This quiz tests Xenogears Quiz You are Big Joe (Joe Balboa). Ok, Joe. Now repeat after me: "I am 4000 years old." "I am a sports star." "I am NOT Elvis." Role Playing Games Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Role Playing Games IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Xenogears Quiz by Blankety Blank Man.
Test your knowledge of:
You are Big Joe (Joe Balboa). Ok, Joe. Now repeat after me: "I am 4000 years old." "I am a sports star." "I am NOT Elvis."

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you hate fighting, yet are sometimes forced into battle?
True False

Are you a friendly man with a dark past, and have you changed your name to get away?
True False

Are you a compassionate woman that is forced to do the will of her country, though you do not like it?
True False

Do you have any great amount of gunner skill, and/or are you a religious man?
True False

Are you an outcast, perhaps in some way disformed, yet are really caring at heart, beneath all your outward strength?
True False

Are you a young girl that has never known or knew very little of her parents, yet yearns for them to be by her side?
True False

Are you an upstart young rouge who would rather be off galavanting on some adventure than fulfilling the duties you have been assigned by your parents?
True False

Do you not understand the meaning of your existance, and would you kill to learn it?
True False

Does everything that goes wrong in life happen to you, and do you resent the entire world because of it?
True False

Are you a cold, heartless killer, that will do whatever suits your whim, only to be stuck in the eternal cycle of not getting what you truly want, and when you are so very close, you are suddenly denied it?
True False

Do you have plans to rule the world and perhaps recreate God to do it?
True False

Are you a stoned old guy with a trench coat and a shotgun, totally the opposite of your religious relatives?
True False

Do you think that you are Elvis?
True False

Are you cool as a cucumber, yet ready to battle at a moments notice (by the way, why are your eyes always closed?)
True False

Do you have an irritable temper, yet can for some reason get along with your insane little sister?
True False

Are you the insane little sister from Question #15?
True False

Is all you want to do with your life to avenge the honor of the man you trust and beleive in?
True False

Is your purpose on this planet to absorb those that were made to repair your damage, then destroy the universe?
True False

Do you think that you may be 4000 years old? More?
True False

Do you like fire?
True False

Do you like water?
True False

Do you like wind?
True False

Do you like earth?
True False

Are you the reasons humans As We Know Them exist?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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