timcurry knowledge & trivia quizzes; IQ tests
List of IQ quizzes below:

Then test your IQ in this category with these knowledge quizzes:
  1. Dr. Frank-N-Furter, "The Rocky Horror

  2. Darkness, "Legend"

  3. Wadsworth, "Clue"

  4. Dr. Petrov, "The Hunt for Red October"

  5. Pennywise the Clown, "It"

  6. Mr. Hector, the Concierge, "Home Alone

  7. Cardinal Richelieu, "The Three Muskete

  8. Farley Claymore, "The Shadow"

  9. Herkemer Homolka, "Congo"

  10. Long John Silver, "Muppet Treasure Isl

  11. Gomez Addams, "Addams Family Reunion"

  12. Roger Corwin, "Charlie's Angels"

Step #1, find your best match with this Movies Selector:
Tim Curry character selector

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