the name calling. He turned "liberal" into a noun.

  16. by oldedude on October 31, 2024 5:04 pm
    I do agree with the "Pre-existing" clause. It was one of the reasons people tried to get better jobs in CO prior to obombercare. Although I didn't need the clause, I saw a lot of folks that really did need it. So we absolutely agree with y'all on that part.

  17. by oldedude on October 31, 2024 5:39 pm
    It is by definition not. Conservatism is a status quo ideal; not even a philosophy. It is about standing against progressive ideas and retaining privilege and class structures intact. Your 'qualities' are liberal values.

    Well, right now, the GOP has gained a bunch of black males, Jews, Latinos, and others that have been rejected by the dims. These groups do not feel welcome by the dim party because of their overt hatred of them. They don't care (as a party) that old women are being sucker punched and knocked out going to Temple. The racist attacks on Jews have gone up astronomically. Two women were arrested for attacking a Jewish woman with knives. The issue was the two were tearing down pictures of the prisoners taken on 10/7.

  18. by oldedude on October 31, 2024 9:50 pm
    po- I haven't really looked into Project 2025. I did read about it quickly at CPAC last year. My question then was how they were going to legally accomplish all of this. And it still is. So I looked into trumpsters link that you could actually use legally (meaning in court) What I found were several articles that said some of the same thing you did. First, many folks that worked in the trumpster administration are giving input to the project. Flip side is that trumpster says he knows nothing about it. I seriously doubt that. And he has put it out there a lot that he is NOT part of the project.

    Back to "evidence." What I read gives me a suspicion that he's read it through. I read al Quran, and I'm not Muslim. I read a lot of stuff just to check it out. Trumpster has distanced himself pretty far the past six months when the dims brought it up. His campaign said there were parts he disagreed with and distanced himself further.

    Like I said before. SCOTUS has already decided that abortion is up to the states. He would have to change that ruling in order to make any decision or change to the issue. That's going to be a really hard sell to do it legally. He may have to get rid of the 10th Amendment, and the rules for dumping that are pretty extreme.

    Getting rid of obombercare. He would have to get congress to do a repeal of that law. Also extremely difficult. And he can't just "get rid of it." He has to have a better plan than what's in there now. The other healthcare things are stupid and were said for the lemmings that believe her every word.

    Yes and no.
    The project, a collaboration of dozens of conservative organizations, is overseen by the Heritage Foundation, a right-wing think tank. The group is independent of the Trump campaign, a fact Project 2025 and Trump himself have emphasized.

    "I know nothing about Project 2025," Trump said on social media in early July.
    But that's not the whole story.
    In practice, many of Trump's closest policy advisers and those likely to take high-ranking positions in his administration are heavily involved in the project.

    Inside Project 2025 And Its Connection To Donald Trump

    Is Trump connected to Project 2025? According to the slightly left leaning newspaper USA Today, this is a false assertion. The slightly right leaning NY Post also refutes the notion that Trump is connected to it. CNN has gone on record to say that Harris has made false claims about Trump and Project 2025. She said Trump, if elected, would cut Social Security. While the document says very little about Social Security, it does not propose cuts in the program.

    Why then are Democrats claiming a Trump connection to Project 2025? In this hotly contested political race, each party is looking for ways to attack the credibility of the other and instill fear in the electorate to garner votes. To accomplish this, each party has made assertions about their opponent with the hope that it will resonate in the minds of undecided voters. While there may be several reasons to be hesitant about a second Trump presidency, his connection to Project 2025 or lack thereof, isn’t one of them.

  19. by Donna on November 1, 2024 3:03 am

    Well again, Project 2025 mentions Trump by name 312 times, JD Vance wrote the "Forward" to it, and dozens of Trump's presidential staff contributed to it. You really want to roll the dice on the hope that Trump/Vance wouldn't try to implement every part of it? Why would you even chance that, given the stakes?

  20. by HatetheSwamp on November 1, 2024 5:17 am


    The Heritage Foundation is classic Ronald Reagan conservative.

    It's the GOP-ism of Dick and Liz Cheney and the Bushes... Those people are not voting for Trump.

    Honestly, Donna, I think you know that but you've become a freakin friggin EFFINliar... because you are now a dishonest person.

  21. by Ponderer on November 1, 2024 6:26 am

    "po- I haven't really looked into Project 2025. I did read about it quickly at CPAC last year. My question then was how they were going to legally accomplish all of this. And it still is." -olde dude

    Let me get to answering that question in a bit. I first want to thank you for that clearly written and thought-out response, od. You present something of a conundrum. You can communicate so clearly at times. But then at others... not so much is all I'll say. I'm always happy to talk with clear olde dude.

    To be honest, I haven't read more than a few pages of P2025 myself. But on my side, many in the media have gone into some detail about it using the actual plan itself (I'm not gonna buy the thing). I can understand your side not wanting to examine it to any great detail. Because the way that the engineers of P2025 intend to accomplish all this stuff legally may be legal, but it's treasonously immoral. The most anti-American acts are required to implement it. But all technically legal.

    Trump will start by firing hundreds if not thousands of career government employees. Some positions and even entire departments he won't even bother replacing. The rest will be filled with MAGA-loyal "yes people", experienced and competent or not. He can do all of this. A president can do these things and it's legal.

    It's just that no other president in history ever did them to anything like the degree that Trump intends because of its inherent treasonous immorality.

    Trump will refill the government with enough of his Reich to help move plans forward through the process a step at a time, or thwart pretty much any work that a functioning government needs to do that they don't want done.

    Think about how many ways there are to... say, disable a car, if there is the will to do it. A government is a far more complex machine, with a great many more ways to go about disabling or controlling it. And probably the vast bulk of these ways are "legal", simply by virtue that they aren't explicitly illegal.

    I haven't studied it all enough yet to get much more of a certainty about how they will implement P2025 using Trump. But again, he is mentioned over 300 times in the thing. His part as president is essential in any part of its success.

    Trump's protestations of not even knowing what Project 2025 is or knowing anything about it are as ludicrously mendacious as his claims of not even knowing who Lev Parnas is. Even you have picked up on that, od!

    That's one of his key tools: Flat out denial. Regardless of evidence to the contrary. One of his henchmen gets caught or exposed... he never knew the guy. And it's all so easy for him to do when he's as smooth of a liar as he is.

    Anyway, if you were hoping that I could give you a timeline and map of exactly how Trump's victory leads to Project 2025 being implemented to at least a great degree, I can't. I don't even think Trump and his P2025 Squad could lay it out step by step yet at this point.

    But they will absolutely end up having never had so many pieces on the board in so many incredible positions for them as they will if Trump wins next week.

    I hope that kinda answers your question.

  22. by Ponderer on November 1, 2024 6:34 am

    Another highly cherished tool in Trump's mob boss toolbox is Plausible Deniability. I'm sure it was he himself who insisted that he keep a distance from the thing after having any interactions with its designers to leave no trail behind to link him to P2025.

    I mean we've seen it and seen it, folks.

  23. by Indy! on November 1, 2024 8:52 am

    But Pondy, OD said USA Today doesn't believe Trump is involved in Project 2025. 🥺

  24. by Ponderer on November 1, 2024 9:14 am

    Sure. There's nothing directly tying him to documentable involvement, other than how it was designed with him as a key component.

    Over 300 times he's mentioned in it. His "involvement" in it doesn't actually even start until he's president again.

  25. by meagain on November 1, 2024 9:39 am
    Sometimes, pb, your dim bulb stutters and shows signs of burning out. The Heritage Foundation is not classic Conservatism and neither was Reagan. In his own words:
    "I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism"."

    Heritage is extreme Right wing, socially and economically as are all those six foundations Cto, Competitive Enterprise et al. Charles Koch even financed one in Canada, the Fraser Institute with whom, I have had several run-ins over ther false studies.

  26. by oldedude on November 1, 2024 10:45 am
    But Pondy, OD said USA Today doesn't believe Trump is involved in Project 2025

    Actually it was Forbes and Reuters quoting USA Today. If you ever cited, you'd know the difference🤣

  27. by Curt_Anderson on November 1, 2024 11:02 am
    Trump also said he doesn’t know who is involved in Project 2025, even though it was penned by 140 Trump allies and loyalists.

    I don’t doubt that Trump has not read it, btw.

  28. by Indy! on November 1, 2024 11:47 am

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH-hahaha.... OD doesn't know which source is which...

    by oldedude on November 1, 2024 10:45 am
    But Pondy, OD said USA Today doesn't believe Trump is involved in Project 2025 (--- Indy)

    Actually it was Forbes and Reuters quoting USA Today. If you ever cited, you'd know the difference

    And you'd know the difference if you actually had even ONE of those "degreeS" you always pretend to have. The "source" is the ORIGINAL person or outlet that said it - not the ones QUOTING that original source. The basics, OD... you don't understand THE BASICS. 😂

  29. by Ponderer on November 1, 2024 12:08 pm

    "The Heritage Foundation is classic Ronald Reagan conservative." -Hate

    It was perhaps. So was the Republican party when Reagan was president. Look at it now.

    Things change, Bill. Except for you. You live in the past. You cannot change or grow.

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