Please Report Broken Or Missing Images.The top 12 Blackadder (Series One) Selector results of 8 participants.

Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Blackadder (Series One) Selector.

#1 25.0%
Edmund the Black Adder, Duke of Edinburgh - a slimy schemer
#2 25.0%
The Witchsmeller Pursuivant - a homicidal headhunter
#3 12.5%
King Richard IV of England - a mad monarch
#4 12.5%
Lord Percy Percy - a senseless sycophant
#5 12.5%
Queen Gertrude of England and Flanders - a majestic matriarch
#6 12.5%
The Infanta of Spain - a portly princess
#7 0.0%
Baldrick - a pungent peasant
#8 0.0%
Harry, Prince of Wales - a refined royal
#9 0.0%
King Richard III of England - a murdered monarch
#10 0.0%
Mad Gerald - a harmless halfwit
#11 0.0%
Phillip "The Hawk" of Burgundy - an evil egotist
#12 0.0%
Princess Leia of Hungary - a petite princess

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