1. Which Queen of the damned Character are you?(the movie) | Yes/No |  | 14 votes |
2. Could You Cut it as a Vampire?? | Yes/No |  | 6 votes |
3. If you to be a Japanese Monster from a Toho film, whom would you be? | Yes/No |  | 5 votes |
4. Are like Edward? (Anita Blake) | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
5. Which 'Sanguine Sonata' character are you? | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
6. What Horror Movie Villain are you? | Yes/No |  | 3 votes |
7. What horror icon are you? | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
8. Which monster are you? | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
9. What Sort of Mythical Being are you? | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
10. dark side or light side? | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
11. Which Horror Movie Monster are You? | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
12. Ghost Ship | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
13. What horror monster do you relate to? | Multi-Choice |  | 1 vote |
14. Are You Homicidal | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
15. Your Destined Horror Movie | Multi-Choice |  | 1 vote |
16. Am I a Werewolf? Or not? | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
17. Which famous horror slasher killer are you? | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
18. Am I a Werewolf? Or not? | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
19. Am I a Werewolf? Or not? | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
20. Which Twilight Character are You? | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
21. Which Gashlycrumb Tiny Death is yours? | Yes/No |  | 11 votes |
22. Which werewolf pack are you most likely to be in? | Yes/No |  | 41 votes |
23. Who Are You In: I'm a guard stationed at a Secret Government Prison? | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
24. Freddy vs. Jason selector | Yes/No |  | 6 votes |
25. Werewolf Tribe Selector | Yes/No |  | 5 votes |
26. Do you know about Vampires? | Yes/No |  | 14 votes |
27. Thirteen Ghosts Selector | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
28. What Monster are You | Yes/No |  | 7 votes |
29. Are you a werewolf? | Yes/No |  | 23 votes |
30. Which Vampire are you? | Yes/No |  | 6 votes |
31. What horror type are you? | Multi-Choice |  | 3 votes |
32. What Monster Are You? | Yes/No |  | 16 votes |
33. Can you survive the solanum virus | Yes/No |  | 36 votes |
34. dark side or light side? | Yes/No |  | 10 votes |
35. How long would you survive a horror film? | Yes/No |  | 196 votes |
36. Which creepypasta character is your friend? | Multi-Choice |  | 56 votes |
37. What metaphysical creature are you? | Yes/No |  | 8 votes |
38. A Nightmare on Elm Street selector | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
39. Anne Rice Vampire Selector | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
40. Wrong Turn Character Selector | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
41. Which R. L. Stine Goosebumps Monster Will You Turn Into This Halloween? | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
42. Qué criatura fantástica eres? | Yes/No |  | 164 votes |
43. Are you a human, werewolf , vampire or other? | Yes/No |  | 40 votes |
44. Which horror movie serial killer are you?¿ | Yes/No |  | 22 votes |
45. Resident Evil 4[can you survive it] | Multi-Choice |  | 20 votes |
46. What undead minion are you | Yes/No |  | 6 votes |
47. Select The Conspiracy Theory That's Right For You. | Yes/No |  | 5 votes |
48. Which murder weapon would suit you? | Yes/No |  | 40 votes |
49. Zombie survival selector | Yes/No |  | 12 votes |
50. Stephen King Book | Yes/No |  | 3 votes |
51. Are You Homicidal | Yes/No |  | 5 votes |
52. What fictional vampire would you be? | Yes/No |  | 14 votes |
53. Which Children of the Corn character are you? | Yes/No |  | 18 votes |
54. What Classic Horror Monster are YOU? | Yes/No |  | 79 votes |
55. Which Twilight Character are You? | Yes/No |  | 1983 votes |
56. Am I a Werewolf? Or not? | Yes/No |  | 919 votes |
57. What type of vampire are you? | Yes/No |  | 38 votes |
58. What Halloween costume are you? | Yes/No |  | 46 votes |
59. What horror character are you? | Yes/No |  | 30 votes |
60. The Vampire Test | Yes/No |  | 33 votes |
61. What Horror Movie Would I Recommend To You? | Multi-Choice |  | 22 votes |
62. fridaythe13th | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
63. How would you die? | Yes/No |  | 19 votes |
64. Which Halloween H20 Character are you most like? | Yes/No |  | 18 votes |
65. Which type of vampire are you? | Multi-Choice |  | 9 votes |
66. what evil horror bitch are you? | Yes/No |  | 6 votes |
67. What Horror movie character are you? | Yes/No |  | 46 votes |
68. What demon are you? | Yes/No |  | 17 votes |
69. which angel character | Yes/No |  | 8 votes |
70. My Vampires (For Guys) | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
71. Soul Reaver Character Test | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
72. Phear/fobia | Yes/No |  | 46 votes |
73. The Death Clock ticks | Yes/No |  | 26 votes |
74. Which fictional film serial killer are you? | Yes/No |  | 4 votes |
75. Who in the vampire chronicles would be your best lover | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
76. which underworld charactor are you? | Yes/No |  | 8 votes |
77. Which Vampire Are You? | Yes/No |  | 1 vote |
78. Which Haunted House Remake from 1999 would you prefer? | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
79. Horror questions | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |
80. Does DJ Eloton like you? | Yes/No |  | 2 votes |