Newest Role Playing Games Titles
Role Playing Games
Title Author Type Created *
1. Se você fosse um pokemon em Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, um jogo em q vc realmente é um pokemon, que pokemon você seria ? WeizMulti-Choice2/12/2021
2. What RPG class best suits your personalityBravelightYes-No5/19/2020
3. Which Guardian Are You?gtnish7Yes-No11/20/2019
4. Answer The Questions And I'll Tell You What Super Powers You Weald gtnish7Yes-No10/21/2019
5. Quem sou eu em Rokugan?caiomirokMulti-Choice10/7/2017
6. Liar: Uncover the Truth personality test!Amy BanksYes-No3/4/2017
7. Which AiM hero/villain are you?DTHYes-No12/6/2015
8. Ordo Dracul-Course of LightVivisectorMulti-Choice7/8/2015
9. What Alignment Are You?BlackMageAnolisYes-No7/26/2014
10. Is a4D for you?1099-decisionFlowchart5/5/2014
11. TRS Investment StoryrmtrainingFlowchart4/29/2014
12. PF; A New Dawn: Quest Treejoefat23Flowchart4/17/2014
13. Select Your Lords of Magic FaithmssmjscssMulti-Choice3/7/2014
14. Which RPG fantasy class are you?thepyromanc3rMulti-Choice1/17/2014
15. Social Structure on KailashtrexisFlowchart1/15/2014
16. Playing Ranked gameskollinFlowchart10/20/2013
17. sonic the hedgehog character quiz (Revised)morganicMulti-Choice3/26/2013
18. Which Skyrim race are you?Cyrodiilic BrandyMulti-Choice8/27/2012
19. Which house do you belong in?obsessionsrpMulti-Choice4/25/2012
20. kingdom hearts seriesYes-No5/16/2011
21. Which transformer is like youUNKYes-No1/5/2011
22. Which starcraft race should I be?Yes-No12/4/2008
23. runescape noob testYes-No10/15/2008
24. What Baldur's Gate Character Are You? (the original game, not BGII)Yes-No9/30/2008
25. The Magic: The Gathering What Ravnica Guild Do You Belong To?Yes-No9/13/2008
26. Which S And G Character are You? SelectorUNKYes-No9/6/2008
27. Where in Generica are you from?UNKYes-No9/4/2008
28. ¿Cual es tu facción de Mago: la Ascensión?mago ascensión mundo tinieblas magiaYes-No9/3/2008
29. fighting elementUNKYes-No8/28/2008
30. Ragnaquest Personality TestUNKYes-No8/17/2008
31. Ketä roolipelini hahmoa muistutat eniten?UNKYes-No8/17/2008
32. Which Role-Playing Relationship Do You Have?UNKYes-No8/11/2008
33. BG2 Class SelectorUNKYes-No8/10/2008
34. what internet rpg game should u playUNKYes-No8/5/2008
35. Grandia 2 PersonalitiesUNKYes-No7/24/2008
36. Which Suikoden V Character are you?UNKYes-No7/16/2008
37. What character class truly represents you?rpg, role, playing, class, job, type,Yes-No7/6/2008
38. What type of ranger are you?UNKYes-No7/4/2008
39. Xenosaga Episode III SelectorUNKYes-No7/3/2008
40. Which Ki-Rainelle character are you the most like?UNKYes-No6/11/2008
41. The Students of Anima EternaUNKYes-No5/30/2008
42. A Long StoryUNKYes-No5/8/2008
43. What RPG character are you?UNKYes-No5/4/2008
44. Current Dispute in The New MeritocracyUNKYes-No4/21/2008
45. Which of my characters are you?UNKYes-No3/30/2008
46. The Lord of the Rings: The Third AgeUNKYes-No3/8/2008
47. Could you be a true chud?UNKYes-No2/27/2008
48. Ragnarok: which 2-1 or 2-2 job class suits you?UNKYes-No2/17/2008
49. Phantom CHARACTER QUIZUNKYes-No2/17/2008
50. Phantom QuizUNKYes-No2/17/2008
51. Breath of Fire (Playable) Race SelectorBreath of Fire Race SelectorYes-No2/14/2008
52. Which Breath of Fire game would you like?Which Breath of Fire game would you like?Yes-No2/11/2008
53. Breath Of Fire IV SelectorBreath of Fire IVYes-No2/10/2008
54. Attitude CompatibilityUNKYes-No2/9/2008
55. What 'Angelyn' Character Class are you?UNKYes-No2/5/2008
56. Suikoden Star of Destiny SelectorUNKYes-No1/27/2008
57. What werewolf tribe do you best belong to?Werewolf: the Apocalypse, TribeYes-No1/23/2008
58. Which Diablo II Character are You?UNKYes-No1/4/2008
59. Which of Raiju's boys are you?UNKYes-No11/21/2007
60. Warriors OrochiLaneMulti-Choice11/21/2007
61. Which member of The Kitei Faimly are you?UNKYes-No11/17/2007
62. Which R.A. Salvatore Character are you?UNKYes-No11/15/2007
63. What Zelda beast art thou!UNKYes-No11/10/2007
64. Which Skies of Fire character are you?UNKYes-No10/19/2007
65. Tales of SymphoniaUNKYes-No10/13/2007
66. What Team Hero Are You?UNKYes-No10/7/2007
67. Planescape: Torment Personality SelectorUNKYes-No9/30/2007
68. Which Gaian Dragon is for you?DragonYes-No9/29/2007
69. Graalpeople Char Selector, V2UNKYes-No9/28/2007
70. What Magical Elements Are You?magicYes-No9/25/2007
71. Who in Deciding Factors are youUNKYes-No9/24/2007
72. Which Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations Character are you?FallenspiritMulti-Choice9/24/2007
73. What Crash Character Are You?UNKYes-No9/21/2007
74. Are You into Starwars d20?UNKYes-No9/18/2007
75. What Secret Of Mana Character Are You?Secret Mana Seth Fawn Sprite Magic SpellsYes-No9/16/2007
76. Which Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All Character are you?FallenspiritMulti-Choice9/13/2007
77. rpg fighting stylesUNKYes-No9/12/2007
78. The Sight SelectorUNKYes-No9/12/2007
79. Which Kingdom Hearts character do you personify?UNKYes-No9/10/2007
80. Sonic SelectorUNKYes-No9/10/2007
81. Mage QuizMage QuizYes-No9/6/2007
82. Which Inuyasha RP Character Are You?Inuyasha roleplay animeYes-No9/3/2007
83. What Element are You?element, air, light, dark, fire, earth, waterYes-No8/19/2007
84. Which Morrowind Race are you?UNKYes-No8/17/2007
85. Baldur's Gate II class selectorUNKYes-No8/14/2007
86. Determine Your Inner RPG CharacterUNKYes-No8/12/2007
87. Ket� sivujeni roolipelihenkil�� muistutat?UNKYes-No8/9/2007
88. Fire Emblem SelectorUNKYes-No8/8/2007
89. Which Savage Garden or Spira character are you?UNKYes-No8/8/2007
90. Which ''The Way'' character are you?UNKYes-No8/6/2007
91. Who from KHIR are you?Lost Digi GirlMulti-Choice7/31/2007
92. WhatshieldUNKYes-No7/29/2007
93. Planescape faction selectorplanescape faction rpgYes-No7/28/2007
94. Which of my [Male] RP Characters are you most like?UNKYes-No7/28/2007
95. Who in Org 14 or 12th Order are you?Lost Digi GirlMulti-Choice7/27/2007
96. Which of my [female] RP Characters are you?UNKYes-No7/26/2007
97. Who in FD are you?Lost Digi GirlMulti-Choice7/25/2007
98. What Aspect of the Triat are you?UNKYes-No7/25/2007
99. Which Atla character are you?UNKYes-No7/24/2007
100. Pikmin ColorUNKYes-No7/21/2007
101. What armourUNKYes-No7/17/2007
102. darkstone what sre you?UNKYes-No7/16/2007
103. Morrowind Race SelectorMorrowind quizYes-No7/14/2007
104. Which Resident Evil Code: Veronica X character are you?UNKYes-No7/11/2007
105. Who in Hidimon's Game are you?UNKYes-No7/9/2007
106. Which Chrono Cross Character are you most like?UNKYes-No6/28/2007
107. Which RPG character are you?(including digimon world2 and 3UNKYes-No6/21/2007
108. What type of person are you?UNKYes-No6/19/2007
109. finalxxiUNKYes-No6/17/2007
110. What Ragnarok online job should you be?UNKYes-No6/9/2007
111. John & Robs persoality testUNKYes-No6/4/2007
112. Lord TypeUNKYes-No5/30/2007
113. EW Lord CharacteristicsUNKYes-No5/29/2007
114. Qué entrenador de la famosa LIGA POKéMON CHILE eres?pokemon liga chile midolfYes-No5/24/2007
115. Which MEL Character Are you?UNKYes-No5/23/2007
116. What Legacy of Kain Vampire breed are you?UNKYes-No5/10/2007
117. What Star Ocean 2 Character are you?UNKYes-No4/29/2007
118. Which Suikoden 3 Character are you?UNKYes-No4/18/2007
119. Which G2 character are you?RhombalMulti-Choice4/14/2007
120. Exalted UNKYes-No4/13/2007
121. Who are me?nameMulti-Choice4/2/2007
122. Which Of Our Original Characters Are You?original charactersYes-No3/30/2007
123. The EDC Character SelectorUNKYes-No3/30/2007
124. Com que pessoa do AoW voce se identifica mais?UNKYes-No3/14/2007
125. Rugido Chamber TestUNKYes-No3/14/2007
126. Que personagem de Oh! My Goddess rpg vc eh?UNKYes-No3/14/2007
127. Wich mercenary are you most like?UNKYes-No3/13/2007
128. What Creature Are you?UNKYes-No3/11/2007
129. Which W:tA Garou Tribe Do You Belong In?UNKYes-No3/10/2007
130. Wich Metroid Boss are you?Metroid BossYes-No3/10/2007
131. Which Munch's Oddysee Character are YOU?UNKYes-No3/8/2007
132. FanUNKYes-No3/3/2007
133. What type of class would you be in the Dungeon and Dragons realm?UNKYes-No3/2/2007
134. My SotE character compatibility quiz!UNKYes-No2/25/2007
135. Which one of my role playing characters would you be most compatable with?UNKYes-No2/25/2007
136. SquareUNKYes-No2/21/2007
137. What Vagrant Story Monster are youUNKYes-No2/17/2007
138. Dragon SelectorUNKYes-No2/17/2007
139. Which Weapon are you?UNKYes-No2/9/2007
140. Which season are you?season, winter, summer, spring, fall, yearYes-No2/8/2007
141. Arc the Lad I Character QuizUNKYes-No1/23/2007
142. Arc The Lad II Character Quiz!UNKYes-No1/23/2007
143. Arc The Lad III Character Quiz!UNKYes-No1/22/2007
144. What FF8 character are uUNKYes-No1/21/2007
145. Xenogears QuizXenogearsYes-No1/18/2007
146. The Grandia II Guys (or Gods) selector!Grandia IIYes-No1/15/2007
147. FE 7 Character SelectorKerikuMulti-Choice1/15/2007
148. Which of the (major) Ravenblack Clans best fits you?UNKYes-No1/11/2007
149. Tendency SelectorUNKYes-No1/8/2007
150. What side of Draconia are you?UNKYes-No12/27/2006
151. Azure Dreams CharacterUNKYes-No12/23/2006
152. What Element are you?UNKYes-No12/22/2006
153. What creature are you?UNKYes-No12/21/2006
154. What Chokato are YouUNKYes-No12/12/2006
155. Which of my roleplaying characters are you?ladybardMulti-Choice12/10/2006
156. exmortis: are you good or notfire lordMulti-Choice12/6/2006
157. Are you good or evil?UNKYes-No11/27/2006
158. All Flesh Must Be EatenUNKYes-No11/26/2006
159. RPG Character SelectorUNKYes-No11/10/2006
160. Padawan Ariana's FamilyUNKYes-No11/9/2006
161. What Spyro character are you most like?UNKYes-No10/28/2006
162. Worthy Of Sinryu?UNKYes-No10/10/2006
163. What GraalPeople Character are you?UNKYes-No10/6/2006
164. Arom character (a good 99% of you will have no clue what the hell this is)UNKYes-No10/4/2006
165. The NEW Oddworld Character Finder (My old one is screwed up...)OddworldYes-No10/4/2006
166. What Diaboro 2 : Lord of Destrluction realm am you?UNKYes-No10/1/2006
167. Are you a Malkavian?UNKYes-No9/24/2006
168. What RP Character are you most like?UNKYes-No9/22/2006
169. sonic the hedgehog charater quizxstummyluvxMulti-Choice9/20/2006
170. Which Puritian are you Most Like?UNKYes-No9/15/2006
171. What DND Race are you?Fae RulaMulti-Choice9/7/2006
172. Which Master rpg female angel are you?UNKYes-No9/6/2006
173. What Diablo class are you?DiabloYes-No9/5/2006
174. Which character from the High Towers of Magic are you?UNKYes-No8/16/2006
175. OOT selectoroot forums zelda characterYes-No8/6/2006
176. FE Shrine Pro. Class SelectorFire BlazerMulti-Choice7/25/2006
177. Golden Sun selectorUNKYes-No7/24/2006
178. Megaman SelectorUNKYes-No7/23/2006
179. rpgcharriesUNKYes-No7/23/2006
180. What Substance Character are you?UNKYes-No7/22/2006
181. --Vilken av dem mängder av dåliga karaktärer som gjorts är du--Anskelt, CPkaraktär, Sämst karaktärYes-No7/10/2006
182. What is your role-playing stereotype?UNKYes-No7/3/2006
183. Which of Arrow's Characters Are You?UNKYes-No7/2/2006
184. xr fighter characterUNKYes-No6/24/2006
185. Snatcher Character SelectorFallenspiritMulti-Choice6/19/2006
186. Which Phoenix Wright Character are you?FallenspiritMulti-Choice6/18/2006
187. Angels of Asgard, Palatinus, Kion, Land of Dominion or ??DarkTheatrumMulti-Choice6/4/2006
188. Which of Cacti's Charries are you?!UNKYes-No6/2/2006
189. What Elemental Type Would You Have?UNKYes-No5/30/2006
190. Wapon SelectorUNKYes-No5/27/2006
191. See what your dragon is.UNKYes-No5/26/2006
192. Which Tiger Story character are you?UNKYes-No5/14/2006
193. class selectordnd, class, rpg, gamingYes-No5/11/2006
194. Dark Cloud Selector SelectorUNKYes-No5/5/2006
195. Which SSX Tricky character are you?SSX TrickyYes-No5/3/2006
196. What Mega Man Battle Network 2 Character Are You?mega man battle networkYes-No4/17/2006
197. Malkavians of the world UNTIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!UNKYes-No4/15/2006
198. What species are you?UNKYes-No4/14/2006
199. Clue Number FourUNKYes-No4/6/2006
200. Clue Number ThreeUNKYes-No4/6/2006
201. Ryu KUNKYes-No3/31/2006
202. what kh character are you?UNKYes-No3/29/2006
203. Should you run for graal staff? If so, what job?UNKYes-No3/21/2006
204. What type of BESM game should you play?UNKYes-No3/17/2006
205. Chii to Zaber SelectorSaerennaMulti-Choice3/14/2006
206. What Pokemon Crystal Bishounen is Most Like You?UNKYes-No3/10/2006
207. Malkavian Madness DeterminatorVampire Malkavian White Wolf World of DarknessYes-No3/8/2006
208. Which charicter are you in a game i am working on.UNKYes-No3/7/2006
209. Which 'Visions Of Peace' Are You Most Like?UNKYes-No3/6/2006
210. Which 'Shades Of Blue' Character Are You Most Like?UNKYes-No3/6/2006
211. Lufia Character SelectorUNKYes-No3/5/2006
212. Which Basic RPG Stereotype do you fit?UNKYes-No3/2/2006
213. TEst Run #1UNKYes-No3/1/2006
214. Which Harvest Moon character are you?harvest moonYes-No2/26/2006
215. Which Harvest Moon character are you?harvest moon,catfoxYes-No2/25/2006
216. What Kind Of RPG Warrior Are You?UNKYes-No2/23/2006
217. Which of Nanashi's Characters are You?UNKYes-No2/22/2006
218. RaceUNKYes-No2/19/2006
219. Morrowind Races SelectorMorrowind Roleplaying GamesYes-No2/14/2006
220. Everquest Character Personality TestUNKYes-No2/6/2006
221. What is your Illuminati University MajorUNKYes-No2/2/2006
222. Breath of Fire 4UNKYes-No1/30/2006
223. What is your weapon preferanceUNKYes-No1/17/2006
224. Character Quality Test!UNKYes-No1/17/2006
225. Tales of Symphonia Selectorkurama zMulti-Choice1/16/2006
226. Ninja skill level finderUNKYes-No1/12/2006
227. Xenosaga character selectorXenosaga character selectorYes-No1/11/2006
228. Teek And Nyus Never Ending RPUNKYes-No1/1/2006
229. Are you Sailor Sun or Sailor X?UNKYes-No12/26/2005
230. rpg race selectorUNKYes-No12/24/2005
231. Warcraft 3 Hero SelectorWarcraftYes-No12/23/2005
232. Which Sancho and Zoek character are you?UNKYes-No12/21/2005
233. Fang_Pack CharacterSelecterUNKYes-No12/18/2005
234. Are you a Hentai freek?UNKYes-No12/16/2005
235. Gothic Moonlight RPG RaceUNKYes-No12/13/2005
236. =][=nquisitor FactionsUNKYes-No12/10/2005
237. What final fantasy IX character are you?James LemmyMulti-Choice12/8/2005
238. Which Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Character are you?Jaim SandrinnerMulti-Choice12/1/2005
239. Which of Our RPG Characters Are You?UNKYes-No11/30/2005
240. What type of video game player would you most likely be in real lifeUNKYes-No11/29/2005
241. What Shadow Age Villain Are you?sephyMulti-Choice11/23/2005
242. The Galactilia TestPredatorMulti-Choice11/22/2005
243. Who are you in our RGP groupUNKYes-No11/15/2005
244. New Generations Character Selector!UNKYes-No11/13/2005
245. Azuriyuu ClassesAzuriyuuMulti-Choice11/10/2005
246. Which Character From ''the book of shadows'' campaign are you like?UNKYes-No11/3/2005
247. What faerie are you?UNKYes-No10/21/2005
248. Sakura High main Charater QuizUNKYes-No10/11/2005
249. Who are general?UNKYes-No10/5/2005
250. Rpg Elves, What would you be?Elf, RpgYes-No9/29/2005
251. Are You An Were Wolf?UNKYes-No9/25/2005
252. Quintet RP CharriesUNKYes-No9/24/2005
253. LOTRquizUNKYes-No9/24/2005
254. Which Fellowship of the Ring character are you?UNKYes-No9/17/2005
255. Which castle are you?UNKYes-No9/17/2005
256. Which FF guy is right for you?UNKYes-No9/16/2005
257. DnD- Ideal Race and Class Selector- 3edUNKYes-No9/12/2005
258. Which dragon are you?UNKYes-No9/4/2005
259. Stirring Embers RPG CharacterUNKYes-No9/1/2005
260. Kingdom Hearts SelectorUNKYes-No8/31/2005
261. Kingdom Hearts Personality SelectorUNKYes-No8/28/2005
262. Which Freestar are you?UNKYes-No8/21/2005
263. Which Happy Densetsu Character are you?UNKYes-No8/17/2005
264. Rpg Steriotype listUNKYes-No8/13/2005
265. Which Member of the Proto-Hunters do you resemble most?GreyringMulti-Choice8/12/2005
266. which RPG character of the forums are YOU?!UNKYes-No8/12/2005
268. I was bored. I was sick. And I am a dork with no life.UNKYes-No8/3/2005
269. Realio's Kingdom MatchmakerUNKYes-No8/1/2005
270. Warriors:: Into the wild - which clan are you in? Toxic and FitchMulti-Choice7/30/2005
271. What kind of Element Master are you?UNKYes-No7/24/2005
272. RP Characterssome anime charcaters and some made up..find out wich one you are.Yes-No7/19/2005
273. Final Fantasy X - Which character?UNKYes-No7/17/2005
274. Which member of IPWAC (Insane People Without a Cause) are you?UNKYes-No7/5/2005
275. Which Diablo II Baddie Are You?UNKYes-No6/26/2005
276. Which one of my voices are you?UNKYes-No6/23/2005
277. Which Saint Tempus Memoria Character are you?Saint Tempus Memoria Academy RPGYes-No6/21/2005
278. Which of My Random Characters Are You?UNKYes-No6/16/2005
279. Legend of Dragoon~Charector SelectorUNKYes-No5/27/2005
280. Which DL race are you?UNKYes-No5/23/2005
281. Which FF game are you?UNKYes-No5/18/2005
282. Which Kingdom Hearts Character Are You?UNKYes-No5/18/2005
283. Role Playing GameshinkyMulti-Choice5/17/2005
284. Dungeons & DragonsUNKYes-No5/15/2005
285. DBZ SelecterUNKYes-No5/13/2005
286. Which WoW Class are You?Shadow AssassainMulti-Choice5/10/2005
287. Chrono Cross Green Innate SelectorUNKYes-No5/8/2005
288. Role Playing GamesKatieMulti-Choice4/30/2005
289. Which RPG class are you?EnjoiBoiMulti-Choice4/16/2005
290. Lunar CharacterSammi SomaraMulti-Choice3/8/2005
291. Which Forgotten Realms Deity are you?CarlMulti-Choice2/21/2005
292. Valkyrie Profile SelectorBlue Star HandMulti-Choice12/29/2004
293. Which Final Fantasy VII Goodguy Character are you?Josh PatrickMulti-Choice10/2/2004
294. Which Uggy Barfoo character are you most like?Enduo RilMulti-Choice8/16/2004
295. Are you a leader,follower, or LonerBrunowMulti-Choice8/2/2004
296. What sort of elemental are you, and how do you use your powers?DrunkenSniperMulti-Choice7/30/2004
297. SSBM Character QuizSuper Ultimate RoyMulti-Choice6/11/2004
298. Which BESM character are you?Mad Man TheoMulti-Choice3/26/2004
299. Which Baldur's Gate 2 NPC are you?PirengleMulti-Choice1/13/2004
300. Which ''Innocence Lost'' character are you?Mabry SlemmonsMulti-Choice12/31/1969

*Dev display only, for sort check.