This quiz tests Which Nazi are you?! You're Himmler! Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Nazi are you?! by Clockwork Mongoose.
Test your knowledge of:
You're Himmler!

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

As a child, were you ever picked on by other children?
True False

If you clicked Yes (If you said No to question one then just pretend you said Yes) then did you ever extract revenge by say, kicking the shit out of them in a dark alley?
True False

Or did you plot your revenge slowly and carefully before destroying their whole lives in one swift and incredibly clever blow?
True False

Or did you pay some of the bigger kids to smite all your enemies?
True False

Or did you take it like a "man" and realise that they were just taking out their frustrations from violence acted upon them from some other source and so deserved no harm just because they're making your life hell?
True False

Have you ever hurt someone different from you and your perfect race?
True False

If you saw an injured puppy in the road would you help it (click Yes) or run it over to put out its misery (click No) or run away (Click No Preference)?
True False

If you saw a happy puppy running about happily in the street, would you take it home as yours (click Yes), run it over because otherwise a car might possibly hit it maybe (click No), or would you run away (click I'm a pussy... I mean click No Preference)?
True False

Have you ever tried religious genocide?
True False

Are personality tests opinions of you always wrong and therefore evil and hence they must all be destroyed?
True False

Is there a crisp flavour (chips for you Americans) which is better then all other crisp flavours and because it is better all other flavours should be destroyed?
True False

Is German beer the best in the world?
True False

Is it okay to call all Americans fat?
True False

Does it matter if you don't distinguish between Canadians and United Statians (because they are both evil anyway)?
True False

Do you have a little moustache?
True False

Can you persuade your friends to give you money by using only beautiful words to make them understand why they should give it to you?
True False

Are all people created equal, except for you of course (your obviously better then them)?
True False

Do you use your hands a lot while talking?
True False

Are your good and trustworthy friends about to attack you from behind in an evil and backhanded way?
True False

Is your surname Hitler?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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