Federal Court: Texas Attorney General can probe Dem shenanigans
By HatetheSwamp October 16, 2024 6:11 am Category: Crime (0.0 from 0 votes)
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Opponents of the voter harvesting probe vow to appeal the case 'all the way the Supreme Court'
The three-judge appellate court for the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court on Tuesday granted a temporary stay for certain portions of S.B. 1, or the 2021 Texas voting law, including a provision of the law that allows Paxton's office to continue its investigations into alleged illegal "vote harvesting" efforts at least through the Nov. 5 elections.
Their decision temporarily overturns the ruling issued by U.S. District Judge Xavier Rodriguez late last month. Rodriguez ordered an immediate halt to the vote harvesting provision of S.B. 1, siding with plaintiffs in their contention that the provision is overly vague and a restriction of free speech.
If Dems aren't permitted to cheat freely, we may actually have free and fair elections!!!!!
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