This quiz tests thE pUnk TEst you just bought your first rancid cd. so young.... Humor Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Humor IQ Quiz is based upon the selector thE pUnk TEst by ben friday.
Test your knowledge of:
you just bought your first rancid cd. so young....

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

do you spend more time putting glue in your hair than you do showering?
True False

do you consider safety pins not only jewelry but a divine unifying force?
True False

do you like to show people your scars from really good shows?
True False

do you fear going to shows because of the possibilty of running into countless ex girlfriends or boyfriends or people who look a lot like them?
True False

do you smoke and drink more than you eat or sleep?
True False

can you find a picture of yourself WITHOUT your middle finger raised?
True False

can people hear you coming a block away due to the chains and rings?
True False

is it really hard to go to the bathroom with all the belts and straps around your waist?
True False

do you know what your shirt originally said?
True False

has people coming up to you and touching your spikes become a daily annoyance?
True False

do you have more black in your closet than any color? (in addition to a vast array of multicolor chucks)
True False

is it difficult thinking of original colors to dye your hair?
True False

do you find you get arrested too often for really dumb things?
True False

is your car considered a dangerous weapon even when parked?
True False

if you're a chick do you have an unhealty fascination with davey havok? if youre a dude, does your old lady have one?
True False

do you spend more money on tats and piercing that anything?
True False

does everything you write have the "i's dotted with little "x"?
True False

do you consider blink 182, american hi-fi, green day, sum 41, offspring punk?
True False

do you think gg alllin is a god?
True False

do you think this test the most retarded thing ever?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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